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Last active December 27, 2019 20:15
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PyDub demo
import urllib.request
from pydub import AudioSegment
from pydub.playback import play
from pydub.generators import Sine
# Download an audio file
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "metallic-drums.wav")
# Load into PyDub
loop = AudioSegment.from_wav("metallic-drums.wav")
# Repeat 2 times
loop2 = loop * 2
# Get length in milliseconds
length = len(loop2)
# Set fade time
fade_time = int(length * 0.5)
# Fade in and out
faded = loop2.fade_in(fade_time).fade_out(fade_time)
# Play the faded loop
# Download another loop
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "beat.wav")
# Load into PyDub
beat = AudioSegment.from_wav("beat.wav")
# Filter the beat at 2kHz
filtered = beat.low_pass_filter(3000)
# Mix loop2 with a reversed version
loop2 = loop2.reverse().pan(-0.5).overlay(loop2.pan(0.5))
# Mix our filtered beat with the new loop2
final = filtered.overlay(loop2-3, loop=True)
# Play the result
# Save the result to an MP3 file
final.export("final.mp3", format="mp3")
# Create an empty segment to store our result
result = AudioSegment.silent(duration=0)
# Loop over 0-14
for n in range(15):
# Generate a sine tone with frequency 200 * n
gen = Sine(200 * n)
# Turn the tone into an AudioSegment with duration 200ms and gain -3
sine = gen.to_audio_segment(duration=200).apply_gain(-3)
# Fade in / out
sine = sine.fade_in(50).fade_out(100)
# Append the sine to our result
result += sine
# Play the result
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