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Created October 23, 2020 23:51
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Examples of how to interpolate strings in React with elements (useful for i18n)
// More modern version of what's found here by Khan academy:
// 1) simple way to result in <div>Hello</div>
let a = React.createElement("div", null, "Hello");
// 2) Create a fragment instead of a div so you can pass in JSX as one of the children. Key is optional I think
// <Fragment key="0">Hello my friend, <a href="">This is good</a> </Fragment>
let b = React.createElement(
React.Fragment, {key: 0},
"hello my friend ",
<a href="">This is good</a>
// 3) use this option when you need to dynamically construct an element like a link inside of a string
// <Fragment key="0">Hello my friend, <a href="">This is good</a> </Fragment>
let c = React.createElement(
React.Fragment, {key: 0},
"hello my friend ",
React.createElement("a", { href: "" }, "I am a link")
// you can render an array that will be concatenated like this
// for any tag you should use React.createElement()
// results in "<br/>FirstSecondThird
let c = [React.createElement("br"), "First", "Second", "Third"];
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