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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Save jamiejackson/38e06abf6e3d8bc20d04 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Attempting to Create a Test Decorator for Running Dynamically-Generated Functions
* @mxunit:decorators DynamicFunctionsTestDecorator
component extends="mxunit.framework.TestCase" {
private function init() {
dynamicFunctions = {};
for (var i=1; i <= 10; i++) {
var functionName = "fooTest_#i#";
dynamicFunctions[functionName] = {
input = i,
expectedResult = i+10
for (var i=1; i <= 10; i++) {
var functionName = "barTest_#i#";
dynamicFunctions[functionName] = {
input = i,
expectedResult = i-5
private function fooTest(
required numeric input,
required numeric expectedResult
) {
var actualResult = input + 10;
actualResult == expectedResult,
"Expected #expectedResult#, but got #actualResult#"
private function barTest(
required numeric input,
required numeric expectedResult
) {
var actualResult = input + 5;
actualResult == expectedResult,
"Expected #expectedResult#, but got #actualResult#"
array function getDynamicTestFunctionNames() {
// writeDump(var=listToArray(structKeyList(dynamicFunctions)), abort=true);
return listToArray(structKeyList(dynamicFunctions));
function onMissingMethod(
required string missingMethodName,
required struct missingMethodArguments
) {
if ( reFindNoCase("test\d*", missingMethodName) ) {
input =
expectedResult =
<cfcomponent extends="mxunit.framework.TestDecorator" output="false" hint="Orders tests alphabetically">
<cffunction name="getRunnableMethods" output="false" access="public" returntype="any" hint="">
<cfset var methods = getTarget().getRunnableMethods() />
<!--- remove the methods that are unique to this test case type --->
<cfset arrayDelete(methods, "getDynamicTestFunctionNames") />
<cfset arrayDelete(methods, "onMissingMethod") />
<!--- add the dynamic functions --->
<cfset methods.addAll( getTarget().getDynamicTestFunctionNames() ) />
<cfset arraySort(methods, "text", "asc" )>
<cfreturn methods>
<cffunction name="getAnnotation" access="public" returntype="Any" hint="Returns the value for an annotation, allowing for an mxunit namespace or not">
<cfargument name="methodName" type="Any" required="false" hint="The name of the test method. An empty string means a testCase annotation" default="" />
<cfargument name="annotationName" type="Any" required="true" hint="The name of the annotation" />
<cfargument name="defaultValue" type="Any" required="false" default="" hint="The value to return if no annotation is found" />
<cfreturn super.getAnnotation(argumentCollection=arguments) />
<cfreturn arguments.defaultValue />
<cfset var returnVal = arguments.defaultValue />
<cfset var metadataTarget = this />
<cfset var metadata = "" />
<cfif len(arguments.methodName) gt 0>
<cfif not structKeyExists(this,arguments.methodName)>
<!--- JAJ Hack! don't throw exception, otherwise i get
"An annotation of expectedException was requested for the ... method, which does not exist."
<cfthrow type="mxunit.exception.methodNotFound"
message="An annotation of #arguments.annotationName# was requested for the #arguments.methodName# method, which does not exist."
detail="Check the name of the method." />
<cfset metadataTarget = this[arguments.methodName] />
<cfset metadata = getMetadata(metadataTarget) />
<!--- go lookup up inheritence tree, and move the metadata if neccessary --->
if(NOT Len(arguments.methodName))
while(StructKeyExists(metadata, "extends"))
if(StructKeyExists(metadata,"mxunit:" & arguments.annotationName) OR
metadata = metadata.extends;
<cfif StructKeyExists(metadata,"mxunit:" & arguments.annotationName)>
<cfset returnVal = metadata["mxunit:" & arguments.annotationName] />
<cfelseif StructKeyExists(metadata,arguments.annotationName)>
<cfset returnVal = metadata[arguments.annotationName] />
<cfreturn returnVal />
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