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Last active October 9, 2019 23:28
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dark room stuff

You get two sets of room data if you have a light source and move into an unlit room. You'll first get the unlit room data (which is not shown in your front end) and the lit room data.

If you have a light source and are in an unlit room and use the 'look' command, you get only the lit room data.

This means you might be able to refresh the room state by 'look'ing for each step you take in a dark area. The area also has to be mapped (manually? no automap? not sure).

Something more robust might involve checking room descriptions for the string "It's pitch dark and you can't see a thing!"

You can use the ;logxml script from ;repository to check or capture more data :)

With no light source

Moving to an unlit room

<!-- CLIENT --><c>ne<!-- ENDCLIENT -->
Kalinandra jabs a massive leather-covered handbook tooled with the title "How to Not!" at a Misenseor resuscitant.  The handbook lands a light hit to its left arm!  
<prompt time="1570660069">&gt;</prompt>
A mild flash of light engulfs you as you blink northeast.
<streamWindow id='main' title='Story' subtitle=" - " location='center' target='drop'/>
<streamWindow id='room' title='Room' subtitle=" - " location='center' target='drop' ifClosed='' resident='true'/>
<component id='room desc'>It's pitch dark and you can't see a thing!</component>

Looking in an unlit room

<!-- CLIENT --><c>l<!-- ENDCLIENT -->
The Misenseor resuscitant begins to advance on you!
The Misenseor resuscitant advances from nearby and is closing steadily.
<prompt time="1570660182">&gt;</prompt>
<resource picture="0"/>It's pitch dark and you can't see a thing!
<compass></compass><prompt time="1570660182">&gt;</prompt>

With a light on (Tenebrous Sense moonmage spell)

Moving to an unlit room

!-- CLIENT --><c>ne<!-- ENDCLIENT -->
<dialogData id='minivitals'><skin id='manaSkin' name='manaBar' controls='mana' left='20%' top='0%' width='20%' height='100%'/><progressBar id='mana' value='100' text='mana 100%' left='20%' customText='t' top='0%' width='20%' height='100%'/></dialogData>
<dialogData id='minivitals'><progressBar id='concentration' value='100' text='concentration 100%' left='80%' customText='t' top='0%' width='20%' height='100%'/></dialogData>
You feel fully attuned to the mana streams again.
<prompt time="1570660350">&gt;</prompt>
Kalinandra jabs an imposing battle sword with an acid-etched blade at a Misenseor resuscitant.  The sword lands a good hit to its chest!  
<prompt time="1570660350">&gt;</prompt>
A mild flash of light engulfs you as you blink northeast.
<streamWindow id='main' title='Story' subtitle=" - " location='center' target='drop'/>
<streamWindow id='room' title='Room' subtitle=" - " location='center' target='drop' ifClosed='' resident='true'/>
<component id='room desc'>It's pitch dark and you can't see a thing!</component>
<component id='room objs'></component>
<component id='room players'></component>
<component id='room exits'></component>
<component id='room extra'></component>
<resource picture="0"/>Your stare into the shadows and see...

<style id="roomName" />[Catacombs, Labyrinth]
<style id=""/><preset id='roomDesc'>A myriad of decayed cadavers lie in hastily constructed alcoves along both sides of the passage.  Twisting and turning, these halls of the dead quickly disorient and confuse.  Small pools of water, putrid with rot, fill the depressions in the uneven floor, and the odor of decay is overpowering.  An occasional alcove sits empty, giving one cause to wonder where the previous occupant now lies.</preset>  You also see <pushBold/>a Misenseor resuscitant<popBold/> and <pushBold/>a Misenseor resuscitant<popBold/>.
Obvious exits: <d>north</d>, <d>east</d>, <d>southwest</d>.
<compass><dir value="n"/><dir value="e"/><dir value="sw"/></compass><component id='room objs'>You also see <pushBold/>a Misenseor resuscitant<popBold/> and <pushBold/>a Misenseor resuscitant<popBold/>.</component>
<component id='room players'></component>
<prompt time="1570660350">&gt;</prompt>

Looking in a lit room

<!-- CLIENT --><c>l<!-- ENDCLIENT -->
<clearStream id="percWindow"/>
Tenebrous Sense  (24 roisaen)
<resource picture="0"/><style id="roomName" />[Catacombs, Labyrinth]
<style id=""/><preset id='roomDesc'>The air is cool and damp, laced with a strong malodorous scent coming from the passages beyond.  Small bits of shattered bone, torn clothing, shreds of leather and other debris litter the floor.  Near the gate, the walls are deeply scored and scratched as if something had tried to claw its way through to the other side.</preset>  You also see <pushBold/>a serene alfar warrior<popBold/>, a large iron gate, an unusually shaped helm, a medium pewter bar, <pushBold/>a Misenseor resuscitant<popBold/>, <pushBold/>a Misenseor resuscitant<popBold/> and <pushBold/>a Misenseor resuscitant<popBold/>.
Also here: War Witch Kalinandra who is surrounded by multicolored cloud of glitter.
Obvious exits: <d>northeast</d>, <d>northwest</d>.
<compass><dir value="ne"/><dir value="nw"/></compass><prompt time="1570660348">&gt;</prompt>

Looking in an unlit room

<!-- CLIENT --><c>l<!-- ENDCLIENT -->
<resource picture="0"/>Your stare into the shadows and see...

<style id="roomName" />[Catacombs, Labyrinth]
<style id=""/><preset id='roomDesc'>A myriad of decayed cadavers lie in hastily constructed alcoves along both sides of the passage.  Twisting and turning, these halls of the dead quickly disorient and confuse.  Small pools of water, putrid with rot, fill the depressions in the uneven floor, and the odor of decay is overpowering.  An occasional alcove sits empty, giving one cause to wonder where the previous occupant now lies.</preset>  You also see <pushBold/>a Misenseor resuscitant<popBold/>, <pushBold/>a Misenseor resuscitant<popBold/>, <pushBold/>a Misenseor resuscitant<popBold/> and <pushBold/>a Misenseor resuscitant<popBold/>.
Obvious exits: <d>north</d>, <d>east</d>, <d>southwest</d>.
<compass><dir value="n"/><dir value="e"/><dir value="sw"/></compass><prompt time="1570662669">&gt;</prompt>
* Apparently without direction or thought, a Misenseor resuscitant slams its balled fist at you.  You dodge.  
[You're winded, solidly balanced and in very strong position.]
<prompt time="1570662670">&gt;</prompt>
<dialogData id='minivitals'><skin id='manaSkin' name='manaBar' controls='mana' left='20%' top='0%' width='20%' height='100%'/><progressBar id='mana' value='100' text='mana 100%' left='20%' customText='t' top='0%' width='20%' height='100%'/></dialogData>
<dialogData id='minivitals'><skin id='staminaSkin' name='staminaBar' controls='stamina' left='40%' top='0%' width='20%' height='100%'/><progressBar id='stamina' value='100' text='fatigue 100%' left='40%' customText='t' top='0%' width='20%' height='100%'/></dialogData>
<dialogData id='minivitals'><progressBar id='concentration' value='100' text='concentration 100%' left='80%' customText='t' top='0%' width='20%' height='100%'/></dialogData>

multi movement to unlit rooms

<!-- CLIENT --><c>n<!-- ENDCLIENT -->
<indicator id='IconHIDDEN' visible='n'/>You come out of hiding.
<resource picture="0"/>You stroll north.
<streamWindow id='main' title='Story' subtitle=" - " location='center' target='drop'/>
<streamWindow id='room' title='Room' subtitle=" - " location='center' target='drop' ifClosed='' resident='true'/>
<component id='room desc'>It's pitch dark and you can't see a thing!</component>
<component id='room objs'></component>
<component id='room players'></component>
<component id='room exits'></component>
<component id='room extra'></component>
<resource picture="0"/>Your stare into the shadows and see...

<style id="roomName" />[Catacombs, Labyrinth]
<style id=""/><preset id='roomDesc'>A myriad of decayed cadavers lie in hastily constructed alcoves along both sides of the passage.  Twisting and turning, these halls of the dead quickly disorient and confuse.  Small pools of water, putrid with rot, fill the depressions in the uneven floor, and the odor of decay is overpowering.  An occasional alcove sits empty, giving one cause to wonder where the previous occupant now lies.</preset>  
Obvious exits: <d>south</d>, <d>west</d>.
<compass><dir value="s"/><dir value="w"/></compass><component id='room objs'></component>
<component id='room players'></component>
<prompt time="1570661031">&gt;</prompt>
<clearStream id="percWindow"/>
<!-- CLIENT --><c>w<!-- ENDCLIENT -->
<resource picture="0"/>You stroll west.
<streamWindow id='main' title='Story' subtitle=" - [Catacombs, Labyrinth]" location='center' target='drop'/>
<streamWindow id='room' title='Room' subtitle=" - [Catacombs, Labyrinth]" location='center' target='drop' ifClosed='' resident='true'/>
<component id='room desc'>A myriad of decayed cadavers lie in hastily constructed alcoves along both sides of the passage.  Twisting and turning, these halls of the dead quickly disorient and confuse.  Small pools of water, putrid with rot, fill the depressions in the uneven floor, and the odor of decay is overpowering.  An occasional alcove sits empty, giving one cause to wonder where the previous occupant now lies.</component>
<component id='room objs'></component>
<component id='room players'></component>
<component id='room exits'>Obvious exits: <d>east</d>, <d>south</d>.<compass></compass></component>
<component id='room extra'></component>
<resource picture="0"/>Your stare into the shadows and see...

<style id="roomName" />[Catacombs, Labyrinth]
<style id=""/><preset id='roomDesc'>A myriad of decayed cadavers lie in hastily constructed alcoves along both sides of the passage.  Twisting and turning, these halls of the dead quickly disorient and confuse.  Small pools of water, putrid with rot, fill the depressions in the uneven floor, and the odor of decay is overpowering.  An occasional alcove sits empty, giving one cause to wonder where the previous occupant now lies.</preset>  
Obvious exits: <d>east</d>, <d>south</d>.
<compass><dir value="e"/><dir value="s"/></compass><component id='room objs'></component>
<component id='room players'></component>
<prompt time="1570661038">&gt;</prompt>
<!-- CLIENT --><c>s<!-- ENDCLIENT -->
<resource picture="0"/>You stroll south.
<streamWindow id='main' title='Story' subtitle=" - [Catacombs, Labyrinth]" location='center' target='drop'/>
<streamWindow id='room' title='Room' subtitle=" - [Catacombs, Labyrinth]" location='center' target='drop' ifClosed='' resident='true'/>
<component id='room desc'>A myriad of decayed cadavers lie in hastily constructed alcoves along both sides of the passage.  Twisting and turning, these halls of the dead quickly disorient and confuse.  Small pools of water, putrid with rot, fill the depressions in the uneven floor, and the odor of decay is overpowering.  An occasional alcove sits empty, giving one cause to wonder where the previous occupant now lies.</component>
<component id='room objs'></component>
<component id='room players'></component>
<component id='room exits'>Obvious exits: <d>north</d>, <d>southeast</d>, <d>west</d>.<compass></compass></component>
<component id='room extra'></component>
<resource picture="0"/>Your stare into the shadows and see...

<style id="roomName" />[Catacombs, Labyrinth]
<style id=""/><preset id='roomDesc'>A myriad of decayed cadavers lie in hastily constructed alcoves along both sides of the passage.  Twisting and turning, these halls of the dead quickly disorient and confuse.  Small pools of water, putrid with rot, fill the depressions in the uneven floor, and the odor of decay is overpowering.  An occasional alcove sits empty, giving one cause to wonder where the previous occupant now lies.</preset>  
Obvious exits: <d>north</d>, <d>southeast</d>, <d>west</d>.
<compass><dir value="n"/><dir value="se"/><dir value="w"/></compass><component id='room objs'></component>
<component id='room players'></component>
<prompt time="1570661044">&gt;</prompt>
<clearStream id="percWindow"/>
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