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Created May 13, 2011 02:51
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;;; forsight.scm
;;; by Justin Hamilton
;;; last updated May 20th 2011 (currently not done)
;;; released under BSD 2-clause license
;;; Global variables
(define *prompt* "forsight> ")
(define *dictionary* '((+ add-f) (- sub-f) (* mul-f) (/ div-f) (mod mod-f)
(/mod mod-div-f) (and and-f) (or or-f) (= eq-f)
(> gt-f) (< lt-f) (swap swap-f) (dup dup-f)
(over over-f) (drop drop-f) (dump dump-f)))
;;; Generic functions for ease-of-use
; returns the keys of a hash ((k v) (k v) ... (k v))
(define (hash-keys hash)
((null? hash) (quote ()))
(else (cons (car (car hash)) (hash-keys (cdr hash))))))
; returns the values of a hash
(define (hash-vals hash)
((null? hash) (quote ()))
(else (cons (car (cdr (car hash))) (hash-vals (cdr hash))))))
; returns true if hash has the supplied key
(define (has-key? key hash)
((member key (hash-keys hash))))
; returns the value of the specified key in hash
(define (get-val key hash)
((null? hash) (quote ()))
((equal? key (car (car hash))) (car (cdr (car hash))))
(else (get-val key (cdr get-val)))))
; returns the second element on the stack
(define (second stack)
(car (cdr stack)))
; returns the stack sans the first two elements
(define (pop2 stack)
(cdr (cdr stack)))
; performs a binary operation on the stack, pushing the result onto it
(define (binary-f op stack)
(cons (op (second stack) (car stack)) (pop2 stack)))
; performs a unary operation on the stack, pushing the result onto it
(define (unary-f op stack)
(cons (op (car stack)) (cdr stack)))
; performs a unary logic operation on the stack, pushing the result
(define (logical-f op stack)
((op (car stack)) (cons 1 (cdr stack)))
(else (cons 0 (cdr stack)))))
; performs a binary logic operation on the stack, pushing the result
(define (bi-logical-f op stack)
((op (car stack) (second stack)) (cons 1 (pop2 stack)))
(else (cons 0 (cdr stack)))))
;;; Forth functions, most of these are defined for clarity
(define (add-f stack)
(binary-f + stack))
(define (sub-f stack)
(binary-f - stack))
(define (mul-f stack)
(binary-f * stack))
(define (div-f stack)
(binary-f / stack))
(define (mod-div-f stack)
(cons (car (mod-f stack)) (cons (car div-f stack)) (pop2 stack)))
(define (mod-f stack)
(binary-f remainder stack))
(define (and-f stack)
((and (car stack) (second stack)) (cons 1 (pop2 stack)))
(else (cons 0 (cdr stack)))))
(define (or-f stack)
((or (car stack) (second stack)) (cons 1 (pop2 stack)))
(else (cons 0 (cdr stack)))))
(define (eq-f stack)
(bi-logical-f equal? stack))
(define (gt-f stack)
(bi-logical-f > stack))
(define (lt-f stack)
(bi-logical-f < stack))
(define (swap-f stack)
(cons (second stack) (cons (car stack) (pop2 stack))))
(define (dup-f stack)
(cons (car stack) stack))
(define (over-f stack)
(cons (second stack) stack))
(define (drop-f stack)
(cdr stack))
(define (eq-zero-f stack)
(eq-f (cons 0 stack)))
(define (gt-zero-f stack)
(gt-f (cons 0 stack)))
(define (lt-zero-f stack)
(lt-f (cons 0 stack)))
(define (eval-f in-s eval-s dict)
((null? in-s) (car eval-s))
((number? (car in-s)) (eval-f (cdr in-s) (cons (car in-s) eval-s)))
((has-key? (car in-s) dict) (eval-f (cdr in-s) (cons (eval (cons (get-val (car in-s) dict) (cons (second eval-s) (cons (car eval-s) '())))) (pop2 eval-s))))
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