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Created July 9, 2020 16:06
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Game-like application with explorable areas
namespace ExplorableAreasDemo
class Item
public string Name;
public string Description;
public Item(string name, string description)
Name = name;
Description = description;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ExplorableAreasDemo
class Location
public string Name;
public string Description;
public List<Item> Items = new List<Item>();
public ConsoleColor LocationColor = new ConsoleColor();
//TODO: add array or list of people that player can meet
//use random names, dialogue, and items in the NPC inventories
public Location(string name, string description, List<Item> items)
Name = name;
Description = description;
Items = items;
LocationColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen;
public Location(string name, string description, List<Item> items, ConsoleColor color)
Name = name;
Description = description;
Items = items;
LocationColor = color;
public string About()
return $"{Name}: {Description}";
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace ExplorableAreasDemo
class Person
public string Name;
public List<Item> Inventory;
public Person(string name, List<Item> inventory)
if (name != "")
{ Name = name; }
{ Name = "Anonymous Explorer"; }
Inventory = inventory;
* Explorable Areas
* by Janell Baxter
* 7/6/2020
* ITP Summer 2020
namespace ExplorableAreasDemo
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
new World();
using System;
namespace ExplorableAreasDemo
class Utility
public static Random random = new Random();
public static int GetRandomNumber(int max)
return random.Next(max);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using static System.Console;
namespace ExplorableAreasDemo
class World
string Name = "My Awesome World";
List<Location> Locations;
Person player;
public World()
private void SetUpWorld()
Locations = new List<Location>();
Title = Name + " by Janell";
WriteLine($"Welcome to {Name}");
//Example of creating a temporary list to pass into the constructor
List<Item> temp = new List<Item>();
temp.Add(new Item("leaf", "generic leaf"));
temp.Add(new Item("stick", "basic stick"));
temp.Add(new Item("rock", "a hefty rock"));
temp.Add(new Item("coin", "a shiny coin"));
temp.Add(new Item("snorkel mask", "important for breathing under water"));
Locations.Add(new Location("Tall Mountains", "Very tall mountains. Steep. Intriquing.", temp, ConsoleColor.Gray));
//instead of creating a temporary list,
//you can create a new list and add items when you make the location instance
Locations.Add(new Location("Forest", "Dark scary forest", new List<Item> { new Item("leaf", "generic leaf"), new Item("stick", "basic stick"), new Item("snorkel breathing tube", "important for snorkeling"), new Item("fin set", "good for underwater snorkeling") }));
//make list and add items
Locations.Add(new Location("Lake", "A great place for snorkeling", new List<Item> {new Item("treasure", "lots of great treasure items")}, ConsoleColor.DarkBlue));
private void SetUpPlayer()
WriteLine("Hello explorer! What is your name?");
string input = ReadLine();
player = new Person(input, new List<Item>());
WriteLine("Welcome " + player.Name);
private void LocationMenu()
WriteLine("These are the places you can visit... enter a number to travel:");
int choice = 1;
foreach (Location location in Locations)
WriteLine(choice + ") " + location.About());
string input = ReadLine();
case "1":
case "2":
case "3":
bool mask = false;
bool tube = false;
bool fins = false;
foreach (Item item in player.Inventory)
if (item.Name.Contains("mask"))
mask = true;
else if (item.Name.Contains("tube"))
tube = true;
else if (item.Name.Contains("fin"))
fins = true;
if (mask && tube && fins)
{ Travel(2); }
WriteLine("You are missing essential snorkeling gear. Make sure you have a mask, a breathing tube, and fins.");
WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
//convert input to a number
//find that number inside of the Locations list and use that as target location
//See the Travel method for example of how to do this : )
private void Travel(int choice)
BackgroundColor = Locations[choice].LocationColor;
ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
WriteLine($"Welcome {player.Name} to {Locations[choice].Name}");
//you could build up with three lines...
//int listSize = Locations[choice].Items.Count;
//int randomNumber = Utility.GetRandomNumber(listSize);
//Item randomLocationItem = Locations[choice].Items[randomNumber];
//or just have one line...
Item randomItem = Locations[choice].Items[Utility.GetRandomNumber(Locations[choice].Items.Count)];
WriteLine($"You see a {randomItem.Name} ({randomItem.Description}) lying on the ground. Do you pick it up and take it with you?");
string input = ReadLine();
if (input.ToLower() == "yes")
WriteLine("Here is what is in your inventory:");
foreach (Item item in player.Inventory)
WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
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