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Created September 7, 2016 06:34
//! Safe cryptographic random number generation in Rust.
//! Works on Windows, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD, etc.
extern crate rand; //
use rand::{Rng}; // The generic trait all random generators support.
use rand::os::{OsRng}; // Specific implementation of above for strong crypto.
fn main() {
// OsRng is a type of `Rng` that wraps /dev/urandom, getrandom(), etc.
let mut r = OsRng::new().unwrap();
// Random bytes.
let mut my_secure_bytes = vec![0u8; 1500];
r.fill_bytes(&mut my_secure_bytes);
// Primitive types and short arrays.
let my_secure_int: u64 = r.gen();
println!("First few bytes = {:?}; random int = {:?}",
&my_secure_bytes[..5], my_secure_int);
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