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Last active October 8, 2018 10:39
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Organise batch operations on an array by Web Workers, in conjunction with workerize-loader (or any other promise-ified Web Worker implementation!)
import Worker from 'somewhere'
// ...
const piranhas = new Piranhas(
// Worker constructor
// Listens for messages from workers
e => { === 'INCREMENT' && someIncrementer() }
try {
const particles = await piranhas.process(
// Buils an array of Promises to fulfill
(worker, arrayChunk) => worker.generateParticles(arrayChunk)
} catch (e) {
* Handles multithread processing on an array through promise-ified Web Workers
* (through workerize-loader
* @example
* const piranhas = new Piranhas(
* Worker,
* // Listens for messages from workers
* e => { === 'INCREMENT' && someIncrementer() }
* )
* try {
* const particles = await piranhas.process(
* someArray,
* // Buils an array of Promises to fulfill
* (worker, arrayChunk) => worker.generateParticles(arrayChunk)
* )
* } catch (e) {
* console.warn(e.error)
* }
* piranhas.kill()
export default class Piranhas {
workers = []
threadN = 0
* Spin up the workers
* @param {Constructor} Worker constructor to instantiate threadN times
* @param {Function} onMessage listen for webworker messages
* @param {Number} threadN number of workers to instantiate
* @public
Worker = Worker,
onMessage = console.log,
threadN = window ? window.navigator.hardwareConcurrency : 8
) {
this.threadN = threadN
for (let i = 0; i < threadN; i++) {
const w = new Worker()
w.onmessage = onMessage
* Run an operation over an array
* splitting the work between all the workers
* @param {Array} array of data to split up and work on
* @param {Function} operation function with takes a worker instance, a subset of `array`
* @returns {Promise} from a workerize'd Web Worker
* @return {Promise}
* @public
process = async (array, operation) => {
const chunkedArray = chunks(array, this.threadN)
const batches = await Promise.all(
.map((_, n) => operation(this.workers[n], chunkedArray[n]))
return [].concat(...batches)
* Kill all the workers
* @public
kill = () => {
this.workers.forEach(w => {
if (w.terminate) w.terminate()
function chunks(arr, chunksN) {
arr = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr))
const chunkSize = Math.ceil(arr.length / chunksN)
var results = []
while (arr.length) {
results.push(arr.splice(0, chunkSize))
return results
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