We're looking for community feedback for the Object.hasOwn()
TC39 proposal which is currently at Stage 3 and is being implemented in browsers.
If you successfully migrate your codebase to Object.hasOwn()
please provide us with feedback even if its just a 👍
If you have any trouble with this codemod feel free to comment here.
npm install object.hasown
import "object.hasown/auto"
// or
import hasOwn from "object.hasown"
if (!Object.hasOwn) {
View Source • @codemod/cli docs
npx \
-p @codemod/cli \
codemod \
--remote-plugin https://astexplorer.net/\#/gist/d5ceeb062688edbd8bee8e98967a94be/84b76a4dfd3f6e89ba388aa70f25d351dd5af309 \
src # replace with your source directory
import has from "has"
import lodash from "lodash"
import lodashDotHas from "lodash.has"
import lodashSlashHas from "lodash/has"
import * as lodashEs from "lodash-es"
import {has as lodashEsHas} from "lodash-es"
import lodashEsSlashHas from "lodash-es/has"
has(obj, "prop")
lodash.has(obj, "prop")
lodashDotHas(obj, "prop")
lodashSlashHas(obj, "prop")
lodashEs.has(obj, "prop")
lodashEsHas(obj, "prop")
lodashEsSlashHas(obj, "prop")
Object.hasOwn(obj, "prop");
Object.hasOwn(obj, "prop");
Object.hasOwn(obj, "prop");
Object.hasOwn(obj, "prop");
Object.hasOwn(obj, "prop");
Object.hasOwn(obj, "prop");
Object.hasOwn(obj, "prop");
- This codemod does not support some lodash features like nested
lodash.has(obj, "nested.properties")
- There are minor differences between these libraries and
(very few people should be affected by this)