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Last active April 21, 2017 15:45
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In This Language (add your comments or suggestions)


foo bar baz qux

Required Output

Hello Foo
Hello Bar
Hello Baz
Hello Qux


$some_words = "foo bar baz qux";

$some_words_parts = explode(' ', $some_words);
foreach($some_words_parts as $word) {
  $title_case_word = ucwords($word);
  echo "Hello {$title_case_word}\n";


%w(foo bar baz qux).each do |word|
  title_case_word = word.gsub(/\b('?[a-z])/) { $1.capitalize }
  puts "Hello #{title_case_word}\n"
"foo bar baz qux".split.each { |word| puts "Hello " + word.capitalize }

credit: @wesbillman


some_words = "foo bar baz qux".split(' ')
for word in some_words:
  print "Hello %s" % word.title()

JavaScript (ES6)

"foo bar baz qux".split(" ").forEach((word) => {
  console.log("Hello " + word.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + word.substr(1))

credit: @kynatro

JavaScript (ES5)

var words = "foo bar baz qux".split(" ");
for(var i in words) {
  var word = words[i]
  console.log("Hello " + word.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + word.substr(1))

credit: @kynatro


var words = "foo bar baz qux".Split(' ');
foreach (var word in words)
    Console.WriteLine($"Hello {word.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper()}{word.Substring(1)}");

credit: @ymitis


"foo bar baz qux".components(separatedBy: " ").forEach { word in
    print("Hello \(word.capitalized)")

credit: @wesbillman


"foo bar baz qux".split(" ").forEach { println("Hello ${it.capitalize()}") }

credit: @wesbillman


"foo bar baz qux".split(" ").forEach (word) ->
  console.log "Hello " + word[0].toUpperCase() + word[1..-1].toLowerCase()

credit: @wesbillman


for _, word := range strings.Split("foo bar baz qux", " ") {
  fmt.Printf("Hello %s\n", strings.Title(word))

credit: @wesbillman

Objective C

NSArray* words = [@"foo bar baz qux" componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
for (NSString* word in words) {
  printf("Hello %s\n", [[word capitalizedString] UTF8String]);

credit: @wesbillman

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