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Last active March 27, 2023 15:04
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Plotly Cheatsheet

Change template, template="simple_white")

Change axis legend labels, labels={"gndr": "Gender", "cnt": "Total Participants"})

Show axis ticks for feach facet

fig.for_each_xaxis(lambda xaxis: xaxis.update(showticklabels=True))

fig.for_each_yaxis(lambda yaxis: yaxis.update(showticklabels=True))

Hide legend


Position legend differently

fig.update_layout(showlegend=True, legend=dict(yanchor="bottom", xanchor="right", y=0.3))

Rename legend names

fig.update_traces(selector={"name": "unique_skus"}, name="SKU")

fig.update_traces(selector=1, name="Product ID")

Add annotation

fig.add_annotation(text="<b>Bold</b> text <br> with break", xref="x domain", yref="y domain", x=0.6, y=0.8, showarrow=False)

Change text template


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