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Created August 11, 2018 07:13
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Pop!_OS theme for Vim
" Author: Jamie Dumont <>
" Version: 0.1.0
" License: MIT
" Theme constructed using the same format as vim-gotham, built by
" Andrea Leopardi -
" Bootstrap ===================================================================
hi clear
if exists('syntax_on') | syntax reset | endif
set background=dark
let g:colors_name = 'pop_os'
" Helper functions =============================================================
" Execute the 'highlight' command with a List of arguments.
function! s:Highlight(args)
exec 'highlight ' . join(a:args, ' ')
function! s:AddGroundValues(accumulator, ground, color)
let new_list = a:accumulator
for [where, value] in items(a:color)
call add(new_list, where . a:ground . '=' . value)
return new_list
function! s:Col(group, fg_name, ...)
" ... = optional bg_name
let pieces = [a:group]
if a:fg_name !=# ''
let pieces = s:AddGroundValues(pieces, 'fg', s:colors[a:fg_name])
if a:0 > 0 && a:1 !=# ''
let pieces = s:AddGroundValues(pieces, 'bg', s:colors[a:1])
call s:Clear(a:group)
call s:Highlight(pieces)
function! s:Attr(group, attr)
let l:attrs = [a:group, 'term=' . a:attr, 'cterm=' . a:attr, 'gui=' . a:attr]
call s:Highlight(l:attrs)
function! s:Clear(group)
exec 'highlight clear ' . a:group
" Colors ======================================================================
" Let's store all the colors in a dictionary.
let s:colors = {}
" Base colors.
let s:colors.base0 = { 'gui': '#0c1014', 'cterm': 0 }
let s:colors.base1 = { 'gui': '#11151c', 'cterm': 8 }
let s:colors.base2 = { 'gui': '#091f2e', 'cterm': 10 }
let s:colors.base3 = { 'gui': '#0a3749', 'cterm': 12 }
let s:colors.base4 = { 'gui': '#1e6479', 'cterm': 11 }
let s:colors.base5 = { 'gui': '#599cab', 'cterm': 14 }
let s:colors.base6 = { 'gui': '#99d1ce', 'cterm': 7 }
let s:colors.base7 = { 'gui': '#d3ebe9', 'cterm': 15 }
" Other colors.
let = { 'gui': '#c23127', 'cterm': 1 }
let = { 'gui': '#d26937', 'cterm': 9 }
let s:colors.yellow = { 'gui': '#edb443', 'cterm': 3 }
let s:colors.magenta = { 'gui': '#888ca6', 'cterm': 13 }
let s:colors.violet = { 'gui': '#4e5166', 'cterm': 5 }
let = { 'gui': '#195466', 'cterm': 4 }
let s:colors.cyan = { 'gui': '#33859E', 'cterm': 6 }
let = { 'gui': '#2aa889', 'cterm': 2 }
" Neovim :terminal colors.
let g:terminal_color_0 = get(s:colors.base0, 'gui')
let g:terminal_color_8 = g:terminal_color_0
let g:terminal_color_1 = get(, 'gui')
let g:terminal_color_9 = g:terminal_color_1
let g:terminal_color_2 = get(, 'gui')
let g:terminal_color_10 = g:terminal_color_2
let g:terminal_color_3 = get(s:colors.yellow, 'gui')
let g:terminal_color_11 = g:terminal_color_3
let g:terminal_color_4 = get(, 'gui')
let g:terminal_color_12 = g:terminal_color_4
let g:terminal_color_5 = get(s:colors.violet, 'gui')
let g:terminal_color_13 = g:terminal_color_5
let g:terminal_color_6 = get(s:colors.cyan, 'gui')
let g:terminal_color_14 = g:terminal_color_6
let g:terminal_color_7 = get(s:colors.base6, 'gui')
let g:terminal_color_15 = g:terminal_color_7
" Native highlighting ==========================================================
let s:background = 'base0'
let s:linenr_background = 'base1'
" Everything starts here.
call s:Col('Normal', 'base6', s:background)
" Line, cursor and so on.
call s:Col('Cursor', 'base1', 'base6')
call s:Col('CursorLine', '', 'base1')
call s:Col('CursorColumn', '', 'base1')
" Sign column, line numbers.
call s:Col('LineNr', 'blue', s:linenr_background)
call s:Col('CursorLineNr', 'base5', s:linenr_background)
call s:Col('SignColumn', '', s:linenr_background)
call s:Col('ColorColumn', '', s:linenr_background)
" Visual selection.
call s:Col('Visual', '', 'base3')
" Easy-to-guess code elements.
call s:Col('Comment', 'blue')
call s:Col('String', 'green')
call s:Col('Number', 'orange')
call s:Col('Statement', 'base5')
call s:Col('Special', 'orange')
call s:Col('Identifier', 'base5')
" Constants, Ruby symbols.
call s:Col('Constant', 'magenta')
" Some HTML tags (<title>, some <h*>s)
call s:Col('Title', 'orange')
" <a> tags.
call s:Col('Underlined', 'yellow')
call s:Attr('Underlined', 'underline')
" Types, HTML attributes, Ruby constants (and class names).
call s:Col('Type', 'orange')
" Stuff like 'require' in Ruby.
call s:Col('PreProc', 'red')
" Tildes on the bottom of the page.
call s:Col('NonText', 'blue')
" Concealed stuff.
call s:Col('Conceal', 'cyan', s:background)
" TODO and similar tags.
call s:Col('Todo', 'magenta', s:background)
" The column separating vertical splits.
call s:Col('VertSplit', 'blue', s:linenr_background)
call s:Col('StatusLineNC', 'blue', 'base2')
" Matching parenthesis.
call s:Col('MatchParen', 'base6', 'orange')
" Special keys, e.g. some of the chars in 'listchars'. See ':h listchars'.
call s:Col('SpecialKey', 'base3')
" Folds.
call s:Col('Folded', 'base6', 'blue')
call s:Col('FoldColumn', 'base5', 'base3')
" Searching.
call s:Col('Search', 'base2', 'yellow')
call s:Attr('IncSearch', 'reverse')
" Popup menu.
call s:Col('Pmenu', 'base6', 'base2')
call s:Col('PmenuSel', 'base7', 'blue')
call s:Col('PmenuSbar', '', 'base2')
call s:Col('PmenuThumb', '', 'blue')
" Command line stuff.
call s:Col('ErrorMsg', 'red', 'base1')
call s:Col('Error', 'red', 'base1')
call s:Col('ModeMsg', 'blue')
call s:Col('WarningMsg', 'red')
" Wild menu.
" StatusLine determines the color of the non-active entries in the wild menu.
call s:Col('StatusLine', 'base5', 'base2')
call s:Col('WildMenu', 'base7', 'cyan')
" The 'Hit ENTER to continue prompt'.
call s:Col('Question', 'green')
" Tab line.
call s:Col('TabLineSel', 'base7', 'blue') " the selected tab
call s:Col('TabLine', 'base6', 'base2') " the non-selected tabs
call s:Col('TabLineFill', 'base0', 'base0') " the rest of the tab line
" Spelling.
call s:Col('SpellBad', 'base7', 'red')
call s:Col('SpellCap', 'base7', 'blue')
call s:Col('SpellLocal', 'yellow')
call s:Col('SpellRare', 'base7', 'violet')
" Diffing.
call s:Col('DiffAdd', 'base7', 'green')
call s:Col('DiffChange', 'base7', 'blue')
call s:Col('DiffDelete', 'base7', 'red')
call s:Col('DiffText', 'base7', 'cyan')
call s:Col('DiffAdded', 'green')
call s:Col('DiffChanged', 'blue')
call s:Col('DiffRemoved', 'red')
call s:Col('DiffSubname', 'blue')
" Directories (e.g. netrw).
call s:Col('Directory', 'cyan')
" Programming languages and filetypes ==========================================
" Ruby.
call s:Col('rubyDefine', 'blue')
call s:Col('rubyStringDelimiter', 'green')
" HTML (and often Markdown).
call s:Col('htmlArg', 'blue')
call s:Col('htmlItalic', 'magenta')
call s:Col('htmlBold', 'cyan', '')
" Python
call s:Col('pythonStatement', 'blue')
" Plugin =======================================================================
" GitGutter
call s:Col('GitGutterAdd', 'green', s:linenr_background)
call s:Col('GitGutterChange', 'cyan', s:linenr_background)
call s:Col('GitGutterDelete', 'orange', s:linenr_background)
call s:Col('GitGutterChangeDelete', 'magenta', s:linenr_background)
" CtrlP
call s:Col('CtrlPNoEntries', 'base7', 'orange') " no entries
call s:Col('CtrlPMatch', 'green') " matching part
call s:Col('CtrlPPrtBase', 'blue') " '>>>' prompt
call s:Col('CtrlPPrtText', 'cyan') " text in the prompt
call s:Col('CtrlPPtrCursor', 'base7') " cursor in the prompt
" unite.vim
call s:Col('UniteGrep', 'base7', 'green')
let g:unite_source_grep_search_word_highlight = 'UniteGrep'
" ale
call s:Col('ALEWarningSign', 'yellow', s:linenr_background)
call s:Col('ALEErrorSign', 'red', s:linenr_background)
" neomake
call s:Col('NeomakeWarningSign', 'yellow', s:linenr_background)
call s:Col('NeomakeErrorSign', 'red', s:linenr_background)
call s:Col('NeomakeWarning', 'yellow')
call s:Col('NeomakeError', 'red')
" Cleanup =====================================================================
unlet s:colors
unlet s:background
unlet s:linenr_background
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