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Last active June 21, 2016 20:10
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""" Quick script for an "Episodic Controller" Agent, i.e. nearest neighbor """
import logging
import os
#import tempfile
import numpy as np
import gym
class EpisodicAgent(object):
def __init__(self, action_space):
self.action_space = action_space
assert isinstance(action_space, gym.spaces.discrete.Discrete), 'unsupported action space for now.'
# options
self.epsilon = 1.0 # probability of choosing a random action
self.epsilon_decay = 0.98 # decay of epsilon per episode
self.epsilon_min = 0
self.nnfind = 500 # how many nearest neighbors to consider in the policy?
self.mem_needed = 500 # amount of data to have before we can start exploiting
self.mem_size = 50000 # maximum size of memory
self.gamma = 0.95 # discount factor
# internal vars
self.iter = 0
self.mem_pointer = 0 # memory pointer
self.max_pointer = 0
self.db = None # large array of states seen
self.dba = {} # actions taken
self.dbr = {} # rewards obtained at all steps
self.dbv = {} # value function at all steps, computed retrospectively
self.ep_start_pointer = 0
def act(self, observation, reward, done):
assert isinstance(observation, np.ndarray) and observation.ndim == 1, 'unsupported observation type for now.'
if self.db is None:
# lazy initialization of memory
self.db = np.zeros((self.mem_size, observation.size))
self.mem_pointer = 0
self.ep_start_pointer = 0
# we have enough data, we want to explore, and we have seen at least one episode already (so values were computed)
if self.iter > self.mem_needed and np.random.rand() > self.epsilon and self.dbv:
# exploit: find the few closest states and pick the action that led to highest rewards
# 1. find k nearest neighbors
ds = np.sum((self.db[:self.max_pointer] - observation)**2, axis=1) # L2 distance
ix = np.argsort(ds) # sorts ascending by distance
ix = ix[:min(len(ix), self.nnfind)] # crop to only some number of nearest neighbors
# find the action that leads to most success. do a vote among actions
adict = {}
ndict = {}
for i in ix:
vv = self.dbv[i]
aa = self.dba[i]
vnew = adict.get(aa, 0) + vv
adict[aa] = vnew
ndict[aa] = ndict.get(aa, 0) + 1
for a in adict: # normalize by counts
adict[a] = adict[a] / ndict[a]
its = [(y,x) for x,y in adict.iteritems()]
its.sort(reverse=True) # descending
a = its[0][1]
# explore: do something random
a = self.action_space.sample()
# record move to database
if self.mem_pointer < self.mem_size:
self.db[self.mem_pointer] = observation # save the state
self.dba[self.mem_pointer] = a # and the action we took
self.dbr[self.mem_pointer-1] = reward # and the reward we obtained last time step
self.dbv[self.mem_pointer-1] = 0
self.mem_pointer += 1
self.iter += 1
if done: # episode Ended;
# compute the estimate of the value function based on this rollout
v = 0
for t in reversed(xrange(self.ep_start_pointer, self.mem_pointer)):
v = self.gamma * v + self.dbr.get(t,0)
self.dbv[t] = v
self.ep_start_pointer = self.mem_pointer
self.max_pointer = min(max(self.max_pointer, self.mem_pointer), self.mem_size)
# decay exploration probability
self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay
self.epsilon = max(self.epsilon, self.epsilon_min) # cap at epsilon_min
print 'memory size: ', self.mem_pointer
return a
def reinforce(self, env, W, episode_count, max_steps ):
reward = 0
done = False
mod_reward = 0
sum_reward_running = 0
sum_mod_reward_running = 0
for i in xrange(episode_count):
ob = env.reset()
featExpectation = np.abs(np.append(ob, reward))
sum_reward = 0
sum_mod_reward = 0
for j in xrange(max_steps):
action = self.act(ob, mod_reward, done)
ob, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
mod_ob = np.append(ob, reward)
mod_reward =, np.abs(mod_ob))
sum_reward += reward
sum_mod_reward += mod_reward
featExpectation += (self.gamma**j)*np.abs(mod_ob) #update the Feature expectations
if done:
sum_reward_running = sum_reward_running * 0.95 + sum_reward * 0.05
sum_mod_reward_running = sum_mod_reward_running * 0.95 + sum_mod_reward * 0.05
#print '%d running reward: %f' % (i, sum_reward_running)
#print '%d modified running reward: %f' % (i, sum_mod_reward_running)
#print "Feature expectation :", featExpectation
return featExpectation
# Dump monitor info to disk
# uncomment this line to also upload to OpenAI gym
#gym.upload('training_dir', algorithm_id='episodic_controller')
if __name__ == '__main__':
logger = logging.getLogger()
env = gym.make('CartPole-v0')
agent = EpisodicAgent(env.action_space)
#env.monitor.start('training_dir', force=True)
#W = [ -0.40780441 ,-0.46253877 , -0.72720675 ,-0.08452473 , 1.28944666]
W = [-0.20594236, 0.36505331, -0.8955171, -0.14864166 ,-0.01669163]
episode_count = 200
max_steps = 250 # 200 initially
print agent.reinforce(env, W, episode_count, max_steps)
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