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Created October 22, 2018 15:49
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plot() {
files=$(ls ./work/$key* | awk '{ split($0, ar, " "); printf("%s ", ar[1] ) }')
gnuplot -e "set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M'; set terminal svg size 1280,500 fname 'Verdana' fsize 10; set xdata time; set datafile sep ','; set key noenhanced ; files=\"$files \"; plot for [file in files] file using 1:2 w lines title substr(file, 8, 200)"
pods=($(kubectl get pods --no-headers -l app=now-proxy-production | awk '{ split($0, ar, " "); print(ar[1]) }'))
getData() {
for pod in "${pods[@]}"; do
kubectl exec -it "$pod" -c nginx -- curl "$1" | head -n -1 | tail -n+2 |
awk '
split($0, ar, "\n");
for(i in ar) {
split(ar[i], res, ";")
printf("%s, %d\n", strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M", res[1]), res[2])
}' > work/"$key-$pod"
now=$(date +%s)
pass() {
while read line; do
p $line
p() {
echo $@ >> index.html
cacheData() {
metrics=(aliases certs deployments deployment_paths)
suffixes=(_cache_miss_by_id _cache_miss_by_hostname _cache_hits_by_id _cache_hits_by_hostname _cache_stale_refresh_by_id _cache_stale_refresh_by_hostname _cache_lock_locks_claimed _cache_lock_miss)
cosmosprefix=('-westeurope_now-prod_' '_now-prod_')
cosmossuffix=(_cosmos_ru _cosmos_count _cosmos_status_200 _cosmos_status_404 _cosmos_status_429)
for metric in "${metrics[@]}"; do
p "<div>"
p "<h2>$metric</h2>"
for suffix in "${suffixes[@]}"; do
p "<div>"
p "<h3>$key $suffix</h3>"
p "<figure>"
getData $key
plot $key | pass
p "</figure>"
p "</div>"
for cprefix in "${cosmosprefix[@]}"; do
for csuffix in "${cosmossuffix[@]}"; do
p "<div>"
p "<h3>$key</h3>"
p "<figure>"
getData $key
plot $key | pass
p "</figure>"
p "</div>"
p "</div>"
rm index.html
mkdir work
p '<body>'
p '</body>'
rm -rf work
#plot aliases_cache_miss_by_hostname
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