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Created June 12, 2014 18:41
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class EAN13render
// These are the different barcode patterns for each digit (7 bit each).
// '1' represents a black line, '0' represents white (no line).
static $Rcodes = array('1110010', '1100110', '1101100', '1000010', '1011100',
'1001110', '1010000', '1000100', '1001000', '1110100');
// The EAN13 defines three groups of bit patterns.
// The 'R' pattern group, as above.
// The 'G' group, which is a mirror of R (bits scanned in opposite order).
// And the 'L' group, which is an inverse of R (0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 0).
// Rather than defining them as arrays, we'll synthesize them at runtime.
// This array describes which group to use for each digit,
// depending on the first digit of the EAN code.
static $groups = array('LLLLLL', 'LLGLGG', 'LLGGLG', 'LLGGGL', 'LGLLGG',
public static function Render($barcode) {
$w = 123; $h = 78; // Size of our barcode image
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($w, $h);
ImageFilledRectangle($im, 0,0, $w,$h, 0xFFFFFF); // Fill the image with white.
$xpos = 19;
// This function renders bit patterns
$synth = function($pattern, $transformation, $height) use(&$im, &$xpos) {
$b = strlen($pattern);
for($a=0; $a<$b; $a++){
$index = $a;
// If the group is 'G', mirror the code.
if($transformation == 'G') $index = ($b-1) - $index;
// Choose the bit from the pattern.
$bit = (int) $pattern[$index];
// If the group is 'L', invert the bit.
if($transformation == 'L') $bit = 1-$bit;
// If the bit is '1', draw a vertical line in black color.
if($bit == 1)
ImageLine($im, $xpos,0, $xpos,$height, 0x000000);
// Define the lengths of the barcode lines.
$normal_height = $h-12;
$separator_height = $h-7;
$font = 'arial.ttf';
// First, produce a begin separator (two thin bars).
$synth('101', 'R', $separator_height);
for($n=0; $n<13; $n++) {
$digit = (int) $barcode[$n];
if($n == 0) {
// Print the first digit separately (in black color)
// Unless 0, which stands for UPC
if($digit != 0)
ImageTTFtext($im, 8,0, $xpos-10,$h-1, 0x000000, $font, $digit);
} else {
// Print the digit (in black color)
ImageTTFtext($im, 8,0, $xpos,$h-1, 0x000000, $font, $digit);
// Produce the pattern.
$code = EAN13render::$Rcodes[$digit];
$select = 'R';
if($n <= 6) {
// Choose the pattern for the left side digits based
// on the first digit of the barcode.
$select = EAN13render::$groups[ (int)$barcode[0] ][ $n-1 ];
$synth($code, $select, $normal_height);
if($n == 6) {
// Produce the middle separator. Two thin bars, again.
$synth('01010', 'R', $separator_height);
// Last, produce the end separator.
// Which looks the same as the begin separator.
$synth('101', 'R', $separator_height);
return $im;
// This is my sample EAN-13 barcode (6425081281317)
$barcode = sprintf('64%s', base_convert('BISQWIT', 36, 10));
$im = EAN13render::Render($barcode);
ImagePNG($im, 'test.png');
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אחי אתה מעיף כדורים

joku lyö palloja

you're tripping balls mate

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