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Last active March 4, 2016 04:07
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Amicus Briefs in Support of Apple

Amicus Briefs in Support of Apple


  • Airbnb [6]
  • [8]
  • Atlassian [6]
  • AT&T [19,20]
  • Automattic [6,7]
  • AVG Technologies [21]
  • Box [8,9]
  • Cisco [8]
  • CloudFlare [6]
  • Data Foundry [21]
  • Dropbox [8]
  • eBay [6]
  • Evernote [8,10]
  • Facebook [8,11]
  • GitHub [6]
  • Golden Frog [21,22]
  • Google [8]
  • Intel [31]
  • KickStarter [6]
  • LinkedIn [6]
  • Mapbox
  • Meetup [6]
  • Microsoft [8,12]
  • Mozilla [8,13]
  • Nest [8]
  • Pintrest [8]
  • Reddit [6]
  • Slack [8]
  • Snapchat [8,14]
  • Square [6]
  • Squarespace [6]
  • TechNet [24]
  • Twilio [6]
  • Twitter [6]
  • Whatsapp [8,15]
  • Wickr [2,3,6]
  • Yahoo [8]


  • Access Now [2,3]
  • ACT/The App Association [4,5]
  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) [17,18]
  • ACLU of Northern California [17,18]
  • ACLU of Southern California [17,18]
  • ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties [17,18]
  • BSA|The Software Alliance [24,25]
  • Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) [26,27]
  • Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) [21,23]
  • Consumer Technology Association [24]
  • Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) [28,29,30]
  • Human Rights Watch [32]
  • Information Technology Industry Council [24]
  • Internet Association [21]
  • Internet Infrustructure Coalition [21]
  • The Media Institute [33]
  • Privacy International [32]


Law Professors

  • Janet Ainsworth (John D. Eshelman Professor of Law – Seattle University) [1]
  • Jordan (Jody) M. Blanke (Ernest L. Baskin, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Computer Information Systems and Law Stetson School of Business & Economics Mercer University) [1]
  • Annemarie Bridy (Professor – University of Idaho College of Law) [1]
  • Dan L. Burk (Chancellor's Professor of Law – University of California, Irvine) [1]
  • Adam Candeub (Professor of Law, Director, IP, Information, and Communications Law Program – Michigan State University College of Law) [1]
  • Michael A. Carrier (Distinguished Professor – Rutgers Law School) [1]
  • Megan M. Carpenter (Professor of Law – Co-Director, Center for Law and Intellectual Property (CLIP) – Faculty Director, IP and Technology Law Clinic – Faculty Director, Entrepreneurship Law Clinic – Texas A&M University School of Law) [1]
  • Anupam Chander (Professor – University of California, Davis, School of Law) [1]
  • Andrew Chin (Associate Professor – University of North Carolina School of Law) [1]
  • A. Michael Froomkin (Laurie Silvers & Mitchell Rubenstein Distinguished Professor of Law – University of Miami) [1]
  • David Gray (University of Maryland, Francis King Carey School of Law) [1]
  • Woodrow Hartzog (Associate Professor – Samford University’s Cumberland School of Law) [1]
  • Stephen E. Henderson (Judge Haskell A. Holloman Professor of Law – The University of Oklahoma) [1]
  • Margot E. Kaminski (Assistant Professor – The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law Affiliated Fellow, Information Society Project at Yale Law School) [1]
  • Raymond Ku (Professor of Law – Case Western Reserve University School of Law) [1]
  • Mark A. Lemley (William H. Neukom Professor, Stanford Law School Director, Stanford Program in Law, Science, and Technology Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research partner, Durie Tangri LLP co-founder, Lex Machina Inc.) [1]
  • Richard A. Leo, Ph.D., J.D. (Hamill Family Professor of Law and Psychology – University of San Francisco) [1]
  • David S. Levine (Visiting Research Collaborator, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University; Associate Professor and Chair, Faculty Development, Elon University School of Law; Affiliate Scholar, Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School) [1]
  • Yvette Joy Liebesman (Associate Professor of Law – Saint Louis University School of Law) [1]
  • Deirdre K. Mulligan (Associate Professor of Law – School of Information – University of California at Berkeley) [1]
  • Ira Steven Nathenson (Professor of Law – St. Thomas University School of Law) [1]
  • Blake E. Reid (Assistant Clinical Professor – Colorado Law) [1]
  • Neil Richards (Professor of Law – Washington University) [1]
  • Jorge R. Roig (Associate Professor of Law – Charleston School of Law) [1]
  • Ira Rubinstein (Senior Fellow and Adjunct Professor – Information Law Institute – New York University School of Law) [1]
  • Victoria Schwartz (Associate Professor – Pepperdine University School of Law) [1]
  • Robert H. Sloan (Professor and Department Head – University of Illinois at Chicago Dept. of Computer Science) [1]
  • Stephen F. Smith (Professor of Law – University of Notre Dame) [1]
  • Daniel J. Solove (John Marshall Harlan Research Professor of Law – George Washington University Law School) [1]
  • Gerry Stegmaier (George Mason University School of Law) [1]
  • Daniel J. Weitzner (Principal Research Scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence – Lab, Director, MIT Internet Policy Research Initiative) [1]
  • Michael Zimmer, PhD (Associate Professor and PhD Program Director, School of Information Studies – Director, Center for Information Policy Research University of WisconsinMilwaukee) [1]

Technologists, Researchers, Cryptographers

  • Josh Aas (Founder, Internet Security Research Group (ISRG)) [28]
  • Dr. Harold "Hal" Albelson (Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), founding director of Creative Commons and Public Knowledge) [28]
  • Judy Anderson (B.A Philosophy and M.S. in Computer Science from Stanford) [28]
  • Andrew W. Appel (Eugene Higgins Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University) [28]
  • Tom Ball (Staff Software Engineer at Google) [28]
  • Boaz Barak (Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science at Harvard University's John A. Paulson school of Engineering and Applied Sciences) [28]
  • Brian Behlendorf (Managing Director at Mithril Capital Management,Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Member of Board of Directors at the Mozilla Foundation and Benetech, Former Advisor to the Office of Science and Technology Policy at the White House/Department of Health and Hman Services, CTO at World Economic Forum, First President of the Apache Software Foundation) [28]
  • Rich Belgard (Former Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)'s Special Intrest Group on Microarchitectures, Former Vice-Chair of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Technical Committee on Microprogramming and Microarchitectures, Awards Chair and Industry Advisory Board Co-Chair for the IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Fellow) [28]
  • Daniel J. Bernstein (Part-time Research Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Part-time Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Served as Plantiff in the landmark case of Bernstein v. DOJ, which established that code is speech protected by the First Amendment) [28]
  • Matt Bishop (Faculty Member at the Department of Computer Science at the University of California at Davis) [28]
  • Joshua Bloch (Professor of the Practice at Carnegie Mellon Univesity School of Computer Science) [28]
  • Fredrick P. Brooks, Jr. (Kenan Professor of Computer Science at UNC-Chapel Hill, Emeritus) [28]
  • Dr. Mark Davis (Co-founder of the Unicode project, President of the Unicode Consortium) [28]
  • Jeff Dean (Senior Fellow in Google's Knowledge Group, Co-designed/implemented five generations of Google's crawling, indexing, and query serving systems, Co-designed/implemented major pieces of Google's initial advertizing and AdSense for Content Systems, Designed computer software for epidemiology and for statistical analysis of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic at both the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO), Fellow of the ACM and the AAAS, Member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering) [28]
  • Dr. L. Peter Deutsch (Ph.D. in Computer Science from U.C. Berkeley, Developed Programming Systems that dramatically improved performance of Java and JavaScript implementations at Xerox PARC) [28]
  • David L. Dill (Donald E. Knuth Professor of Computer Science, Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Fellow of the ACM) [28]
  • Lester "Les" Earnest (Computer Scientist involved with the Advanced Research Project Agency Network (ARPAnet) startup committee, Inventor of the Finger Protocol, US Navy Aviation Electronics Officer, Digital Computer Project Officer at the Naval Air Development Center, Helped design the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment air defense system at MIT, Innovated numerous early features in the nascent field of word processing including the first spell-checker) [28]
  • Brendan Eich (President/CEO of Brace Software, Former CTO/CEO of Mozilla Corporation, Co-founder of the Mozilla project and foundation, Helped launch Mozilla's Firefox Web Browser and Thunderbird e-mail client, Invented JavaScript, the internet's most widely used programming language) [28]
  • David Farber [28]
  • Joan Feigenbaum [28]
  • Professor Michael Fischer [28]
  • Bryan Ford [28]
  • Matthew Keith "Matt" Franklin [28]
  • Dr. Matthew Green [28]
  • J. Alex Halderman [28]
  • Martin E. Hellman [28]
  • Nadia Heninger [28]
  • Miguel de Icaza [28]
  • Professor Tanja Lange [28]
  • Ed Lozowska [28]
  • George Ledin, Jr. [28]
  • Patrick McDaniel [28]
  • David Patterson [28]
  • Vern Paxson [28]
  • Thomas Ristenpart [28]
  • Professor Ron Rivest [28]
  • Phillip Rogaway [28]
  • Greg Rose [28]
  • Guido van Rossum [28]
  • Tom Shrimpton [28]
  • Barbara Simons [28]
  • Eugene H. Spafford [28]
  • Dan S. Wallach [28]
  • Nickolai Zeldovich [28]
  • Yan Zhu [28]
  • Phillip R. Zimmermann [28]

iPhone Security and Applied Cryptography Experts

  • Dino Dai Zovi [34]
  • Dan Boneh (Standford) [34]
  • Charlie Miller [34]
  • Dr. Hovav Shacham (UC San Diego) [34]
  • Bruce Schneier (Harvard) [34]
  • Dan Wallach (Rice) [34]
  • Jonathan Zdziarski [34]


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