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Last active January 5, 2017 18:25
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My first decorator! Translate text to Swedish Chef.
import re
I wrote my first decorator following Colin Myer's PyCon2014 'Intro to Decorators' talk. Wheee!
def chefalize(phrase):
"""convert HTML to Swedish Chef-speak
Cribbed from Mark Pilgrim's "Dive Into Python" - -
code at
which was based on the classic chef.x, copyright (c) 1992, 1993 John Hagerman
subs = ((r'a([nu])', r'u\1'),
(r'A([nu])', r'U\1'),
(r'a\B', r'e'),
(r'A\B', r'E'),
(r'en\b', r'ee'),
(r'\Bew', r'oo'),
(r'\Be\b', r'e-a'),
(r'\be', r'i'),
(r'\bE', r'I'),
(r'\Bf', r'ff'),
(r'\Bir', r'ur'),
(r'(\w*?)i(\w*?)$', r'\1ee\2'),
(r'\bow', r'oo'),
(r'\bo', r'oo'),
(r'\bO', r'Oo'),
(r'the', r'zee'),
(r'The', r'Zee'),
(r'th\b', r't'),
(r'\Btion', r'shun'),
(r'\Bu', r'oo'),
(r'\BU', r'Oo'),
(r'v', r'f'),
(r'V', r'F'),
(r'w', r'w'),
(r'W', r'W'),
(r'([a-z])[.]', r'\1. Bork Bork Bork!'))
def inner(phrase, *args, **kwargs):
for fromPattern, toPattern in subs:
phrase = re.sub(fromPattern, toPattern, phrase)
return phrase
return inner
def my_plain_function(phrase):
return phrase
if __name__ == "__main__":
conference_talk = """Friday 11:30 a.m.-noon
Decorators: A Powerful Weapon in your Python Arsenal
Colton Myers
Audience level: Intermediate
Category: Python Core (language, stdlib, etc.)
Decorators are an invaluable addition to anyone's arsenal of python tools and tricks. We will learn what a decorator is, how decorators are created, and then explore some of the cooler applications for decorators in our everyday projects.
Decorators are one of the coolest constructs in Python. Although they aren't necessary in many python scripts/applications,
there are certain problems that decorators solve beautifully. The average python programmer may have heard of decorators,
may have even used them from time to time. But many python programmers don't know how decorators work, or often even
how to construct them!
This session will be a fairly in-depth exploration of decorators: how to construct them, how they work, and
how to use them in your code. By the end of the session, you should have a moderate understanding of how decorators work,
and should be able to use them in your own projects."""
print my_plain_function(conference_talk)
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