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Forked from boughtonp/gist:f27056ae9bf96afc42e1
Created November 19, 2012 16:47
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Modified FB skeleton Application.cfc
<cfcomponent output="false">
sample Application.cfc for ColdFusion MX 7 and later compatible systems
<!--- set application name based on the directory path --->
<cfset = getCurrentTemplatePath() />
<!--- enable debugging --->
<cfset FUSEBOX_PARAMETERS.debug = true />
<!--- force the directory in which we start to ensure CFC initialization works: --->
<cfset FUSEBOX_CALLER_PATH = getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()) />
<cfset FUSEBOX_APPLICATION_PATH = rePlaceNoCase(getDirectoryFromPath(getCurrentTemplatePath()), "wwwroot/", "") />
<!--- <cfdump var="#fusebox_application_path#" output="console" /> --->
if you define any onXxxYyy() handler methods, remember to start by calling
so that Fusebox's own methods are executed before yours
This.Mappings["/FuseboxMapping"] = expandPath('../fusebox5');
function onApplicationStart()
application.fb = createObject("component","FuseboxMapping.Application").bleed(variables);
function onRequestStart()
function onRequest()
function onRequestEnd()
function onError()
<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="true" />
<cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8" />
<!--- circuit: c --->
<!--- fuseaction: home --->
<cfset myFusebox.thisPhase = "preProcess">
<cfset myFusebox.thisCircuit = "c">
<cfset myFusebox.thisFuseaction = "home">
<cfset myFusebox.thisPlugin = "globalErrorHandlingPlugin"/>
<cfoutput><cfinclude template="../plugins/globalErrorHandlingPlugin.cfm"/></cfoutput>
<cfset myFusebox.thisPlugin = "reloadAppPlugin.cfm"/>
<cfoutput><cfinclude template="../plugins/reloadAppPlugin.cfm"/></cfoutput>
<cfset myFusebox.thisPlugin = "makeCfCookiesNonPersistentPlugin"/>
<cfoutput><cfinclude template="../plugins/makeCfCookiesNonPersistentPlugin.cfm"/></cfoutput>
<cfset myFusebox.thisPlugin = "udf"/>
<cfoutput><cfinclude template="../plugins/udf.cfm"/></cfoutput>
<cfset myFusebox.thisPhase = "requestedFuseaction">
<cfset xfa.formAction = "c.processLogin" />
<!--- do action="v.header" --->
<cfset myFusebox.thisCircuit = "v">
<cfset myFusebox.thisFuseaction = "header">
<cfoutput><cfinclude template="../../app/view/dsp_header.cfm"></cfoutput>
<cfcatch type="missingInclude"><cfif len(cfcatch.MissingFileName) gte 14 and right(cfcatch.MissingFileName,14) is "dsp_header.cfm">
<cfthrow type="fusebox.missingFuse" message="missing Fuse" detail="You tried to include a fuse dsp_header.cfm in circuit v which does not exist (from fuseaction v.header).">
<!--- do action="v.home" --->
<cfset myFusebox.thisFuseaction = "home">
<cfoutput><cfinclude template="../../app/view/dsp_home.cfm"></cfoutput>
<cfcatch type="missingInclude"><cfif len(cfcatch.MissingFileName) gte 12 and right(cfcatch.MissingFileName,12) is "dsp_home.cfm">
<cfthrow type="fusebox.missingFuse" message="missing Fuse" detail="You tried to include a fuse dsp_home.cfm in circuit v which does not exist (from fuseaction v.home).">
<!--- do action="v.footer" --->
<cfset myFusebox.thisFuseaction = "footer">
<cfoutput><cfinclude template="../../app/view/dsp_footer.cfm"></cfoutput>
<cfcatch type="missingInclude"><cfif len(cfcatch.MissingFileName) gte 14 and right(cfcatch.MissingFileName,14) is "dsp_footer.cfm">
<cfthrow type="fusebox.missingFuse" message="missing Fuse" detail="You tried to include a fuse dsp_footer.cfm in circuit v which does not exist (from fuseaction v.footer).">
Could not find the included template ../plugins/globalErrorHandlingPlugin.cfm.
Note: If you wish to use an absolute template path (for example, template="/mypath/index.cfm") with CFINCLUDE, you must create a mapping for the path using the ColdFusion Administrator. Or, you can use per-application settings to specify mappings specific to this application by specifying a mappings struct to THIS.mappings in Application.cfc.
Using relative paths (for example, template="index.cfm" or template="../index.cfm") does not require the creation of any special mappings. It is therefore recommended that you use relative paths with CFINCLUDE whenever possible.
The error occurred in /var/www/apps/army_lms_query_tool/server_deployment_root/wwwroot/parsed/c.home.cfm: line 10
Called from /var/www/apps/army_lms_query_tool/server_deployment_root/fusebox5/Application.cfc: line 237
Called from /var/www/apps/army_lms_query_tool/server_deployment_root/fusebox5/Application.cfc: line 227
Called from /var/www/apps/army_lms_query_tool/server_deployment_root/wwwroot/Application.cfc: line 45
8 : <cfset myFusebox.thisFuseaction = "home">
9 : <cfset myFusebox.thisPlugin = "globalErrorHandlingPlugin"/>
10 : <cfoutput><cfinclude template="../plugins/globalErrorHandlingPlugin.cfm"/></cfoutput>
11 : <cfset myFusebox.thisPlugin = "reloadAppPlugin.cfm"/>
12 : <cfoutput><cfinclude template="../plugins/reloadAppPlugin.cfm"/></cfoutput>
|-- app/
| |-- components/
| |-- controller/
| |-- exception/
| |-- model/
| |-- parsed/
| |-- plugins/
| `-- view/
|-- fusebox5/
| |-- _build/
| |-- errortemplates/
| |-- extension/
| |-- verbs/
| |-- Application.cfc
| |-- circuit.dtd
| |-- FakeStringBuffer.cfc
| |-- fusebox40.runtime.cfmx.cfm
| |-- fusebox41.runtime.cfmx.cfm
| |-- fusebox4.runtime.cfmx.cfm
| |-- fusebox5.cfm
| |-- fuseboxAction.cfc
| |-- fuseboxApplication.cfc
| |-- fuseboxCircuit.cfc
| |-- fuseboxClassDefinition.cfc
| |-- FuseboxContext.cfc
| |-- fuseboxControllerMethod.cfc
| |-- fuseboxDoFuseaction.cfc
| |-- fusebox.dtd
| |-- fuseboxEvent.cfc
| |-- fuseboxExecutionContext.cfc
| |-- fuseboxExtensionManager.cfc
| |-- fuseboxFactory.cfc
| |-- fuseboxImplicitCircuit.cfc
| |-- fuseboxImplicitFuseaction.cfc
| |-- fusebox.init.cfm
| |-- fuseboxLexiconCompiler.cfc
| |-- fuseboxNoXmlCircuit.cfc
| |-- fuseboxPlugin.cfc
| |-- fuseboxTypeConverter.cfc
| |-- fuseboxVerb.cfc
| |-- fuseboxWriter.cfc
| |-- fusebox.xml.cfm
| |-- myFusebox.cfc
| |-- PathUtil.cfc
| `-- README.txt
`-- wwwroot/
|-- assets/
|-- docs/
|-- parsed/
|-- test/
|-- WEB-INF/
|-- AddAdminDates.sql
|-- Application.cfc
|-- cError.htm
|-- favicon.ico
|-- index.cfm
`-- Web.config
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