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Last active October 5, 2021 06:01
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Best books I've read
Legend of Korra
Dragon Prince
## Military Scifi:
-Expeditionary Force Series
-Galaxy's Edge Series
## Unique Scifi
-Skyward (Top Gun in space)
-Bobiverse Series
-Enders Game (re-read this every few years)
-Murderbot Diaries Series (really great)
-Artemis (Andy Weir)
-Ready Player One
## Popular but I just could NOT enjoy it
- The Three Body Problem
Brandon Sanderson is great for Fantasy / Sci fi
## Fantasy
- Stormlight
- Wheel of Time
- Mistborn
- Licanius gets an honorable mention but it often makes my brain hurt
## Underrated
- Hunger Games
- Harry Potter
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