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Jamon Holmgren jamonholmgren

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jamonholmgren /
Last active August 28, 2024 15:58
Forum post that I made about RubyMotion in Jan 2016

(Fetched from

So, React-Native -- impacts on RubyMotion

Bill - 2016-01-25 15:36:44 UTC

Really don't want to stir up controversy here, but what impacts are we as a community facing or expecting from React-Native? The React-Native story seems compelling, but I have a deep aversion to JavaScript in all its forms and variants. It's one reason I'm doing RubyMotion rather than Rails. 😏

I confess to being at least slightly concerned/disturbed by the significant interest being shown in it by Infinite Red, who have produced gems I rely on. I'm fairly distanced from the broader reaches of the tech community (the nice way to say I'm narrowly focused, I guess) so have no clue how this is landing in the development world at large. But I'm concerned for RubyMotion as I find it a wonderful platform for iOS development. I'm expecting the same to emerge for Android as the various gems prolife

jamonholmgren /
Last active July 29, 2024 02:18
This is a script in GDScript (Godot 4.2) that allows you to set a Node3D as the parent of several GPUParticles3D effects which are all one-shot effects. When you call `trigger()` on it, it'll start them all. When they are all finished, it kills the node. Remember to add all your effects as children to this node.
class_name SingleEffect extends Node3D
var effects: Array[GPUParticles3D] = []
var effects_completed: int = 0
func _ready():
# get all the GPUParticles3D nodes under this node
for child in get_children():
if child is GPUParticles3D: effects.append(child)
jamonholmgren /
Created July 11, 2024 23:47
macOS script for automatically building

Here's a way to build your Godot 4 game automatically from macOS terminal.


# Constants
EXPORT_PRESET="Windows Desktop"
jamonholmgren /
Last active May 3, 2024 23:30
undo/redo in Legend State

Use this trackHistory functionality like so:

const state$ = observable({
  name: "Hello",
  whatever: [],

const { undo, redo, undoable$, redoable$ } = trackHistory(state$)

Reactotron Tooling Goals

Not necessarily in strict order of preference; need to think about what's most important here

  1. Streamline the rollup setup, which is old and semi-inconsistent across packages
  2. Potentially move away from electron-builder (and webpack) and to something like electron-forge, perhaps vite as well
  3. Simplify the monorepo setup; currently using Nx, is there something better? Turborepo? We are using turbo on react-native-mlkit
  4. Potentially move away from semantic-release and toward changeset instead? We are using changesets for react-native-mlkit as well
  5. Simplifying all other configs, like tsconfig, eslint, prettier. There is a lot of copy and paste.
  6. Add a config (or .config?) directory and then put simpler common configuration packages in it so that most of the workspaces just have extends: "reactotron-tsconfig" or
jamonholmgren /
Last active July 22, 2024 19:55
Minecraft, fixing the "Multiplayer is disabled. Please check your Microsoft account settings." frustrating issue

I have a Microsoft Family account and have my daughter as one of the family members.

Whenever she tries to play Minecraft (Java Edition) with us, it pops up something like the following:

"Multiplayer is disabled. Please check your Microsoft account settings."

I tried all kinds of things found online. They kept saying to go to the Xbox Privacy and online safety screen, but I couldn't find the "You can play with people outside of Xbox Live" and "You can join multiplayer games" settings. Well, that's because I needed to click on the "Xbox Series ... and Windows 10 devices Online Safety" tab.

Here's a direct link. You will need to replace the "GAMERTAGHERE" with your child's gamer tag. You need to be logged in under your (parental) account, not the child's.

jamonholmgren /
Created May 1, 2023 20:09
Privacy Policy for the Chain React App by Infinite Red, Inc.

Privacy Policy for the Chain React App by Infinite Red, Inc.


Infinite Red, Inc. ("we," "us," or "our") values your privacy, and this policy outlines the privacy practices for the Chain React App ("App"). By using the App, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

No Collection of Personally Identifying Information

We do not collect any personally identifying information from our users. The App is designed to function without requiring any personal data.

Q. Under what conditions is MobX-state-tree optimized to memoize/prevent accidental re-renders that Immutable libraries that create copies like Redux/RTK are more prone to?

MST (and really it’s MobX under the hood doing this) doesn’t even really diff at all; instead, it observes changes to objects via JS proxies. It also tracks what properties are accessed on observed objects via JS proxies.

So, let’s say you have an object like this, that is an observed MobX object (we’ll ignore MST, since it’s the same for both):

const user = makeAutoObservable({
  name: "Jamon",
  age: 41,

This was a late-night forey into trying to improve on MobX-State-Tree's ergonomics and implementation.

MST is pretty good.

type MSTActions = {
    [key: string]: Function

type MSTViews = {

Advice to freelance React Native developers from Jamon

On-stream, February 28, 2022 (

• Network

  • Get to know as many other React Native developers as you can
  • Other developers are a great source of recommendations to potential clients • Let them know that you are available for work, and how much time you have, and what time period
  • But don't be annoying
  • "Hey Bob, hope things are good! Just letting you know I have availability starting March for 32 hours a week if you hear of anyone looking for a React Native freelancer. Really appreciate any referrals."