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Last active January 18, 2018 12:30
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This script check web sites availability and send mail to administrator if web site down
import urllib3.request
import time, datetime
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from colorama import Fore, init
init() # For colored output in CMD or PowerShell
def SendMail(alert):
# Define to/from
sender = 'Sender email address'
recipient = 'Recipient email address'
# Create message
msg = MIMEText(alert)
msg['Subject'] = "Web Server Status Alert! %s" %Subject
msg['From'] = sender
msg['To'] = recipient
# Create server object with SSL option
server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465)
# Perform operations via server
server.login('Your mail account login', 'Your password')
server.sendmail(sender, [recipient], msg.as_string())
date =
currentDate = date.strftime("%d %B %Y %I:%M%p")
# List of monitored web sites
websites = ("List of web sites")
while True:
ID = 1 # Web site ID
for site in websites:
urllib3.disable_warnings() # Disable SSL warning
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
r = http.request('GET', site)
# Code 200 - web site is OK
if r.status == 200:
print(Fore.WHITE + ID.__str__(), Fore.GREEN + "\t %s Site %s is OK" % (currentDate, site))
ID = ID + 1
# Code 404 - web site is down
elif r.status == 404:
print(Fore.WHITE + ID.__str__(), Fore.RED + "\t %s Site %s is DOWN" % (currentDate, site))
ID = ID + 1
if r.status == 404:
Subject = "404 Not Found"
SendMail("%s Site %s is DOWN or not found" % (currentDate, site))
# All other codes
print(Fore.WHITE + ID.__str__(), Fore.RED + "\t %s Site %s has error code %s" % (currentDate, site, r.status))
ID = ID + 1
if r.status == 401:
Subject = "401 Unauthorized"
SendMail("%s Site %s has error code %s" % (currentDate, site, r.status))
print(Fore.YELLOW + "\n--------------------------End of Cycle-------------------------------\n")
# Timeout before attempts (in seconds)
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