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Jamon Holmgren jamonholmgren

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Lobby API Documentation

The Lobby node handles Godot 4.x multiplayer game session management, including hosting, joining, and basic player state synchronization.

You can use this to


  1. Copy all 3 files (,, and into your project
  2. Make a Global in Project Settings and name it "Lobby"
jamonholmgren /
Created November 7, 2024 20:58
Important React Native skills - as of 2024

In rough order, skills that I find important for React Native developers:

  • React fundamentals -- JSX, useState, useEffect, useMemo, useContext, useRef, providers
  • Other useful React APIs
  • TypeScript
  • Expo & Expo ecosystem
  • State management (at least 1)
  • React Navigation
  • Debugging skills, tools
  • AI coding assistants familiarity
jamonholmgren /
Created November 1, 2024 22:04
execution error: Not authorized to send Apple events to System Events.

I just ran into this error when trying to run an Expo / React Native app:

28:69: execution error: Not authorized to send Apple events to System Events. (-1743)

This issue is relevant, but locked so I can't add info to it:


You are an email prioritization assistant. Analyze the following email and determine its priority level.
Consider these factors for priority classification:
- Sender importance and relationship
- Time sensitivity of the content
- Required actions or responses
- Impact of delayed response
- Complexity of the request
jamonholmgren /
Last active August 28, 2024 15:58
Forum post that I made about RubyMotion in Jan 2016

(Fetched from

So, React-Native -- impacts on RubyMotion

Bill - 2016-01-25 15:36:44 UTC

Really don't want to stir up controversy here, but what impacts are we as a community facing or expecting from React-Native? The React-Native story seems compelling, but I have a deep aversion to JavaScript in all its forms and variants. It's one reason I'm doing RubyMotion rather than Rails. 😏

I confess to being at least slightly concerned/disturbed by the significant interest being shown in it by Infinite Red, who have produced gems I rely on. I'm fairly distanced from the broader reaches of the tech community (the nice way to say I'm narrowly focused, I guess) so have no clue how this is landing in the development world at large. But I'm concerned for RubyMotion as I find it a wonderful platform for iOS development. I'm expecting the same to emerge for Android as the various gems prolife

jamonholmgren /
Last active July 29, 2024 02:18
This is a script in GDScript (Godot 4.2) that allows you to set a Node3D as the parent of several GPUParticles3D effects which are all one-shot effects. When you call `trigger()` on it, it'll start them all. When they are all finished, it kills the node. Remember to add all your effects as children to this node.
class_name SingleEffect extends Node3D
var effects: Array[GPUParticles3D] = []
var effects_completed: int = 0
func _ready():
# get all the GPUParticles3D nodes under this node
for child in get_children():
if child is GPUParticles3D: effects.append(child)
jamonholmgren /
Created July 11, 2024 23:47
macOS script for automatically building

Here's a way to build your Godot 4 game automatically from macOS terminal.


# Constants
EXPORT_PRESET="Windows Desktop"
jamonholmgren /
Last active May 3, 2024 23:30
undo/redo in Legend State

Use this trackHistory functionality like so:

const state$ = observable({
  name: "Hello",
  whatever: [],

const { undo, redo, undoable$, redoable$ } = trackHistory(state$)

Reactotron Tooling Goals

Not necessarily in strict order of preference; need to think about what's most important here

  1. Streamline the rollup setup, which is old and semi-inconsistent across packages
  2. Potentially move away from electron-builder (and webpack) and to something like electron-forge, perhaps vite as well
  3. Simplify the monorepo setup; currently using Nx, is there something better? Turborepo? We are using turbo on react-native-mlkit
  4. Potentially move away from semantic-release and toward changeset instead? We are using changesets for react-native-mlkit as well
  5. Simplifying all other configs, like tsconfig, eslint, prettier. There is a lot of copy and paste.
  6. Add a config (or .config?) directory and then put simpler common configuration packages in it so that most of the workspaces just have extends: "reactotron-tsconfig" or
jamonholmgren /
Last active November 23, 2024 19:06
Minecraft, fixing the "Multiplayer is disabled. Please check your Microsoft account settings." frustrating issue

I have a Microsoft Family account and have my daughter as one of the family members.

Whenever she tries to play Minecraft (Java Edition) with us, it pops up something like the following:

"Multiplayer is disabled. Please check your Microsoft account settings."

I tried all kinds of things found online. They kept saying to go to the Xbox Privacy and online safety screen, but I couldn't find the "You can play with people outside of Xbox Live" and "You can join multiplayer games" settings. Well, that's because I needed to click on the "Xbox Series ... and Windows 10 devices Online Safety" tab.

Here's a direct link. You will need to replace the "GAMERTAGHERE" with your child's gamer tag. You need to be logged in under your (parental) account, not the child's.