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Created September 13, 2015 17:43
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Sparklines generator modified from Jonathan A Watmough
; Sparkline Generator
; Copyright (c) Jonathan A Watmough. All Rights Reserved.
; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
; Common Public License 1.0 (
; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
; the terms of this license. Do not remove this notice.
(import '
#^{ :doc "Scale a list of numeric 'values' to a max height of 'height'."
:private true}
scale-values ([values height]
(let [highest (apply max (filter identity values))]
(map #(if % (dec (- height (/ (* % (- height 3)) highest))) nil) values))))
#^{:doc "Make a Win-style java.awt.image.BufferedImage of 'width' x 'height'."}
make-buffered-image ([width height]
(let [image-type (. java.awt.image.BufferedImage TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR)]
(new java.awt.image.BufferedImage width height image-type))))
#^{:doc "Create pixel-accurate sparkline bitmap graphic from {:width :height :values :marker}. :marker=-1 for last entry."}
make-sparkline ([{ w :width h :height v :values m :marker }]
(let [v (scale-values v h)
bitmap (make-buffered-image w h)
g (. bitmap (getGraphics))
m (if (and m (< m 0)) (+ m (count v)) m)
step (/ (- w 3) (- (count v) 1))]
(do (doto g (.setColor (. java.awt.Color white))
(.fillRect 0 0 w h)
(.setColor (. java.awt.Color gray)))
(dotimes [idx (dec (count v))]
(let [x-pos (inc (* idx step))
prev-val (nth v idx)
this-val (nth v (inc idx))]
(when (and prev-val this-val)
(. g (drawLine x-pos (dec prev-val) (+ x-pos step) (dec this-val))))))
; Draw marker if present and return the sparkline bitmap
(when (and m (nth v m))
(let [bx (* m step)
by (- (nth v m) 2)]
(doto g (.setColor (. java.awt.Color red))
(.fillOval bx by 2 2))))
(. g (dispose))
#^{:doc "Test code for sparklines graphic generator."}
test-sparklines []
(let [spark (make-sparkline {:width 100 :height 30
:values [1 2 10 8 2 5 8 12 14 3 4 15]
:marker -1
(. javax.imageio.ImageIO write spark "png" (File. "test.png"))))
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