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Last active January 16, 2016 21:41
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  • Save jamezrin/1a7eae9ee16f3d90b507 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jamezrin/1a7eae9ee16f3d90b507 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@echo off
::The number of bots
set BOTS=10
::The ip to connect
set IP=
::The delay between connections
set DELAY=0
::The name for the bots
set NAME=Bot%%N
echo Putting %BOTS% bots into %IP%
for /l %%N in (1 1 %BOTS%) do (
timeout %DELAY% /nobreak > nul
start cmd.exe /c MinecraftClient.exe %NAME% - %IP%
echo %NAME% has entered %IP%
echo %BOTS% bots have entered %IP%, press a key to stop or Crlt+C to close this window
goto stop
echo Closing all bots instances
taskkill /f /im MinecraftClient.exe
echo All the bots instances have been closed, press a key to start again or Crlt+C to close this window
goto start
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