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Last active April 16, 2019 07:23
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  • Save jamornsriwasansak/5bf17e287ce2e324bf0809285f62b809 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <vector>
#include "common\intersection.h"
#include "common\reflectcuts.h"
#include "common\accel.h"
#include "math\ray.h"
#include "math\math.h"
#include "math\aabb.h"
// written in same style as qbvh
class alignas(32) BvhNode
Aabb bbox[2]; // 4 * 3 * 2 = 24 bytes
// child[0] is always current index + 1
int32_t child[2]; // 8 bytes
}; // 32 bytes
class Bvh : public Accel
Bvh() {};
bool intersect(Intersection * isectPtr, const Ray & r) const override;
bool intersectP(const Ray & r) const override;
void build(const std::vector<shared_ptr<Shape>> & hitablePtrs) override;
Aabb computeBbox() const override;
friend class Qbvh4;
bool intersectBranch(Intersection * isectPtr, const Ray & r, const size_t index) const;
bool intersectBranchSimple(Intersection * isectPtr, const Ray & r, const size_t index) const;
bool intersectBranchP(const Ray & r, const size_t index) const;
int buildBranch(std::vector<std::pair<shared_ptr<Shape>, Aabb>> * hitablePairsPtr, size_t begin, size_t end, const Aabb & bound);
Aabb bound;
std::vector<shared_ptr<Shape>> _mShapePtrs;
std::vector<BvhNode> _mBvhNodes;
bool Bvh::intersect(Intersection * isectPtr, const Ray & r) const
isectPtr->t = r.tmax;
if (!bound.intersectP(r))
return false;
return this->intersectBranchSimple(isectPtr, r, 0);
bool Bvh::intersectP(const Ray & r) const
if (!bound.intersectP(r))
return false;
return this->intersectBranchP(r, 0);
void Bvh::build(const std::vector<shared_ptr<Shape>>& shapePtrs)
// refine all shape
std::vector<shared_ptr<Shape>> refinedShapePtrs;
for (size_t i = 0;i < shapePtrs.size();i++)
if (shapePtrs[i]->canIntersect())
// construct shape pairs
size_t numShapes = refinedShapePtrs.size();
std::vector<std::pair<shared_ptr<Shape>, Aabb>> shapePairs;
Aabb sumBound;
for (size_t i = 0;i < numShapes;i++)
Aabb bound = refinedShapePtrs[i]->computeBbox();
sumBound = Aabb::Union(bound, sumBound);
shapePairs.push_back(std::pair<shared_ptr<Shape>, Aabb>(refinedShapePtrs[i], bound));
this->buildBranch(&shapePairs, 0, refinedShapePtrs.size(), sumBound);
this->bound = sumBound;
// populate data in _mShapePtrs
for (size_t i = 0;i < numShapes;i++)
Aabb Bvh::computeBbox() const
return this->bound;
bool Bvh::intersectBranch(Intersection * isectPtr, const Ray & r, const size_t index) const
const BvhNode & currentNode = this->_mBvhNodes[index];
bool isIntersect = false;
Float tNear[2];
bool isHit[2];
size_t childIndices[2];
childIndices[0] = 0;
childIndices[1] = 1;
for (size_t i = 0;i < 2;i++)
Float tFar;
if (currentNode.bbox[i].intersect(&tNear[i], &tFar, r))
tNear[i] = r.tmax;
isHit[i] = true;
isHit[i] = false;
if (tNear[0] > tNear[1])
std::swap(isHit[0], isHit[1]);
std::swap(childIndices[0], childIndices[1]);
for (size_t i = 0;i < 2;i++)
size_t childIndex = childIndices[i];
if (isHit[i])
// check if leaf
if (currentNode.child[childIndex] < 0)
int32_t shapeIndex = -currentNode.child[childIndex] - 1;
bool isHit = this->_mShapePtrs[shapeIndex]->intersect(isectPtr, Ray(r.origin, r.direction, r.tmin, isectPtr->t));
isIntersect = isHit || isIntersect;
else if (currentNode.child[childIndex] > 0)
bool isHit = intersectBranch(isectPtr, Ray(r.origin, r.direction, r.tmin, isectPtr->t), currentNode.child[childIndex]);
isIntersect = isHit || isIntersect;
return isIntersect;
bool Bvh::intersectBranchSimple(Intersection * isectPtr, const Ray & r, const size_t index) const
const BvhNode & currentNode = this->_mBvhNodes[index];
bool isIntersect = false;
for (size_t i = 0;i < 2;i++)
size_t childIndex = i;
if (currentNode.bbox[i].intersectP(r))
// check if leaf
if (currentNode.child[childIndex] < 0)
int32_t shapeIndex = -currentNode.child[childIndex] - 1;
bool isHit = this->_mShapePtrs[shapeIndex]->intersect(isectPtr, Ray(r.origin, r.direction, r.tmin, isectPtr->t));
isIntersect = isHit || isIntersect;
else if (currentNode.child[childIndex] > 0)
bool isHit = intersectBranch(isectPtr, Ray(r.origin, r.direction, r.tmin, isectPtr->t), currentNode.child[childIndex]);
isIntersect = isHit || isIntersect;
return isIntersect;
bool Bvh::intersectBranchP(const Ray & r, const size_t index) const
const BvhNode & currentNode = this->_mBvhNodes[index];
for (size_t i = 0;i < 2;i++)
if (currentNode.bbox[i].intersectP(r))
if (currentNode.child[i] < 0)
int32_t shapeIndex = -currentNode.child[i] - 1;
if (this->_mShapePtrs[shapeIndex]->intersectP(r))
return true;
else if (currentNode.child[i] > 0)
if (intersectBranchP(r, currentNode.child[i]))
return true;
return false;
int Bvh::buildBranch(std::vector<std::pair<shared_ptr<Shape>, Aabb>> * shapePairsPtr, size_t begin, size_t end, const Aabb & bound)
const size_t numShapes = end - begin;
std::vector<std::pair<shared_ptr<Shape>, Aabb>> & shapePairs = *shapePairsPtr;
BvhNode result;
size_t maxExtentDim = bound.maxExtent();
// handle a very rare special case where end - begin = 1
if (numShapes == 0)
result.child[0] = 0;
result.child[1] = 0;
int32_t currentNodeIndex = static_cast<int32_t>(this->_mBvhNodes.size());
return currentNodeIndex + 1;
else if (numShapes == 1)
Aabb bbox = shapePairs[begin].second;
result.bbox[0] = bbox;
result.child[0] = -(int32_t(begin) + 1);
result.child[1] = 0; // means it doesn't have child
int32_t currentNodeIndex = static_cast<int32_t>(this->_mBvhNodes.size());
return currentNodeIndex + 1;
// sort bboxes in limited range
std::sort(shapePairs.begin() + begin, shapePairs.begin() + end,
[&](const std::pair<shared_ptr<Shape>, Aabb> & a, const std::pair<shared_ptr<Shape>, Aabb> & b) {
return a.second.pMin[maxExtentDim] < b.second.pMin[maxExtentDim];
std::vector<Float> leftArea = std::vector<Float>(numShapes),
rightArea = std::vector<Float>(numShapes);
// populate leftArea vector
Aabb leftBBoxTmp;
for (size_t i = 0;i < numShapes;i++)
leftBBoxTmp = Aabb::Union(leftBBoxTmp, shapePairs[i + begin].second);
leftArea[i] = leftBBoxTmp.surfaceArea();
// populate rightArea vector
Aabb rightBBoxTmp;
for (int i = static_cast<int>(numShapes - 1);i >= 0;i--)
rightBBoxTmp = Aabb::Union(rightBBoxTmp, shapePairs[i + begin].second);
rightArea[i] = rightBBoxTmp.surfaceArea();
// find index where it has minSahCost
Float minSahCost = std::numeric_limits<Float>::infinity();
size_t minSahIndex = begin;
for (size_t i = 0;i < numShapes - 1;i++)
Float sahCost = (i + 1) * leftArea[i] + (numShapes - i - 1) * rightArea[i + 1];
//std::cout << "sahCost : " << sahCost << std::endl; _getch();
if (sahCost < minSahCost)
minSahCost = sahCost;
minSahIndex = i + begin;
// compute bbox for left child
Aabb leftBBox, rightBBox;
for (size_t i = begin;i < minSahIndex + 1;i++)
leftBBox = Aabb::Union(leftBBox, shapePairs[i].second);
result.bbox[0] = leftBBox;
// compute bbox for right child
for (size_t i = minSahIndex + 1;i < end;i++)
rightBBox = Aabb::Union(rightBBox, shapePairs[i].second);
result.bbox[1] = rightBBox;
size_t currentNodeIndex = this->_mBvhNodes.size();
int32_t resultIndex = static_cast<int32_t>(currentNodeIndex + 1);
if (minSahIndex == begin)
this->_mBvhNodes[currentNodeIndex].child[0] = -static_cast<int32_t>(begin + 1);
this->_mBvhNodes[currentNodeIndex].child[0] = static_cast<int32_t>(resultIndex);
resultIndex = this->buildBranch(shapePairsPtr, begin, minSahIndex + 1, leftBBox);
if (minSahIndex == end - 2)
this->_mBvhNodes[currentNodeIndex].child[1] = -static_cast<int32_t>(end - 1 + 1);
this->_mBvhNodes[currentNodeIndex].child[1] = static_cast<int32_t>(resultIndex);
resultIndex = this->buildBranch(shapePairsPtr, minSahIndex + 1, end, rightBBox);
return static_cast<int32_t>(resultIndex);
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