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Last active September 24, 2023 20:17
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Save janeczku/8424508 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A custom module to use DDNS provider "" with Synology's DDNS update service
# - A DDNS custom module for Synology DSM
# Author:
# Brian Schmidt Pedersen (
# Version:
# 1.3.5
# Description:
# This is a custom DDNS module, for use with my Synology DiskStation. It
# allows me to use the DSM interface for DDNS service.
# You can either add the provider manually or by using the "--install"
# feature.
# Using the "--install" feature
# Execute the script with the "--install" option:
# > --install
# If the script isn't executable, you can prepend sh:
# > sh --install
# This will copy (and overwrite if already exists) the file
# '/sbin/' and chmod +x it (make it eXecutable).
# If no other arguments are added to the "--install" option, a provider
# with the name "" will be added. In order to use more hosts
# you can add a custom provider name after the "--install" option:
# > --install
# or
# > --install My Custom Provider
# This adds a provider with the name "", which will use the
# DDNS module.
# You don't have to worry about spaces. The script reads everything after
# "--install" as one string. You might have to beware of using certain
# characters that might act as an escape character (backslash, ticks,
# backticks, single- and double quotes spring to mind).
# Manual installation
# Copy the '' file to the '/sbin' folder:
# > cp /volume1/homes/USERNAME/ /sbin/
# The above copy command assumes you have enabled "User home service" on
# your Synology, and also assumes that the home shares are located on
# your first volume "volume1".
# Then make the file eXecutable:
# > chmod +x /sbin/
# Then edit the "/etc.defaults/ddnsd_provider.conf" file to add DDNS
# providers. I only know of 'vi' editor on the Synolgoy devices, which
# can be a bit annoying to navigate, if you don't know how.
# Open "/etc.defaults/ddnsd_provider.conf" in vi:
# > vi /etc.defaults/ddnsd_provider.conf
# When opened, hold the DOWN ARROW until you reach the end of the config
# file, then hit (once only) the O key (the letter,not the number). This
# opens edit mode, below the current line. Then simply type (or paste,
# but remember to not paste the # comments) the following:
# []
# modulepath=/sbin/
# queryurl=
# You can add multiple sections by adding the above, and changing the
# text between the square brackets (i.e. []).
# If you have a DS with two interfaces (like me), and the DDNS/ezCloud
# interface doesn't show the IP for the right interface, then you can
# make it, by setting the gateway manually in Network settings, to be the
# gateway of the interface which you want DDNS to use. Just bear in mind
# that this also affects which interface all the other services on the DS
# uses.
# Changelist:
# 1.3.5
# * Added a simple check, to ensure that DDNS wouldn't update if IP was
# (yes, I've had that happen to me)
# 1.3.4
# * Changed from cut to awk, to find the __DOMAIN__ from __HOSTNAME__, this
# is to ensure that the last two delimeters are always found (i.e.
# '' found from '', '' and
# '' etc.)
# 1.3.3
# * Minor fixes and modifications to the "--install" feature.
# 1.3.2
# + Modified the "--install" feature to add a custom provider/domain.
# See the description for more details.
# 1.3.1
# * Fixed the "--install" feature.
# 1.3.0
# + Added a simple "--install" argument which simply appends the GratisDNS
# provider to the /etc.defaults/ddns_provider.conf file, if not already
# added.
# 1.2.7
# * __DOMAIN__ would be incorrect, if using 2nd. or 3rd. (or higher)
# level subdomains, since it was just the 2nd. and 3rd. delimiter
# that was returned. Changed to 2nd. delimiter and the rest.
# Thanks to Mathias Neerup for bringing my attention to this.
# 1.2.6
# * Just minor changes to the code, so Notepad++ could code-fold :)
# 1.2.5
# * Changed update_ca_bundle() a bit, since the age checking didn't
# seem to work before.
# 1.2.4
# * Fixed script to return "nochg" when IP isn't changed from IPcache
# 1.2.3
# * Fixed so the IP cache is also updated, even when DDNS provider
# responds with 'nochg', since obivously then the cached IP were
# wrong.
# 1.2.2
# * Fixed some return code checking.
# 1.2.1
# + Added more debug logging.
# 1.2.0
# + Moved the entire update ddns routine into its own function.
# + Moved the CA bundle checking and updating into its own function.
# 1.1.0
# + Changed the cURL update query to use CA bundle, for better
# security.
# 1.0.0
# + Release.
# Todo:
{ # Read the supplied arguments into variables used in this script.
__USERNAME__="$(echo ${@} | cut -d' ' -f1)"
__PASSWORD__="$(echo ${@} | cut -d' ' -f2)"
__HOSTNAME__="$(echo ${@} | cut -d' ' -f3)"
# __DOMAIN__="$(echo ${__HOSTNAME__} | awk -F. '{print $(NF-1) "." $NF}')"
__MYIP__="$(echo ${@} | cut -d' ' -f4)"
# Alternate methods for getting the IP:
#__INTERFACE_IP__="$(ifconfig ${__INTERFACE__} | sed '/inet\ /!d;s/.*r://g;s/\ .*//g')"
#__MYIP__=$(curl --silent --interface ${__INTERFACE__} "")
# Where to store the IP used for the last DNS update:
# Where to store the logfile:
# Where to store the CA bundle:
# The ddns_provider.conf path and filename:
# The scriptfile (this file) path and filename (used for the --install parameter):
if [ "$(echo ${@} | cut -d' ' -f1)" == "--install" ]; then
cp -f ${0} ${__SCRIPTFILE__}
chmod +x ${__SCRIPTFILE__}
if [ "$(echo ${@} | cut -d' ' -f2-)" == "--install" ]; then
__MYDOMAIN__="$(echo ${@} | cut -d' ' -f2-)"
if [ ! $(grep "${__MYDOMAIN__}" ${__CONFIGFILE__}) ]; then
# Add the custom domain to the ddns_provider.conf file.
echo "[${__MYDOMAIN__}]" >> ${__CONFIGFILE__}
echo " modulepath=/sbin/" >> ${__CONFIGFILE__}
echo " queryurl=" >> ${__CONFIGFILE__}
echo "Added '${__MYDOMAIN__}' to the DDNS Provider list."
echo "Done!"
log() {
# Severity Levels:
# 0 Emergency System is unusable.
# A "panic" condition usually affecting multiple apps/servers/sites.
# At this level it would usually notify all tech staff on call.
# 1 Alert Action must be taken immediately.
# Should be corrected immediately, therefore notify staff who can fix
# the problem.An example would be the loss of a backup ISP connection
# 2 Critical Critical conditions.
# Should be corrected immediately, but indicates failure in a primary
# system, an example is a loss of primary ISP connection.
# 3 Error Error conditions.
# Non-urgent failures, these should be relayed to developers or
# admins; each item must be resolved within a given time.
# 4 Warning Warning conditions.
# Warning messages, not an error, but indication that an error will
# occur if action is not taken, e.g. file system 85% full - each item
# must be resolved within a given time.
# 5 Notice Normal but significant condition.
# Events that are unusual but not error conditions - might be
# summarized in an email to developers or admins to spot potential
# problems - no immediate action required.
# 6 Informational Informational messages.
# Normal operational messages - may be harvested for reporting,
# measuring throughput, etc - no action required.
# 7 Debug Debug-level messages.
# Info useful to developers for debugging the application, not useful
# during operations.
__LOGTIME__=$(date +"%b %e %T")
if [ "${#}" -lt 1 ]; then
if [ "${#}" -lt 2 ]; then
logger -p ${__LOGPRIO__} -t "$(basename ${0})" "${__LOGMSG__}"
echo "${__LOGTIME__} $(basename ${0}) (${__LOGPRIO__}): ${__LOGMSG__}" >> ${__LOGFILE__}
update_ddns() {
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
log "update_ddns(): Missing Argument. URL string required." 3
# Update DNS record:
if [ -f "${__CA_BUNDLE__}" ]; then
log "update_ddns(): Updating using --cacert \"${__CA_BUNDLE__}\"." 7
__RESPONSE__=$(curl --silent --cacert "${__CA_BUNDLE__}" "${__URL__}")
log "update_ddns(): Updating using --insecure." 7
__RESPONSE__=$(curl --silent --insecure "${__URL__}")
if [ "${?}" -ne "0" ]; then
log "update_ddns(): cURL returned error code ${?} while trying to update DDNS." 3
log "update_ddns(): __RESPONSE__=${__RESPONSE__}" 7
# Output:
# When you write your own module, you can use the following words to tell user what happen by print it.
# You can use your own message, but there is no multiple-language support.
# good - Update successfully.
# nochg - Update successfully but the IP address have not changed.
# nohost - The hostname specified does not exist in this user account.
# abuse - The hostname specified is blocked for update abuse.
# notfqdn - The hostname specified is not a fully-qualified domain name.
# badauth - Authenticate failed.
# 911 - There is a problem or scheduled maintenance on provider side
# badagent - The user agent sent bad request(like HTTP method/parameters is not permitted)
# badresolv - Failed to connect to because failed to resolve provider address.
# badconn - Failed to connect to provider because connection timeout.
case ${__RESPONSE__} in
echo ${__MYIP__} > ${__IP_CACHE__}
echo ${__MYIP__} > ${__IP_CACHE__}
'Forkerte værdier, opdatering kan ikke laves.<br><br>A record findes ikke.'|'Domæne kan IKKE administreres af bruger')
'Bruger login: 1Fejl i kodeord, prøv igen. Husk serveren ser forskel på STORE Og små BOGstAvER.'|'Bruger login: Bruger eksistere ikke, husk serveren ser forskel på STORE Og smÅ BOGstAvER.')
'Bruger login: MD5 invalid')
# The error from the provider doesn't really match up with the
# status I forward to DDNSd. But it seems that a malformed URL,
# such as if the URL isn't enclosed in quotes or contains spaces
# etc. will give this error.
log "update_ddns(): DDNSd Status: ${__STATUS__}" 6
{ # Get the last known DDNS IP
if [ ! -f ${__IP_CACHE__} ]; then
# If the file wasn't found, create it to avoid errors.
echo "" > ${__IP_CACHE__}
__OLDIP__=$(cat ${__IP_CACHE__})
if [ "${__MYIP__}" == "" ] || [ "${__MYIP__}" == "" ]; then
log "IP was '', which is wrong. Not updating." 5
elif [ "${__OLDIP__}" == "${__MYIP__}" ]; then
log "IP not changed. ${__MYIP__}. Not updating." 6
# Set the response and status variables, so they're available globally. That way I can read them outside the update_ddns() function.
__RESPONSE__="No response returned from DDNS provider."
__STATUS__="No status returned from update_ddns()."
log "IP changed. ${__OLDIP__} > ${__MYIP__}. Attempting to update DNS." 6
update_ddns "${__URL__}"
if [ "${?}" -ne "0" ]; then
log "update_dns(): ${__RESPONSE__}" 3
log "update_dns(): ${__RESPONSE__}" 6
printf "%s" "${__STATUS__}"
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Is this working with the very last version of DSM 5.0 as of today ?
Thanks for sharing this script

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Fmstrat commented Oct 18, 2016

Password in URL over HTTP? I know this code is old, but anyone using it might want to make that HTTPS.

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