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Last active June 21, 2021 10:01
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  • Save jamornsriwasansak/a706ebc5e1798716b0effbd9ae38ebec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jamornsriwasansak/a706ebc5e1798716b0effbd9ae38ebec to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Virtual Ray Light integrator plugin for PBRT-v3
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include "vrl.h"
#include "ir.h"
#include "parallel.h"
#include "scene.h"
#include "imageio.h"
#include "spectrum.h"
#include "rng.h"
#include "paramset.h"
#include "progressreporter.h"
#include "interaction.h"
#include "sampling.h"
#include "samplers/random.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "bdpt.h"
#include "media/homogeneous.h"
namespace pbrt {
int VrlIrRandomWalk(const Scene &scene, RayDifferential ray, Sampler &sampler,
MemoryArena &arena, Spectrum beta, Float pdf, int maxDepth,
TransportMode mode, Dealer<Vertex> &vertices, Dealer<Segment> &segments,
const Vertex * prev) {
if (maxDepth == 0) return 0;
int bounces = 0;
// Declare variables for forward and reverse probability densities
Float pdfFwd = pdf, pdfRev = 0;
while (true) {
// Attempt to create the next subpath vertex in _path_
MediumInteraction mi;
VLOG(2) << "Random walk. Bounces " << bounces << ", beta " << beta <<
", pdfFwd " << pdfFwd << ", pdfRev " << pdfRev;
// Trace a ray and sample the medium, if any
SurfaceInteraction isect;
bool foundIntersection = scene.Intersect(ray, &isect);
if (ray.medium) {
beta *= ray.medium->Sample(ray, sampler, arena, &mi);
Segment &segment = segments.request();
Float rayDist = std::sqrt(Dot(ray.d, ray.d));
segment = Segment(prev, ray.d / rayDist, ray.tMax * rayDist, foundIntersection, pdfFwd);
if (beta.IsBlack()) break;
if (mi.IsValid()) {
// Record medium interaction in _path_ and compute forward density
Vertex &vertex = vertices.request();
vertex = Vertex::CreateMedium(mi, beta, pdfFwd, *prev);
prev = &vertex;
if (++bounces >= maxDepth) break;
// Sample direction and compute reverse density at preceding vertex
Vector3f wi;
pdfFwd = pdfRev = mi.phase->Sample_p(-ray.d, &wi, sampler.Get2D());
ray = mi.SpawnRay(wi);
else {
// Handle surface interaction for path generation
if (!foundIntersection) {
// Capture escaped rays when tracing from the camera
if (mode == TransportMode::Radiance) {
Vertex &vertex = vertices.request();
vertex = Vertex::CreateLight(EndpointInteraction(ray), beta,
prev = &vertex;
// Compute scattering functions for _mode_ and skip over medium
// boundaries
isect.ComputeScatteringFunctions(ray, arena, true, mode);
if (!isect.bsdf) {
ray = isect.SpawnRay(ray.d);
// Initialize _vertex_ with surface intersection information
Vertex &vertex = vertices.request();
vertex = Vertex::CreateSurface(isect, beta, pdfFwd, *prev);
prev = &vertex;
if (++bounces >= maxDepth) break;
// Sample BSDF at current vertex and compute reverse probability
Vector3f wi, wo = isect.wo;
BxDFType type;
Spectrum f = isect.bsdf->Sample_f(wo, &wi, sampler.Get2D(), &pdfFwd,
BSDF_ALL, &type);
VLOG(2) << "Random walk sampled dir " << wi << " f: " << f <<
", pdfFwd: " << pdfFwd;
if (f.IsBlack() || pdfFwd == 0.f) break;
beta *= f * AbsDot(wi, isect.shading.n) / pdfFwd;
VLOG(2) << "Random walk beta now " << beta;
pdfRev = isect.bsdf->Pdf(wi, wo, BSDF_ALL);
if (type & BSDF_SPECULAR) { = true;
pdfRev = pdfFwd = 0;
beta *= CorrectShadingNormal(isect, wo, wi, mode);
VLOG(2) << "Random walk beta after shading normal correction " << beta;
ray = isect.SpawnRay(wi);
return bounces;
// taken from
Float ComputeClosestLineLine(const Point3f & p1, const Vector3f & v1, const Point3f & p2, const Vector3f & v2, Float * t1, Float * t2) {
Float a = Dot(v1, v1);
Float b = Dot(v1, v2);
Float c = Dot(v2, v2);
Vector3f w0 = p1 - p2;
Float d = Dot(v1, w0);
Float e = Dot(v2, w0);
Float denominator = a * c - b * b;
if (std::abs(denominator) <= 1e-5) {
*t1 = d / b;
*t2 = e / c;
} else {
*t1 = (b * e - c * d) / denominator;
*t2 = (a * e - b * d) / denominator;
Point3f u = p1 + v1 * (*t1);
Point3f v = p2 + v2 * (*t2);
return Distance(u, v);
// taken from
Float DistanceLinePoint(const Point3f & lo, const Vector3f & ld, const Point3f & x)
Vector3f crossed = Cross(x - lo, x - lo + ld);
return std::sqrt(Dot(crossed, crossed) / Dot(ld, ld));
Float VrlA(const Float x, const Float invH, const Float sinTheta) {
return std::asinh(x * invH * sinTheta);
Float VrlB(const Float x, const Float h) {
return std::atan2(x, h);
Spectrum GatherVrls(const Scene &scene,
Sampler &sampler,
MemoryArena &arena,
const Camera &camera,
const CameraSample &cameraSample,
const Float invNumPhotonPaths,
Dealer<Vertex> &lightVertices,
Dealer<Segment> &lightVrls) {
// trace camere to first sample hit
Ray ray;
Spectrum beta = camera.GenerateRay(cameraSample, &ray);
Vertex c0 = Vertex::CreateCamera(&camera, ray, beta);
Float pdfPos, pdfDir;
camera.Pdf_We(ray, &pdfPos, &pdfDir);
Spectrum result(0.0f);
const int numSamplesPerVrl = 1;
while (true) {
// do intersection first to modify ray.tmax
SurfaceInteraction isect;
bool foundIntersection = scene.Intersect(ray, &isect);
// if current ray is inside medium
Spectrum volumeResult(0.0);
if (std::isfinite(ray.tMax) && ray.medium) {
if (const HomogeneousMedium * medium = dynamic_cast<const HomogeneousMedium *>(ray.medium))
Float rayDist = std::sqrt(Dot(ray.d, ray.d));
ray.d /= rayDist;
ray.tMax *= rayDist;
for (unsigned int ivrl = 0; ivrl < lightVrls.size; ivrl++) {
const Segment & vrl =[ivrl];
// compute cosTheta and sinTheta;
Float cosTheta = Dot(vrl.d, ray.d);
Float cosTheta2 = cosTheta * cosTheta;
Float sinTheta2 = 1.0 - cosTheta * cosTheta;
// compute closest points and distance
Float uh, vh;
Float h = ComputeClosestLineLine(ray.o, ray.d, vrl.vpl->mi.p, vrl.d, &uh, &vh);
if (sinTheta2 <= 1e-5 || h <= 1e-5)
// special case (not in the paper) :: VRL is almost parallel with eye ray, VRL intersect eye ray
for (int uvSamples = 0; uvSamples < numSamplesPerVrl; uvSamples++)
#if 0
// sample VRL according to exponential distribution and treat it as VPL [0, tMax]
int channel = std::min((int)(sampler.Get1D() * Spectrum::nSamples), Spectrum::nSamples - 1);
Float r = sampler.Get1D();
Float expTerm = std::exp(-medium->sigma_t[channel] * std::min(vrl.tMax, MaxFloat));
Float vhat = -std::log(1 - r + r * expTerm) / medium->sigma_t[channel];
Spectrum Tr = Exp(-medium->sigma_t * std::min(vhat, MaxFloat));
Spectrum density = medium->sigma_t / (Tr - Tr / Exp(-medium->sigma_t * std::min(vrl.tMax, MaxFloat)));
Float vPdf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Spectrum::nSamples; i++) vPdf += density[i];
vPdf *= 1 / (Float)Spectrum::nSamples;
if (vPdf == 0)
vPdf = 1;
Spectrum vrlBeta = Tr / vPdf;
Float invVPdf = 1.0f / vPdf;
Point3f v = vrl.vpl->mi.p + vhat * vrl.d;
// uniform sampling
Float vhat = Lerp(sampler.Get1D(), 0, vrl.tMax);
Float invVPdf = vrl.tMax;
Point3f v = vrl.vpl->mi.p + vhat * vrl.d;
#if 0
// sample along camera ray using Kulla et al. method respect to sampled VPL
// uniform sampling
Float uhat = Lerp(sampler.Get1D(), 0, ray.tMax);
Float invUPdf = ray.tMax;
Point3f u = ray.o + uhat * ray.d;
Float distUv2 = DistanceSquared(u, v);
CHECK_GT(distUv2, 0.0);
Float distUv = std::sqrt(distUv2);
Vector3f uv = (v - u) / distUv;
// compute contribution
const PhaseFunction *phase = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, HenyeyGreenstein)(medium->g);
SimpleVisibilityTester tru(ray.o, u);
SimpleVisibilityTester trv(vrl.vpl->p(), v);
SimpleVisibilityTester trw(u, v);
CHECK_GT(vrl.pdfFwd, 0.0);
Float vplDot = 1.0f;
if (vrl.vpl->IsLight() || vrl.vpl->IsOnSurface())
vplDot *= std::max(Dot(Vector3f(vrl.vpl->ng()), vrl.d), static_cast<Float>(0.0));
volumeResult += vrl.vpl->beta * vplDot
* medium->sigma_s * medium->sigma_s
* phase->p(-ray.d, uv) * phase->p(-vrl.d, -uv)
* tru.Tr(scene, ray.time, ray.medium, sampler)
* trv.Tr(scene, ray.time, ray.medium, sampler)
* trw.Tr(scene, ray.time, ray.medium, sampler)
* invUPdf * invVPdf
/ distUv2 / vrl.pdfFwd / static_cast<Float>(numSamplesPerVrl) * beta;
Float invH = 1.0 / h;
Float sinTheta = std::sqrt(sinTheta2);
// change of variables for starting and ending point
Float uhat0 = -uh; Float uhat1 = ray.tMax - uh;
Float vhat0 = -vh; Float vhat1 = vrl.tMax - vh;
// VRL importance sampling for homogeneous media
for (int uvSamples = 0; uvSamples < numSamplesPerVrl; uvSamples++)
#if 0
CHECK_GT(sinTheta, 0.0);
// compute pdf normalization constant for sampling vrl
Float avhat0 = VrlA(vhat0, invH, sinTheta);
Float avhat1 = VrlA(vhat1, invH, sinTheta);
// sample vhat according to inverse CDF
Float vhat = h * std::sinh(Lerp(sampler.Get1D(), avhat0, avhat1)) / sinTheta;
Float invVPdf = ((avhat1 - avhat0) * std::sqrt(h * h + vhat * vhat * sinTheta2)) / sinTheta;
Point3f v = vrl.vpl->mi.p + (vhat - vhat0) * vrl.d;
// uniform sampling
Float vhat = Lerp(sampler.Get1D(), vhat0, vhat1);
Float invVPdf = vhat1 - vhat0;
Point3f v = vrl.vpl->mi.p + (vhat - vhat0) * vrl.d;
#if 0
Float h_ = DistanceLinePoint(ray.o, ray.d, v);
CHECK_GT(h_, 0.0);
Float buhat0 = VrlB(uhat0, h_);
Float buhat1 = VrlB(uhat1, h_);
// sample uhat according to inverse CDF
Float uhat = h_ * std::tan(Lerp(sampler.Get1D(), buhat0, buhat1));
Float invUPdf = ((buhat1 - buhat0) * (h_ * h_ + uhat * uhat)) / h_;
Point3f u = ray.o + (uhat - uhat0) * ray.d;
// uniform sampling
Float uhat = Lerp(sampler.Get1D(), uhat0, uhat1);
Float invUPdf = uhat1 - uhat0;
Point3f u = ray.o + (uhat - uhat0) * ray.d;
Float distUv2 = DistanceSquared(u, v);
CHECK_GT(distUv2, 0.0);
Float distUv = std::sqrt(distUv2);
Vector3f uv = (v - u) / distUv;
// compute contribution
const PhaseFunction *phase = ARENA_ALLOC(arena, HenyeyGreenstein)(medium->g);
SimpleVisibilityTester tru(ray.o, u);
SimpleVisibilityTester trv(vrl.vpl->p(), v);
SimpleVisibilityTester trw(u, v);
CHECK_GT(vrl.pdfFwd, 0.0);
Float vplDot = 1.0f;
if (vrl.vpl->IsLight() || vrl.vpl->IsOnSurface())
vplDot *= std::max(Dot(Vector3f(vrl.vpl->ng()), vrl.d), static_cast<Float>(0.0));
volumeResult += vrl.vpl->beta * vplDot
* medium->sigma_s * medium->sigma_s
* phase->p(-ray.d, uv) * phase->p(-vrl.d, -uv)
* tru.Tr(scene, ray.time, ray.medium, sampler)
* trv.Tr(scene, ray.time, ray.medium, sampler)
* trw.Tr(scene, ray.time, ray.medium, sampler)
* invUPdf * invVPdf
/ distUv2 / vrl.pdfFwd / static_cast<Float>(numSamplesPerVrl) * beta;
volumeResult *= invNumPhotonPaths;
result += volumeResult;
// check if the ray intersect any thing
if (!foundIntersection) {
isect.ComputeScatteringFunctions(ray, arena, true);
// similar to direct light we have to continue if
// 1. !bsdf
// 2. find specular surface
if (!isect.bsdf) {
ray = isect.SpawnRay(ray.d);
return result;
void VrlIr::Render(const Scene & scene) {
const int photonChunkSize = 8192;
RandomSampler sampler(nIterations);
RandomSampler imageSampler(nIterations);
std::unique_ptr<Distribution1D> lightDistr = ComputeLightPowerDistribution(scene);
MemoryArena arena;
ProgressReporter progress(nIterations, "Rendering");
// allocate photon sampler for threads
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Sampler>> photonSamplers;
for (size_t i = 0; i < photonsPerIteration; i += photonChunkSize) {
Bounds2i pixelBounds = camera->film->croppedPixelBounds;
Vector2i pixelExtent = pixelBounds.Diagonal();
const int tileSize = 16;
Point2i nTiles((pixelExtent.x + tileSize - 1) / tileSize, (pixelExtent.y + tileSize - 1) / tileSize);
// initialize image
std::unique_ptr<Spectrum[]> image(new Spectrum[pixelBounds.Area()]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pixelBounds.Area(); i++) { image[i] = Spectrum(0.0); }
// allocate tile sampler for film
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Sampler>> tileSamplers;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nTiles.x * nTiles.y; i++) {
const size_t numAllVertices = photonsPerIteration * (maxDepth + 1);
for (size_t i = 0; i < this->nIterations; i++) {
Dealer<Vertex> lightVertices(arena.Alloc<Vertex>(numAllVertices), numAllVertices);
Dealer<Segment> lightVrls(arena.Alloc<Segment>(numAllVertices), numAllVertices);
// Trace photons
ParallelFor([&](int photonIndex) {
if (maxDepth > 0) {
Sampler& subSampler = *photonSamplers[photonIndex / photonChunkSize];
Float lightPdf;
Float lightSample = subSampler.Get1D();
int lightNum = lightDistr->SampleDiscrete(lightSample, &lightPdf);
const std::shared_ptr<Light> &light = scene.lights[lightNum];
Float uLightTime = Lerp(subSampler.Get1D(), camera->shutterOpen, camera->shutterClose);
RayDifferential ray;
Normal3f normalLight;
Float pdfPos, pdfDir;
Spectrum Le = light->Sample_Le(subSampler.Get2D(), subSampler.Get2D(), uLightTime, &ray, &normalLight, &pdfPos, &pdfDir);
if (pdfPos == 0 || pdfDir == 0 || Le.IsBlack()) return;
Spectrum beta = (AbsDot(normalLight, ray.d) * Le) / (lightPdf * pdfPos * pdfDir);
if (beta.IsBlack()) return;
Vertex & vertex = lightVertices.request();
vertex = Vertex::CreateLight(light.get(), ray, normalLight, Le / (pdfPos * lightPdf), pdfPos * lightPdf);
VrlIrRandomWalk(scene, ray, subSampler, arena, beta, pdfDir, maxDepth - 1, TransportMode::Importance, lightVertices, lightVrls, &vertex);
}, photonsPerIteration, photonChunkSize);
// Render with photons
Float invPhotonPaths = 1.0f / static_cast<Float>(photonsPerIteration);
ParallelFor2D([&](Point2i tile) {
int seed = tile.y * nTiles.x + tile.x;
Sampler& tileSampler = *tileSamplers[seed];
int x0 = pixelBounds.pMin.x + tile.x * tileSize;
int x1 = std::min(x0 + tileSize, pixelBounds.pMax.x);
int y0 = pixelBounds.pMin.y + tile.y * tileSize;
int y1 = std::min(y0 + tileSize, pixelBounds.pMax.y);
Bounds2i tileBounds(Point2i(x0, y0), Point2i(x1, y1));
for (Point2i pixel : tileBounds) {
CameraSample cameraSample = tileSampler.GetCameraSample(pixel);
Spectrum L = GatherVrls(scene, tileSampler, arena, *camera, cameraSample, invPhotonPaths, lightVertices, lightVrls);
size_t offset = (pixelBounds.pMax.x - pixelBounds.pMin.x) * (pixel.y - pixelBounds.pMin.y) + (pixel.x - pixelBounds.pMin.x);
image[offset] += L;
}, nTiles);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pixelBounds.Area(); i++) { image[i] /= static_cast<Float>(this->nIterations); }
Integrator *CreateVrlIntegrator(const ParamSet &params,
std::shared_ptr<Sampler> &sampler,
std::shared_ptr<const Camera> &camera) {
int np;
int nIterations = params.FindOneInt("iterations", params.FindOneInt("numiterations", 64));
int maxDepth = params.FindOneInt("maxdepth", 5);
int photonsPerIter = params.FindOneInt("photonsperiteration", -1);
int writeFreq = params.FindOneInt("imagewritefrequency", 1 << 31);
const int *pb = params.FindInt("pixelbounds", &np);
Bounds2i pixelBounds = camera->film->GetSampleBounds();
if (pb) {
if (np != 4)
Error("Expected four values for \"pixelbounds\" parameter. Got %d.",
else {
pixelBounds = Intersect(pixelBounds,
Bounds2i{ { pb[0], pb[2] },{ pb[1], pb[3] } });
if (pixelBounds.Area() == 0)
Error("Degenerate \"pixelbounds\" specified.");
Float rrThreshold = params.FindOneFloat("rrthreshold", 1.);
return new VrlIr(camera, sampler, nIterations, photonsPerIter, maxDepth, writeFreq);
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define NOMINMAX
#pragma once
#include "pbrt.h"
#include "integrator.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "film.h"
#include "sampler.h"
#include "bdpt.h"
namespace pbrt {
struct Segment {
Segment() {}
Segment(const Vertex * vpl, const Vector3f d, const Float tMax, const bool foundIntersection, const Float pdfFwd):
vpl(vpl), d(d), tMax(tMax), foundIntersection(foundIntersection), pdfFwd(pdfFwd)
const Vertex * vpl;
Vector3f d;
// hit surface on the other end
bool foundIntersection;
Float tMax;
Float pdfFwd;
class VrlIr : public Integrator {
VrlIr(std::shared_ptr<const Camera> & camera,
std::shared_ptr<Sampler> &sampler,
int nIterations,
int photonsPerIteration,
int maxDepth,
int writeFrequency) :
photonsPerIteration(photonsPerIteration > 0
? photonsPerIteration
: camera->film->croppedPixelBounds.Area()),
writeFrequency(writeFrequency) {}
void Render(const Scene & scene);
std::shared_ptr<Sampler> sampler;
std::shared_ptr<const Camera> camera;
const int nIterations;
const int maxDepth;
const int photonsPerIteration;
const int writeFrequency;
Integrator *CreateVrlIntegrator(const ParamSet &params, std::shared_ptr<Sampler> &sampler, std::shared_ptr<const Camera> &camera);
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