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Created April 14, 2022 17:25
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import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
%matplotlib notebook
def calculate_distance(rA, rB):
# This function calculates the distance between two points given as numpy arrays.
return dist
def open_pdb(f_loc):
# This function reads in a pdb file and returns the atom names and coordinates.
with open(f_loc) as f:
data = f.readlines()
c = []
sym = []
for l in data:
if 'ATOM' in l[0:6] or 'HETATM' in l[0:6]:
c2 = [float(x) for x in l[30:55].split()]
coords = np.array(c)
return sym, coords
atomic_weights = {
'H': 1.00784,
'C': 12.0107,
'N': 14.0067,
'O': 15.999,
'P': 30.973762,
'F': 18.998403,
'Cl': 35.453,
'Br': 79.904,
def open_xyz(file_location):
# Open an xyz file and return symbols and coordinates.
xyz_file = np.genfromtxt(fname=file_location, skip_header=2, dtype='unicode')
symbols = xyz_file[:,0]
coords = (xyz_file[:,1:])
coords = coords.astype(np.float)
return symbols, coords
def write_xyz(file_location, symbols, coordinates):
# Write an xyz file given a file location, symbols, and coordinates.
num_atoms = len(symbols)
with open(file_location, 'w+') as f:
f.write('XYZ file\n')
for i in range(num_atoms):
coordinates[i,0], coordinates[i,1], coordinates[i,2]))
def draw_molecule(coordinates, symbols, draw_bonds=None, save_location=None, dpi=300):
# Draw a picture of a molecule using matplotlib.
# Create figure
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
# Get colors - based on atom name
colors = []
for atom in symbols:
size = np.array(plt.rcParams['lines.markersize'] ** 2)*200/(len(coordinates))
ax.scatter(coordinates[:,0], coordinates[:,1], coordinates[:,2], marker="o",
edgecolors='k', facecolors=colors, alpha=1, s=size)
# Draw bonds
if draw_bonds:
for atoms, bond_length in draw_bonds.items():
atom1 = atoms[0]
atom2 = atoms[1]
ax.plot(coordinates[[atom1,atom2], 0], coordinates[[atom1,atom2], 1],
coordinates[[atom1,atom2], 2], color='k')
# Save figure
if save_location:
plt.savefig(save_location, dpi=dpi, graph_min=0, graph_max=2)
return ax
def calculate_angle(rA, rB, rC, degrees=False):
# Calculate the angle between three points. Answer is given in radians by default, but can be given in degrees
# by setting degrees=True
AB = rB - rA
BC = rB - rC
theta=np.arccos(, BC)/(np.linalg.norm(AB)*np.linalg.norm(BC)))
if degrees:
return np.degrees(theta)
return theta
def bond_histogram(bond_list, save_location=None, dpi=300, graph_min=0, graph_max=2):
# Draw a histogram of bond lengths based on a bond_list (output from build_bond_list function)
lengths = []
for atoms, bond_length in bond_list.items():
bins = np.linspace(graph_min, graph_max)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.xlabel('Bond Length (angstrom)')
plt.ylabel('Number of Bonds')
ax.hist(lengths, bins=bins)
# Save figure
if save_location:
plt.savefig(save_location, dpi=dpi)
return ax
def build_bond_list(coordinates, max_bond=1.5, min_bond=0):
# Find the bonds in a molecule (set of coordinates) based on distance criteria.
bonds = {}
num_atoms = len(coordinates)
for atom1 in range(num_atoms):
for atom2 in range(atom1, num_atoms):
distance = calculate_distance(coordinates[atom1], coordinates[atom2])
if distance > min_bond and distance < max_bond:
bonds[(atom1, atom2)] = distance
return bonds
atom_colors = {
'H': 'white',
'C': '#D3D3D3',
'N': '#add8e6',
'O': 'red',
'P': '#FFA500',
'F': '#FFFFE0',
'Cl': '#98FB98',
'Br': '#F4A460',
'S': 'yellow'
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