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Created June 21, 2016 18:31
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import gym
import numpy as np
import cv2, math
import logging
import os
import scipy
from numpy import linalg as LA
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
from poleCart_RL import EpisodicAgent #get the RL agent
from poleCart_manual import expertFeatures
from cvxopt import matrix
from cvxopt import solvers
class irlAgent:
def __init__(self, gymEnv, rlEpisodes, rlMaxSteps): #initial constructor sorta function
self.env = gymEnv
self.episodesRL = rlEpisodes
self.maxStepsRL = rlMaxSteps
self.randomPolicy = [6.33159868, 22.18457058, 24.07697606, 64.68426447, 15.92186349] # random initialization
self.expertPolicy = [1.40327044 , 12.06541251 , 1.39011785 , 15.70455323 , 19.99994606] #human generated get it straight
#self.expertPolicy = [ 24.90898925 , 66.21544503 , 28.48223649 , 80.00899435 , 19.67509372] # human generated get max displacement
#self.expertPolicy = [ 1.38076217 , 3.6306461 , 0.79024451 , 3.27657669, 20.99918233] # machine generated get it straight
self.epsilon = 1.0
self.policiesFE = {np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(self.expertPolicy)-np.asarray(self.randomPolicy)):self.randomPolicy}
def getRLAgentFE(self, W): #get the feature expectations of a new poliicy using RL agent
agent = EpisodicAgent(self.env.action_space)
return agent.reinforce(self.env, W, self.episodesRL, self.maxStepsRL) #return feature expectations
def policyListUpdater(self, W): #update the policyFE list and differences upon arrival of a new weight(policy)
for i in self.policiesFE.keys():
temp = np.abs(, (np.asarray(self.expertPolicy)-np.asarray(self.policiesFE[i]))))
if temp != i:
self.policiesFE[temp] = self.policiesFE[i]
del self.policiesFE[i]
tempFE = self.getRLAgentFE(W)
self.policiesFE[np.abs(, (np.asarray(self.expertPolicy)-np.asarray(tempFE))))] = tempFE
#self.policiesFE[np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(self.expertPolicy)-np.asarray(tempFE))] = tempFE
#self.policiesFE[, (np.asarray(self.expertPolicy)-np.asarray(tempFE)))] = tempFE
def optimalWeightFinder(self):
t_prev = 0
while True:
W = self.optimization(np.matrix(self.expertPolicy) - np.matrix(self.policiesFE[min(self.policiesFE)]))
print " The minimum thing : ", min(self.policiesFE)
print " The sent Feature Expec : ", np.matrix(self.policiesFE[min(self.policiesFE)])
#t = np.abs(, np.asarray(self.expertPolicy) - np.asarray(self.policiesFE[min(self.policiesFE)])))
t =, np.asarray(self.expertPolicy) - np.asarray(self.policiesFE[min(self.policiesFE)]))
#print np.squeeze(np.asarray(np.matrix(self.expertPolicy) - np.matrix(self.policiesFE[min(self.policiesFE)])))
if np.abs(t) <= 1.0 + self.epsilon:
#if np.abs(t-t_prev) < self.epsilon:
t_prev = t
print " the t value :: ", np.abs(t)
print "The KEYS::" , self.policiesFE.keys()
print "weights ", W
return W
def optimization(self, difference):
P = matrix(2.0*np.eye(5), tc='d')
q = matrix(np.zeros(5), tc='d')
#G = matrix((np.matrix(self.expertPolicy) - np.matrix(self.randomPolicy)), tc='d')
G = matrix(-difference, tc='d')
h = matrix(np.array([-1]), tc='d')
sol = solvers.qp(P,q,G,h)
#print sol['status']
#return sol['x']
weights = np.squeeze(np.asarray(sol['x']))
norm = np.linalg.norm(weights)
weights = weights/norm
return weights
if __name__ == '__main__':
logger = logging.getLogger()
rlEpisodes = 100
rlMaxSteps = 250
#W = [-0.9, -0.9, -0.9, -0.9, 1]
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
irlearner = irlAgent(env, rlEpisodes, rlMaxSteps)
#print irlearner.policiesFE
#print irlearner.rlAgentFeatureExpecs(W)
#print irlearner.expertFeatureExpecs()
print irlearner.optimalWeightFinder()
#print irlearner.optimization(20)
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