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Created October 11, 2017 05:13
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[aka. "Project RHUA"]
- What is "Project RHUA" ?
It is a personal project I launched in spring 2001. Since I was already a
video game music die-hard fan, I was thinking about a way to express my love
for this style which could be more productive than just listening to them.
So, the goal was to realize a selection of some video game music, so that it
could make those who would listen to it imagine some story behind it. Nothing
really terrific about it, heh, but the idea really turned me on, and I decided
to play the game and to go through with it.
So that's how was born "A Reluctant Hero's Untold Adventures", which could be
the SoundTrack of some sort of story. A story I imagined while selecting the
musics, with characters and places well defined, but is not to be written by me.
- What do I have to do or wait for if I download these musics ?
Well, fundamentally nothing. These are just popular themes, which you may
already know quite well, and my part of the job was only to select them,
retouch, organize and mix them, give them new titles (but sometimes I kept the
orginal or put one that came from another game), and illustrate the whole
thing. For the illustrations too, all I did was re-use already-existing
elements, so as to go in the direction I set for my project. By the way, if you
don't like seeing different creations being mixed up, well don't waste your time
on this project !
So, there is nothing I can demand to you. But if the result of this project
inspires you some comments or, even better, a personal idea of the story behind
it, feel free to let me know about it, for it is the most positive result I
could ever expect !
- Can I distribute this project around ?
Of course, since all the elements composing "A Reluctant Hero's Untold
Adventures" are already (more or less) in the public domain. But what I ask is
that this little documentation to be included. When I decided to let others
know about this project, it was with the hope of seeing people respond to its
inner message by letting their imagination wander and then telling me about
what came from it.
- How are this project's files intended to be used so as to get the best
experience ?
The MP3 files are to be burned on a CDR (about 74 minutes). Be careful on
setting the burning mode to disc-at-once, for most musics have been
cross-faded. Once it is burnt, the best is to listen to it ENTIRELY and, if
possible, WITHOUT doing ANYTHING else.
The JPG files are to be printed and set so as to form a leaflet of 10 pages,
plus the last picture to be put on the back of the CD case. Just remember to
fix the printing dimenstions to 12x12 centimeters for the 10 first images and
15x12 centimenters for the last one (which represents a drawn map).
- I like it very much ! Will a sequel exist someday ?
Well, who knows... But if exists one day, it is more likely to be a successor,
rather than a sequel, I think.
Celeri ( / ICQ-1701532)
| PROLOGUE : A Premonition
(01) | Astoria Island / It Happened One Evening
LM01 | (Legend Of Mana)
(02) | Inside Our Hero's Dream / Destiny Is Calling
CC15 | (Chrono Cross)
| CHAPTER ONE : With A Little Help From Above
(03) | Forcena Beach / Decision For A Journey
CC01 | (Chrono Cross)
(04) | Across The Ocean Sea / Facing The Storm
CS29 | (Castlevania - Nocturne In The Moonlight)
(05) | At The Edge Of Death / There Is Something You Have To Know
CS19 | (Castlevania - Nocturne In The Moonlight)
(06) | A Vision / What The Legend Tells
VP00 | (Valkyrie Profile)
| CHAPTER TWO : Let The Crusade Begin !
(07) | Unfamiliar Seashore / A Blessing To Wake You Up
CC44 | (Chrono Cross)
(08) | Sunny Meadows Of Termina / Flowers Bring Back Memories
VP20 | (Valkyrie Profile)
(09) | Peaceful Village / Meeting The Sprite Lazzuly
LM06 | (Legend Of Mana)
(10) | Path To The Forest / Gnome, Earth Elemental
LM15 | (Legend Of Mana)
| CHAPTER THREE : Hearts Of Fire
(11) | Forest Of Wonders / In Search Of Our Way
CC08 | (Chrono Cross)
(12) | Lakeside Cemetery / Wandering Souls To Listen To
VP21 | (Valkyrie Profile)
(13) | Sacred Grounds Of Wendel / Meeting The Cleric Janus
LM14 | (Legend Of Mana)
(14) | Underground Cavern / Pathways Into Darkness
CS16 | (Castlevania - Nocturne In The Moonlight)
(15) | The Frozen Flame / Undine, Water Elemental
CC41 | (Chrono Cross)
| CHAPTER FOUR : Unbiased Forces Of Nature
(16) | Hazardous Hideout / Restless Sleep
XG20 | (Xenogears)
(17) | Lost Woods By Nightfall / Monster Dance
GSG5 | (Genso Suikoden Gaiden - Swordman Of Harmonia)
(18) | Swamps Of Hydora / A Strange Feeling
CC11 | (Chrono Cross)
(19) | Mysterious Shack / Meeting The Magician Moth
LM26 | (Legend Of Mana)
(20) | Cliff Town Of Rolante / Where Winds Keep Whispering
LM10 | (Legend Of Mana)
(21) | Summit Temple Of Altena / Sylphid, Wind Elemental
LM11 | (Legend Of Mana)
| CHAPTER FIVE : Getting Closer To The Point
(22) | Northern Fortress / Meeting The Knight Neclord
LM08 | (Legend Of Mana)
(23) | Ancient Temple's Remains / Let's Stay Wary
CC29 | (Chrono Cross)
(24) | Collapsing Ruins / Run For Your Life !
CC02 | (Chrono Cross)
(25) | Abandoned Mines / The Eyes Of The Heart
CS18 | (Castlevania - Nocturne In The Moonlight)
(26) | Deep Inside The Ground / Athanor, Fire Elemental
VP24 | (Castlevania - Nocturne In The Moonlight)
| CHAPTER SIX : The Warriors of Dawn
(27) | Heading For The Dark Castle / A Determinate Team
GSG9 | (Genso Suikoden Gaiden - Swordman Of Harmonia)
(28) | Castle's Main Entrance / Gate Of Evil Fog
CS01 | (Castlevania - Nocturne In The Moonlight)
(29) | Castle Of Elsinore / Dwelling Of Doom
CS11 | (Castlevania - Nocturne In The Moonlight)
(30) | Painting Gallery / A Bell Is Tolling
CS20 | (Castlevania - Nocturne In The Moonlight)
(31) | Wicked Foes Spring Up / Let Bravery Be Your Guide
VP01 | (Valkyrie Profile)
(32) | Never Ending Maze / Endurance Shall Save You
VP03 | (Valkyrie Profile)
(33) | In Front Of The Last Door / The Darkest Hour
ZMM2 | (The Legend Of Zelda - Majora's Mask)
(34) | Battle With Yamaneco / To The Last Drop Of My Blood
VP10 | (Valkyrie Profile)
| CHAPTER SEVEN : Another Chance Given
(35) | Four Spirits Awaken / A Prophecy Comes True
ZMM1 | (The Legend Of Zelda - Majora's Mask)
(36) | The Day After / Sunrise Over A New World
XG12 | (Xenogears)
(37) | A Land Back Alive / Turn Over A New Leaf
MGS | (Metal Gear Solid)
(38) | Journeymen Splitting Up / Everyone Has His Own Fate
CC38 | (Chrono Cross)
| EPILOGUE : To Good Friends
(39) | Closing Titles / Five Valiant Hearts, One Angel
LM04 | (Legend Of Mana)
(40) | Back Home / I Won't Forget
CC37 | (Chrono Cross)
(c)2001-2002. CELERIsoft(R) Productions(TM), all rights reserved.
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