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Created September 18, 2012 08:31
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Save janderit/3742035 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test for (absence of) concurrency bug in fastJson. Fails with 2.0.5
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using NUnit.Framework;
using fastJSON;
namespace UnitTests
internal class Concurrency_bug_in_2_0_5
private static void GenerateJsonForAandB(out string jsonA, out string jsonB)
Trace.WriteLine("Begin constructing the original objects. Please ignore trace information until I'm done.");
// set all parameters to false to produce pure JSON
fastJSON.JSON.Instance.Parameters = new JSONParameters {EnableAnonymousTypes = false, IgnoreCaseOnDeserialize = false, SerializeNullValues = false, ShowReadOnlyProperties = false, UseExtensions = false, UseFastGuid = false, UseOptimizedDatasetSchema = false, UseUTCDateTime = false, UsingGlobalTypes = false};
var a = new ConcurrentClassA {PayloadA = new PayloadA()};
var b = new ConcurrentClassB {PayloadB = new PayloadB()};
// A is serialized with extensions and global types
jsonA = JSON.Instance.ToJSON(a, new JSONParameters {EnableAnonymousTypes = false, IgnoreCaseOnDeserialize = false, SerializeNullValues = false, ShowReadOnlyProperties = false, UseExtensions = true, UseFastGuid = false, UseOptimizedDatasetSchema = false, UseUTCDateTime = false, UsingGlobalTypes = true});
// B is serialized using the above defaults
jsonB = JSON.Instance.ToJSON(b);
Trace.WriteLine("Ok, I'm done constructing the objects. Below is the generated json. Trace messages that follow below are the result of deserialization and critical for understanding the timing.");
public void UsingGlobalsBug_singlethread_ok()
string jsonA;
string jsonB;
GenerateJsonForAandB(out jsonA, out jsonB);
var ax = JSON.Instance.ToObject(jsonA); // A has type information in JSON-extended
var bx = JSON.Instance.ToObject<ConcurrentClassB>(jsonB); // B needs external type info
public void UsingGlobalsBug_multithread_nok()
string jsonA;
string jsonB;
GenerateJsonForAandB(out jsonA, out jsonB);
object ax = null;
object bx = null;
* Intended timing to force CannotGetType bug in 2.0.5:
* the outer class ConcurrentClassA is deserialized first from json with extensions+global types. It reads the global types and sets _usingglobals to true.
* The constructor contains a sleep to force parallel deserialization of ConcurrentClassB while in A's constructor.
* The deserialization of B sets _usingglobals back to false.
* After B is done, A continues to deserialize its PayloadA. It finds type "2" but since _usingglobals is false now, it fails with "Cannot get type".
Exception exception = null;
var thread = new Thread(() =>
Trace.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " A begins deserialization");
ax = JSON.Instance.ToObject(jsonA); // A has type information in JSON-extended
Trace.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " A is done");
catch (Exception ex)
exception = ex;
Thread.Sleep(500); // wait to allow A to begin deserialization first
Trace.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " B begins deserialization");
bx=JSON.Instance.ToObject<ConcurrentClassB>(jsonB); // B needs external type info
Trace.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " B is done");
Trace.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " waiting for A to continue");
thread.Join(); // wait for completion of A due to Sleep in A's constructor
Trace.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId + " threads joined.");
Assert.IsNull(exception, exception==null?"":exception.Message+" "+exception.StackTrace);
public class ConcurrentClassA
public ConcurrentClassA()
Trace.WriteLine("ctor ConcurrentClassA. I will sleep for 2 seconds.");
Thread.MemoryBarrier(); // just to be sure the caches on multi-core processors do not hide the bug. For me, the bug is present without the memory barrier, too.
Trace.WriteLine("ctor ConcurrentClassA. I am done sleeping.");
public PayloadA PayloadA { get; set; }
public class ConcurrentClassB
public ConcurrentClassB()
Trace.WriteLine("ctor ConcurrentClassB.");
public PayloadB PayloadB { get; set; }
public class PayloadA
public PayloadA()
Trace.WriteLine("ctor PayLoadA.");
public class PayloadB
public PayloadB()
Trace.WriteLine("ctor PayLoadB.");
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