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Last active August 16, 2019 11:09
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Parallel versus Serial ForEach Loop using Powershell Workflow
<#Simple comparison of a serial foreach loop versus a parallel foreach loop
When run on my workstation with $NumberOfIterations=50 this was my output:
elapsed time (serial foreach loop): 20.2380236
elapsed time (parallel foreach loop): 9.7779777
Simply copy and paste into Powershell ISE and hit F5 (needs Powershell v3 or above)
Jamie Thomson, 2014-12-09
workflow workflow1{
$array = 1..$NumberofIterations
$Uri = ""
function DoRequest($i,$Uri){
"$i starting";$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Uri;"$i ending"
$startTime = get-date
foreach ($i in $array) {DoRequest $i $Uri}
$serialElapsedTime = "elapsed time (serial foreach loop): " + ((get-date) - $startTime).TotalSeconds
$startTime = get-date
foreach -parallel ($i in $array) {DoRequest $i $Uri}
$parallelElapsedTime = "elapsed time (parallel foreach loop): " + ((get-date) - $startTime).TotalSeconds
workflow1 50
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