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jana007 / sql-commands-remove-by-nid.txt
Last active September 6, 2023 07:51
How to remove Drupal webform submission data by node ID and submission ID via command line
log into mysql via whatever ssh client you're using
mysql -u 'username' - p
enter password
show databases (optional)
show satabases;
select db
use drupaldb;
elFiles=$(find * -maxdepth 0 -type f -readable -writable ! -executable -exec echo "possible bad file:" {} \;)
elCount=$(find * -maxdepth 0 -type f -readable -writable ! -executable | wc -l)
dirCount=$(ls -lht | grep ^- | wc -l)
dirList=$(ls -lhtp | grep -v '/$')
#Jana McKinnon
#assignment 4
badFiles=$(find * -maxdepth 0 -type f -readable -writable ! -executable -exec echo "possible bad Poetry:" {} \;)
badCount=$(find * -maxdepth 0 -type f -readable -writable ! -executable | wc -l)
dirCount=$(ls -lht | grep ^- | wc -l)
jana007 / GAME_MASTER_v0_1.protobuf
Created July 28, 2016 14:06 — forked from anonymous/GAME_MASTER_v0_1.protobuf
Pokemon Go decoded GAME_MASTER protobuf file v0.1
Result: 1
Items {
Badge {
BadgeRanks: 4
Targets: "\nd\350\007"
Items {
# If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH.
#export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin/apache-karaf-4.1.0/bin:$PATH
# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation.
export ZSH=/Users/jmckinnon/.oh-my-zsh
# Set name of the theme to load. Optionally, if you set this to "random"
# it'll load a random theme each time that oh-my-zsh is loaded.
# See