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Created February 14, 2018 12:41
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Crypto 2.0
The Idea
A Worldwide digital socializing, banking and organizing system that is hard to corrupt, dynamically changeable and rewards the work and ideas of every individual using the system. Users can be anonymous, identified or anything in between and can still earn money and have credibility.
The platform strives to be like water, flowing everywhere and nourishing all life. The platform has the power to create a fair society where a persons ideas and work are rewarded the right way. It enables people to follow their dreams and earn a living at the same time while making sure tasks that nobody wants to do are still done.
Imagine a ball of Nanobots that either expunges parts of itself that have been corrupted or change and implement/integrate the corruption into the ball. That is how I imagine the system, it repairs itself and evolves while keeping it's essence/core intact.
It even can change it's essence/core if needed but only when every part of it is in unison about the change. The ball cares for every single one if itself and nourishes and keeps all parts healthy.
Every individual using the platform is just a spark. By themselves they glow only slightly for an instant. They are only tiny sparks after all. But by gathering and supporting each other they shine as a sun!
The platform has no space for bottomless leeches. In the platform people are forced to be come leaders in order to be wealthy (gain the support of many many individuals not scam them). Leeching from those that have too much is fine in nature.
But leeches only take what they need. Humans tend to become bottomless when money and power is involved. We do not have the luxury to feed bottomless leeches anymore. We need to change as a species or we will become extinct.
How the system works
The system protects itself by comparing itself with other copies of itself. Imagine a key that can be copied by anyone and every copy of that key compares itself to the other keys.
Only when it is the same as the other keys it will be allowed to be part of the group.
Every user or group has it's own profile. The profile consists of the users chosen Name, an ID, the users support values (supported work/projects that has been shared on the profile) and other data that is critical to the system and the user.
Only the Name/ID is visible to everyone from the start. Everything else is only shared to other users by choice of the user. Most of content (pictures, videos, audiofiles etc.) that is added to the Profile is a link and leads outside of the system.
This may change in the future but in the beginning of the creation of the system integrating all data would be too much data.
Users can share what they do, what ideas they have via their profile and other users can support that work/idea. The work can be anything, it can be planting trees in the desert, playing video games, painting a picture, coding an application, absolutely anything.
Users can form groups and even form groups inside of groups. There could be a group USA with subgroups inside of it being Texas and California etc.
Groups can have rules (eContracts like this: Users that want to be part of the group USA need to identify their account with a real name, birthplace, choose a subgroup of (current residing location), fingerprint, DNA data and pay 20% income tax a year.
Which is distributed to the groups USA with 5% and (current residing location) 15%. The group (current residing location) distributes its money to the subgroups: police, hospitals, schools etc.
It consists of different parts:
- The Core that is shared by everyone
- Flow (digital money) the currency used inside the system
- The Ocean (The Main Supply) that manages the Flow (digital money) and spreads it to all registered accounts (Rain)
- Users and groups that are created have their own private-key
- The "platform Index" that stores users and groups.
- Profiles that are linked to a group or user.
- support that changes the users/groups Flow gain and creates account credibility
- eVote electronic votes that can be changed any time
- eContract “digital contracts” that can be used by users and groups.
- eVouch vouching system where users vouch for other users with their own support/credibility
- eWill a digital contract that is executed when a user is declared as dead.
- Positions that are acquired through eContracts and come with responsibility.
.Sharing(ideas, projects, files etc.)
There is no copyright, anything that is shared inside of platform can be used and modified by anyone. The only rule is that the original creator(s) need to be credited/linked in the system. Original creators then automatically gain support through the edits/modifications.
Anything shared can receive feedback, support and receive donations from the community. Or use other support options in their profile. Every user at platform can share anything they want.
But this does not mean that it will stay, if the community deems it as not worthy of support like viruses, malware abusive material etc.) it will receive 0 support and users can choose to block it. (Sharing such files will also make you loose support?)
You can link anything even files that you did not create, but you can't take credit for them, you have to accredit the original creator(s). That when they decide to join platform the work/files/ideas can be linked to them and they gain the support that they deserve.
But don't worry you still earn support for sharing it. Note that the platform does not contain any files except the core files. Everything is a link in the profile that leads to other systems.
Anything a user, group, project does or shares within the platform can be supported by users. Users can support a user or a group and project, something the user shares, a promise with or without contract, content created, a project delivered etc.
All these things can earn a user or group support points but only if it is shared. support points have no max cap. The only way to loose these is when users change their support of your “thing” or if you are put on the Pillory/Court for misusing contracts, fraud or abuse etc. and found guilty.
Groups and projects have their own support that is sepasupport from the users that are in those groups and projects. The support of a group only affects active users in that group. The support values of every added item and collective value are not visible to others.
They only become visible if the user enables visibility to others.
There is no negative support only positive 0 to 100. Support can be changed anytime by the user that has given the support.
The more support a users receives the more flow (digital money) a user will receive. This comes with a cap/limit and is implemented to prevent people from creating multiple accounts to support themselves.
Accounts with 0 support can support others but until the account itself receives a certain amount of support it will not influence any flow (digital money).
Users have the option to disable support for anything or everything they link in their profile.
Specialsupport adds negative support (-100) ability and is a feature that can only be used when eContracts are involved. You wager your own support with an eContract to gain financial support for example.
Are files, ideas, designs, items etc. that have been changed, you can take credit for the change but have to link to and give credit the original author/authors.
The more popular an edit/modification is the more support the original creators receives.
besides Bitcoin like Blockchain public/private key and encryption, there is a lot to add here but I'm not sure what, the security experts need to help out with this.
Airtight security/features to protect against account hacking, id stealing, character assassination, blackmail, extortion etc. are needed.
.User Profiles
Every user can completely customize their profile, users will have the option to add/link chat boxes, guest books, websites messengers etc. to their profile. The difference to social media like Facebook twitter and YouTube is that the user can decide to stay 100% anonymous and doesn't need to share anything.
Users can choose who to share their profile information with. They can use premade or their own white and black filter-lists or just share everything with everyone and then add specific users and groups these lists. Or only share with certain things with specific users or groups. Anything can be changed at any time.
Any user, group or project can make a request (I/We need a 360 video of a tree as example) and offer a reward through an eContract for the completion of that request. That request can be made public and others that want it to be created too can join in financing it.
When the request is fulfilled the user, group or project that fulfilled the request will gain the Flow (digital money) via the eContract. A request can be made without eContracts just so that someone can do it and gain support.
Users can form groups. A group is a list of users with their own profile space. A group can be anything a continent, a country, a club, company, anything. It can follow certain goals: Play video games all day long, create Video games, create Art, make music, plant trees in the desert, produce candy in a factory, anything is possible.
The group can be managed by the creator of the group (dictator mode), or a leader that has been elected by the group or the group manages itself. The managing style can be changed at any given time. There is the ability to roll back settings and depending on the managing style of the group, the creator can delete and ban users as a dictator or users vote to ban or delete certain users.
There are limits like dismissal protection when eContracts are involved. A group can gain support in form of donations and normal support which is then shared by the members of that group by the eContract that has been agreed on.
Users receiving support and Flow (digital money) can only be deleted or banned from the group if they fail to do the things they agreed on in an eContract. Users can be assigned roles and duties.
Any Flow (digital money) donations and “payments” made to groups or projects are open, that means everyone can see how much money has been collected on the groups profile. Opening up to the public how the money is used/distributed inside that group or project is up to the group or project.
-Users that have joined a group but have no position and/or signed an eContract won't get any support gain or Flow (digital money) from that group.
-Every user is part of the root group platform.
-It is not allowed to use group funds for private matters. Everyone needs to get a wage. The rest is the groups property and there to advance the group, for research etc. or will flow back into critical parts of the platform.
Even if the group is in dictator mode, the one that created the group may earn 50.000.000 a month if he/she wishes but once a group has been created it is not the creators solemn property anymore and thus needs it's own resources.
A group owner can not sell that group he/she can only lead it and earn his/her wage. The group will exist as long as others support it. With or without the creator of that group.
-Why groups aka companies should not be sell-able: We are in dire need of real leaders! Groups should be about building/advancing technology or supporting humanity and life in general. If groups can't be sold the group will be more about the purpose of the group than people owning it.
If one cannot own that group the only thing left is to lead it! It's a simple change but it brings a lot of positive change. It is time we end the age of greed and replace the leeches with leaders!
-Merging of groups is only allowed if there is no private gain involved!
.Groups with privileges
A group with privileges is a special group that is voted for and essential for the community. Like the Core developers, without them the system does not function. Others would be Farmers, police, hospitals etc.
Projects are worked on by users or groups and when the project is finished, shared with the community. If the task/project has not been done by a single user, support and donations are shared defined by an eContract. A projects content (files) can be private until released.
This is important if the group creates a movie, game, series etc. The project files can also be shared from start to finish it's up to the group.
.Crowd funded Projects / Funding request
You, your group or project seek financial support? You open a funding request with the optional eContract and if people like your idea/contract they will support you. The difference to current crowdfunding platforms is that here you don't have to offer anything to those that fund you (if you didn't sign an eContract).
Your support is at risk though. Anyone that supported you is allowed to give you negative support via Specialsupport. When you screw up, go back on your promise or scam your supporters you can go below 0 support. You do not have to reveal your real identity but in some cases (if you need a lot of money) you might need to reveal it to fulfill an eContract, in order to gain enough support.
If a user does not want to take such a risk he/she can casually ask for support in his/her profile or group and when talking to other users. If the user has not enough support to gain support he/she can ask other users to vouch for him/her and add them to the eContract.
.platform features
Any feature liked or disliked by the community can be made permanent, optional or be removed. Every user can vote to change something and gain support to do so. When the change reaches the needed percentage the core developers then have to make the change.
To protect against brainwashing the masses to change a core feature in a bad way a proof of understanding can be put in place, that means any user that wants to vote for the change needs to understand what he is voting for and what is at risk.
If the user fails this test the user needs to trust his vote to somebody that did not fail the test. If there is a test in place it needs to be easy to understand and can't be obfuscated, that's why it needs to be changed until >50% of the users agree with it.
Abusive users/groups/projects can be put on filter-lists. These lists can be published inside the system.
A user, group or project can promise to do/deliver something. Users can support the promise but unlike a funding request support can only be gained not subtracted. When the promise is deleted any support gain is then forfeit.
.eContracts (Digital Contracts / “delivery promise”)
Are binding promises to do something. Aka I give you X money if you build a wooden shack with this and that. A contract can be with other users, groups or projects. These contracts can have different steps aka no money when there is no shack, a base amount that is paid even if nothing is done.
If it is not as agreed upon, if the contractor gets ill and can't follow his promise time will be extended or only certain amount is paid etc. it can be as detailed as wanted. Only contracts/parts of contracts approved by >50% of the community are allowed to be used inside the system.
To protect against obfuscated contracts and traps, hidden details etc. Contracts my need to follow certain rules set by the community to keep both sides safe from fraud/scam. Users create eContracts by using predefined "eContract blocks" that have been approved by the community.
Custom "eContract blocks" may be used but only if approved by a professional risking his support on the Genuinity. Otherwise custom blocks need to be approved by the community first.
.User Support
Change the support received for projects/works. They can be changed by the users anytime they want. You might get the maximum support at first but when users find out you scammed them or have gone back on a promise etc. they might change it in the future. Be sure to not piss everyone off.
.User account
User accounts have an unique ID (bitcoin like address) This way users can be anonymous, have overlapping usernames and can still be identified.
A new user is not allowed to give any kind of support or vote. First he/she has to prove the community to not be a bot. He/She will receive some small automated tasks that bots can hardly do and/or then be assigned 5 to 10 random users that are willing to test the user by talking with the new user. These users then vote if the new user is a bot or not.
platform Feature that needs to be tested: If a user has gained support and Flow (digital money) by scamming/fraud or other bad misbehavior the affected users can decide to put that user on the Pillory/Court. Here the scamming/frauding user can justify himself and give promises and contracts to redeem himself.
If unwilling to do such promises/contracts, if proven guilty, support can then be removed and in bad cases with a lot of proof the user can get banned for his actions.
.Banned users
A misbehaving user can get support removed or be banned for their actions (spamming, fraud, scam, spreading viruses, malware etc.) The ban can be time limited or forever. Before getting banned a user is put on the Pillory/Court where he/she can explain himself. He/She might have spread something unintentionally.
Only the account is banned the user can then decide to start over with a new account.
.Flow (digital money)
The systems own cryptocurrency that is merged with the user accounts ID.
Bitcoin as it is now is has some serious flaws:
1. Users themselves are responsible for keeping their money safe. Which is not possible for users that do not have the right IT knowledge.
2. no protection against private key theft.
3. dust slowly chewing away at the coins
4. high energy cost to create the bitcoins
5. bad distribution / monopolization of coins (criminals that started using bitcoin early and some countries using server farms to create bitcoins are to blame)
6. Bitcoin has a limit of coins and is traded thus resulting in very high fluctuations on how much a bitcoin is worth in other currencies.
platform's Flow (digital money) is different:
// old bitcoin has implemented this now // -Multi signature / Transfer checks to protect against illegitimate transfer of funds: A optional feature where other users or groups check if a transfer is legitimate and the transfer is only done if these give their OK. As an example user1 (husband) adds user2 (wife) and Group (transfer check automated) to the list of transfer checkers. User2 and transfer check automated get a message about a transfer with the sender, receiver, amount and comment: “Payment for red race car No. 42'. The group “transfer check automated” is a group of hardcore security fanatics that have developed a mobile phone transfer check app and run a server that sends husband a message on his cellphone where he can accept or reject the transfer. Husband and Wife accept the transfer and the transfer is send. A user also could just make several accounts one with all of his funds and several that are only used to accept or reject a transfer.
-Like the name Flow suggests the currency is meant to be used in a continuous flowing manner. I can still be used like normal currency but the continuous flow of Microtransactions is what makes it truly special.
-Slow decay/taxation is implemented to redistribute dust and forgotten Flow on accounts that are not used anymore (dead but not declared dead) and to protect against monopolization/hoarding.
-Flow is scale-able and adapts to the user base. Whenever a user joins the system The Ocean (The Main Supply) receives a fixed amount of Flow that is then slowly distributed to all users.
-One Flow is worth exactly 1 hour of simple work.
-Trading it with other currencies is not allowed. Users not following this will be banned.
-The more support a user has the more Flow he receives from The Ocean (The Main Supply)? // needs to be test and thought through
-A limit on how much one single member can have. The cap will be something like 50.000.000 this number will not be static the decay needs to increase exponentially so that that high amount cannot be reached.
-The decay is influenced by the users support of things. The users can choose to a degree where the Flow that is removed by the decay flows into.
.Ocean (the main supply)
Every account is decaying over time this means money not used goes back to The Ocean (The Main Supply) which automatically distributes a fixed sum evenly to all accounts and the rest by support and importance. Importance means that a group or position gets privileges because it is needed (police, hospitals etc.). Or positions that consist of hard tiresome work thus making the task interesting by rewarding it better.
When Flow is stagnant for too long or too much of it is gathered it will be automatically redistributed by the Ocean (main supply). Decay is a very critical part of the system it keeps humans from hoarding too much wealth, money that doesn't flow is money missing.
That missing money creates many problems.
.Core Developers
All users can share and monitor the system core, but only those that have been voted for as Core Developers by >50%, can change core features of the platform. Every change needs to be allowed by the community with at least >50% vote depending on what is changed.
To protect against brainwashing the community into following bad changes. A proof that the user understands the change might be asked from the user to be able to vote. The way of obtaining (aka questions that need to be answered) that “proof of understanding” needs to be created and approved by >50% of the users first.
Coredevelopers have to compile and apply their code individually (it is to be the exact same code) and the code needs to be reviewed, tested and compared by others first. From there it is distributed to everyone else. All users need to be given access to the code so that every user can compile it themselves if they wish to do this.
Users can choose to automatically receive updates from the core developers servers.
Any code, especially for the core needs to be clean and well commented and documented, no bloated or obfuscated code is to be approved. Any corruption attempt of the core will be punished severely.
.Core System
The base files needed to keep platform going. They will be shared decentralized. The user can decide to share/host the core system files or use files that are hosted somewhere else. Users automatically gain support by sharing the core system.
.Core tasks/core positions
Maintenance of the system, testing new users for bots etc. these are rewarded automatically by The Ocean (The Main Supply)?
Imagine Politicians in a permanent state of election. Users can vote other users to be given certain positions within groups, projects or the core system. This vote, like the support can be changed any given time. Votes are anonymous as long as nobody has access to your account.
As an example: User “IQ200Dev” has applied for the position as a core developer and has been voted by more than 50% of the community because of his awesome video in which he showed off his coding skills. Later the community finds out that the video is fake and he looses 30% of his votes.
Thus he is removed from the core development group and will have a hard time getting into it again.
To vote, a certain support value or proof of identity is needed.
.Applying for Positions:
Groups can create positions that users can apply for. Users within that group then vote for who gets the position, if a leader or manager is not active.
A group can be a bank that manages users Flow (digital money) and a user Support the bank bound with an eContract and the bank keeps his money safe and monitors transactions to protect against theft etc. Since every user can only have positive value of Flow (digital money) the bank can lend the user money bound by an eContract.
A group can be a factory producing products. In platform a company does not need to sell products to survive, it can survive by donations and if the company-group is popular it might be able to survive with it's share from The Ocean (The Main Supply) alone.
A baker could offer an open eContract in his profile in which he promises that he uses the money that is given to him, after subtracting his living expenses, to bake bread for free to everyone that visits the shop with a limit of 1KG of bread per person, until the supply is depleted.
.Trusting (a vote to another user):
A user might want to give his voting ability to another user that he trusts will make the right decision for him/her. Pretty much what we currently do with politicians, but in a functioning way. As our current system isn't working. This can be out of sheer laziness, inability to understand what is voted for, or any reason.
"The difference is that the user can see in detail where his vote has gone to and change the trust and/or vote himself any time." (Not sure about this)
Some votes especially the votes for core changes have to be made by every user in a specific time frame, if the user does not vote in that time frame he/she will be warned and it will be suggested to trust the vote to another. If a specific number of these warnings are reached the account will be put in stasis (can't be used until user confirms he still uses it).
An account that is put too many times in stasis will receive a permanent ban. When the warnings are ignored for too long. (A year or something)
Problem: If users can just trust their voting power or certain votes to another person without that persons knowledge of it. The user trusting then shouldn't be able to see where his/her vote has gone to, to protect the trusted users privacy. On the other hand there could be an option where users make their voting public.
This would make it possible to trust an politician (Delegate) with votes". Since votes are dynamic and a politician (Delegate) only gains power through others trusting him/her, buying that Delegate or extortion will probably not work.
Since users have to provide proof that what they do is genuine they can ask other users to vouch for them. This means that a user risks his own credibility to make another credible. Should only be done if you are sure that the other user is not misusing you. (similar to or uses the Specialsupport)
.Multi signature
Enable other users(accounts)/groups to cosign a transaction before it becomes valid. Using this or an platform "bank" is a must against private-key theft.
Users and groups can block other users or groups. Trust- and Block Filter-Lists can be generated and used to filter profiles and/or profile content. These lists can be private or public.
Standard positions are core developer, group creator, group manager/group leader. Custom Positions are possible.
A user is declared deceased if proof, testimony and vouches of the users demise have been added and approved. Or if the account isn't accessed in a given time (20 to 50 years). The account is then moved to the graveyard where it can be accessed but not modified.
Any kind of payment/Flow to that account is disabled. The Flow amount that has been added to the system via creation of that account is removed from The Ocean (The Main Supply).
Digital Wills that are executed before an account is moved to the graveyard.
.Limits and Security
In order to ensure critical parts are not changed easily some features need very high voting percentage not just over 50% but 80% to 90%
The platform will integrate all common and needed laws that we already use worldwide. BUT they will be reworked to their essence obfuscation/bloating will be removed. They need to be clear and understandable.
It can't be that laws are this overcomplicated, we need too many different lawyer, that is not healthy. Any law should always be kind in nature. Hard and unforgiving laws will create hard and unforgiving humans. Laws exist so that we can live together not divide us!
Instead of sentencing somebody to death we need to put them in a facility where they will get help and if they do not want to change to be able to live with everyone they can stay there indefinitely until they hopefully become kinder in nature.
All crimes are done out of selfishness hate and greed, it might be a spur of the moment, a psychological problem and maybe even disability of some sort. All we need are laws that help these people we do not need any other laws. We certainly do not need laws
that are supportive of greedy and selfish behavior.
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