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Created June 23, 2017 09:03
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data PercentageBase100 = PercentageBase100 Double deriving (Eq,Show)
instance FromField PercentageBase100 where
parseField p = pure $ (f . read . BS8.unpack) p
where f = checkPercentageBounds (0.0, 100.0) PercentageBase100
checkPercentageBounds :: (Double,Double) ->
(Double -> a) -> Scientific -> a
checkPercentageBounds (low, high) f s
| ((d < low) || (d > high)) = error $ "That's an invalid percentage, expected " ++ (show d) ++ " to be in the range " ++ (show (low,high))
| otherwise = f $ d
where d = toRealFloat s
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