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Created July 13, 2012 06:11
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Battleship for the Console
from pprint import pprint
import random
import sys
def main():
aircraft_carrier = []
battle_ship = []
submarine = []
destroyer = []
patrol_boat = []
aircraft_carrier_status = 0
battle_ship_status = 0
submarine_status = 0
destroyer_status = 0
patrol_boat_status = 0
def initialize():
board = []
for i in xrange(10):
for j in xrange(10):
board[i].append(' ')
return board
def fireshot(aircraft_carrier_status, battle_ship_status, submarine_status, destroyer_status, patrol_boat_status):
fire = input('You may fire when ready (x, y): ')
x = fire[0]
y = fire[1]
if board[x][y] == ' ':
print '\033[91m' + 'Miss!' + '\033[0m'
board[x][y] = '0'
showboard[x][y] = '0'
aircraft_carrier_status, battle_ship_status, submarine_status, destroyer_status, patrol_boat_status = gamestate(showboard, board, x, y, aircraft_carrier_status, battle_ship_status, submarine_status, destroyer_status, patrol_boat_status)
# print below the hidden board
# pprint(board)
# print below the play board
print " "
fireshot(aircraft_carrier_status, battle_ship_status, submarine_status, destroyer_status, patrol_boat_status)
def find_open_spot(row, row_number, required_number, num_repeats, stop_after_match=True):
i = random.randrange(0, 9 - num_repeats)
while i < len(row):
if [required_number]*num_repeats == row[i:i + num_repeats]:
row[i:i+num_repeats] = ['x']*num_repeats
if num_repeats == 5:
for coords in xrange(5):
aircraft_carrier.append([row_number, i+coords])
elif num_repeats == 4:
for coords in xrange(4):
battle_ship.append([row_number, i+coords])
elif num_repeats == 3:
if len(submarine) < 3:
for coords in xrange(3):
submarine.append([row_number, i+coords])
for coords in xrange(3):
destroyer.append([row_number, i+coords])
elif num_repeats == 2:
for coords in xrange(2):
patrol_boat.append([row_number, i+coords])
i += num_repeats
if stop_after_match:
i += 1
return row
def generate_ship(board, space, number):
row_number = random.randrange(0, 9)
row = board[row_number]
x = find_open_spot(row, row_number, space, number)
board[row_number] = x
return board
def transform_board(board, shiptype):
a = board
board = initialize()
for i in xrange(10):
for j in xrange(10):
board[j][i] = a[i][j]
if shiptype > 0 and shiptype < 5:
for num in xrange(5):
if shiptype > 1 and shiptype < 5:
for num in xrange(4):
if shiptype > 2 and shiptype < 5:
for num in xrange(3):
if shiptype > 3 and shiptype < 5:
for num in xrange(3):
return board
def gamestate(showboard, board, x, y, aircraft_carrier_status, battle_ship_status, submarine_status, destroyer_status, patrol_boat_status):
if [x] + [y] in aircraft_carrier:
aircraft_carrier_status += 1
showboard[x][y] = 'x'
print '\033[91m' + 'Aircraft carrier has been hit!' + '\033[0m'
if aircraft_carrier_status == 5:
print '\033[91m' + 'Aircraft carrier has been sank!' + '\033[0m'
elif [x] + [y] in battle_ship:
battle_ship_status += 1
showboard[x][y] = 'x'
print '\033[91m' + 'Battle ship has been hit!' + '\033[0m'
if battle_ship_status == 4:
print '\033[91m' + 'Battle ship has been sank!' + '\033[0m'
elif [x] + [y] in submarine:
submarine_status += 1
showboard[x][y] = 'x'
print '\033[91m' + 'Submarine has been hit!' + '\033[0m'
if submarine_status == 3:
print '\033[91m' + 'Submarine has been sank!' + '\033[0m'
elif [x] + [y] in destroyer:
destroyer_status += 1
showboard[x][y] = 'x'
print '\033[91m' + 'Destroyer has been hit!' + '\033[0m'
if destroyer_status == 3:
print '\033[91m' + 'Destroyer has been sank!' + '\033[0m'
elif [x] + [y] in patrol_boat:
patrol_boat_status += 1
showboard[x][y] = 'x'
print '\033[91m' +'Patrol boat has been hit!' + '\033[0m'
if patrol_boat_status == 2:
print '\033[91m' +'Patrol boat has been sank!' + '\033[0m'
counter = 0
for i in xrange(10):
for j in xrange(10):
if board[i][j] == 'x':
if counter == 0:
print '\033[91m' + 'Game over!' + '\033[0m'
return aircraft_carrier_status, battle_ship_status, submarine_status, destroyer_status, patrol_boat_status
# starting the game
ships = [5, 4, 3, 3, 2]
board = initialize()
for i in xrange(5):
if ( int(round(random.random())) == 1):
board = transform_board(board, i)
board = generate_ship(board, ' ', ships[i])
# print the hidden board
# print 'aircraft carrier', aircraft_carrier
# print 'battle ship', battle_ship
# print 'submarine', submarine
# print 'destroyer', destroyer
# print 'patrol boat', patrol_boat
# pprint(board)
# print " "
#print the play board
showboard = initialize()
print " "
print "Welcome to Battleship!"
fireshot(aircraft_carrier_status, battle_ship_status, submarine_status, destroyer_status, patrol_boat_status)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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