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Last active December 8, 2021 17:02
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How to capture requests from <iframe> in Electron window
* By default, the Electron (or underlying Chrome instance, to be more precise) will not allow
* javascript communication between parent window and an <iframe>. Which makes it hard to cover
* scenarios when you want to do something after an action has been performed inside the <iframe>.
* This example shows how to react on web reqest from within <iframe>.
* The 'onBeforeRequest' listener is documented here:
app.on('ready', () => {
let myWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 800,
center: true
// Listen to all requests in order to catch the one you want to react to. For example on
// link click, form submit, etc.
// This hack is needed, because it's otherwise not possible to react to javascript events
// within an <iframe> due to browser security/sandboxing when iframe url is on different domain.
myWindow.webContents.session.webRequest.onBeforeRequest({}, (details, callback) => {
if (details.url.endsWith('/actions/submit/')) {
// do your stuff ...
// ... for example, block the submit
callback({ cancel: true });
// ... or open new electron window, etc.
callback({ cancel: false });
// replace with whatever html you want to load in your electron window
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