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Last active March 12, 2021 13:18
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TicTacToe - Recurse Interview
def printBoard(board, game):
print(f"Game #{game}. Board configuration:\n {' '.join([str(c) for c in board[:3]])}\n {' '.join([str(c) for c in board[3:6]])}\n {' '.join([str(c) for c in board[6:]])}\n")
def checkWin(board, game):
printBoard(board, game)
routes = [board[:3], board[3:6], board[6:]] # Rows of board
columns = [board[::3],board[1::3],board[2::3]] # Columns of board
diagonals = [[board[0],board[4],board[8]],[board[2],board[4],board[6]]] # Diagonals of board
routes.extend(diagonals) # Routes = all possible routes to a win-state
win = False
winner = None
for route in routes:
if len(list(set(route))) == 1: # If every item in the route is the same
print(f'Route set: {list(set(route))}')
win = True
winner = list(set(route))[0] # The winner is whichever player has filled every cell in the route
print(f'!WINNER! Player {winner}')
return win, winner
def checkStalemate(board):
stalemate = (True if (len(list(set(board))) == 2) else False)
if stalemate: print(f'!STALEMATE!')
return stalemate
def resetBoard():
print("Clearing board...")
return [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
def turn(player, board):
print(f'Hello player {player}!')
err = True
while err:
square = int(input(f'Input a board square:'))
if 0 <= square <=8:
if isinstance(board[square], int):
err = False
board[square] = player
print(f'Square #{square} already occupied by {board[square]}')
err = True
print('Select a square in the range 0-8')
err = True
err = True
player = 'X' if player=='O' else 'O'
print(f'Active player: {player}')
return player
def main():
board = resetBoard()
game = 0
win, winner = checkWin(board, game)
stalemate = checkStalemate(board)
keepPlaying = True
player = 'X'
while keepPlaying:
player = turn(player, board)
win, winner = checkWin(board, game)
stalemate = checkStalemate(board)
if (win or stalemate):
board = resetBoard()
playAgain = str(input(f'Play again? [Y/n]'))
if playAgain.lower() == 'n':
keepPlaying = False
else: game += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
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