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Created February 23, 2022 13:09
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Solr dependencies
runtimeClasspath - Runtime classpath of source set 'main'.
+--- project :solr:core
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-common:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| +--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.36
| +--- project :solr:solrj
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-client:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-common:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-hpack:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-client:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime -> 4.5.13
| | | \--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13
| | | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.4.13 -> 4.4.15
| | | \--- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.11 -> 1.15
| | +--- com.carrotsearch:hppc:0.8.2 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-smile:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core:6.2.8 (c)
| | +--- com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine:3.0.5 (c)
| | +--- com.github.zafarkhaja:java-semver:0.9.0 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path:2.4.0 (c)
| | +--- com.tdunning:t-digest:3.1 (c)
| | +--- commons-cli:commons-cli:1.4 (c)
| | +--- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.15 (c)
| | +--- commons-io:commons-io:2.11.0 (c)
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:4.1.5 (c)
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-graphite:4.1.5 (c)
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jmx:4.1.5 (c)
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jvm:4.1.5 (c)
| | +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-api:0.33.0 (c)
| | +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-noop:0.33.0 (c)
| | +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-util:0.33.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-collections4:4.4 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-exec:1.3 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.12.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-text:1.8 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.4.15 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:4.5.13 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.17.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.17.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl:2.17.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-common:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-kuromoji:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-nori:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-phonetic:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-backward-codecs:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-classification:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-codecs:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-expressions:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-grouping:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-highlighter:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-join:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-misc:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-sandbox:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial-extras:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-suggest:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.poi:poi:4.1.2 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:4.1.2 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.28.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:1.28.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:3.7.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper-jute:3.7.0 (c)
| | +--- org.codehaus.woodstox:stax2-api:4.2.1 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.locationtech.spatial4j:spatial4j:0.8 (c)
| | +--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.36 (c)
| | +--- org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java: (c)
| | +--- xerces:xercesImpl:2.12.2 (c)
| | +--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.36
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-math3 -> 3.6.1
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-http-client-transport:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-client:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927
| | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient -> 4.5.13 (*)
| | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore -> 4.4.15
| | +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:3.7.0
| | | +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper-jute:3.7.0
| | | +--- io.netty:netty-handler:4.1.59.Final -> 4.1.68.Final
| | | | +--- io.netty:netty-common:4.1.68.Final
| | | | +--- io.netty:netty-resolver:4.1.68.Final
| | | | | \--- io.netty:netty-common:4.1.68.Final
| | | | +--- io.netty:netty-buffer:4.1.68.Final
| | | | | \--- io.netty:netty-common:4.1.68.Final
| | | | +--- io.netty:netty-transport:4.1.68.Final
| | | | | +--- io.netty:netty-common:4.1.68.Final
| | | | | +--- io.netty:netty-buffer:4.1.68.Final (*)
| | | | | \--- io.netty:netty-resolver:4.1.68.Final (*)
| | | | \--- io.netty:netty-codec:4.1.68.Final
| | | | +--- io.netty:netty-common:4.1.68.Final
| | | | +--- io.netty:netty-buffer:4.1.68.Final (*)
| | | | \--- io.netty:netty-transport:4.1.68.Final (*)
| | | +--- io.netty:netty-transport-native-epoll:4.1.59.Final -> 4.1.68.Final
| | | | +--- io.netty:netty-common:4.1.68.Final
| | | | +--- io.netty:netty-buffer:4.1.68.Final (*)
| | | | +--- io.netty:netty-transport:4.1.68.Final (*)
| | | | \--- io.netty:netty-transport-native-unix-common:4.1.68.Final
| | | | +--- io.netty:netty-common:4.1.68.Final
| | | | +--- io.netty:netty-buffer:4.1.68.Final (*)
| | | | \--- io.netty:netty-transport:4.1.68.Final (*)
| | | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.30 -> 1.7.36
| | +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper-jute:3.7.0
| | +--- org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:1.7.36
| | | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.36
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-client:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-http-client-transport:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:1.7.36 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api:1.3.5 (c)
| | +--- org.gagravarr:vorbis-java-tika:0.8 (c)
| | +--- org.tallison:jmatio:1.5 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-core:0.8.4 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-dom:0.8.4 (c)
| | +--- com.googlecode.plist:dd-plist:1.23 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.21 (c)
| | +--- org.tukaani:xz:1.9 (c)
| | +--- com.epam:parso:2.0.14 (c)
| | +--- org.brotli:dec:0.1.2 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:2.0.25 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox-tools:2.0.25 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:preflight:2.0.25 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:jempbox:1.8.16 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:xmpbox:2.0.25 (c)
| | +--- org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| | +--- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:4.1.2 (c)
| | +--- com.healthmarketscience.jackcess:jackcess:4.0.1 (c)
| | +--- com.healthmarketscience.jackcess:jackcess-encrypt:4.0.1 (c)
| | +--- org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup:1.2.1 (c)
| | +--- org.ow2.asm:asm:9.2 (c)
| | +--- org.tallison:isoparser: (c)
| | +--- org.tallison:metadata-extractor: (c)
| | +--- de.l3s.boilerpipe:boilerpipe:1.1.0 (c)
| | +--- com.rometools:rome:1.18.0 (c)
| | +--- org.gagravarr:vorbis-java-core:0.8 (c)
| | +--- com.googlecode.juniversalchardet:juniversalchardet:1.0.3 (c)
| | +--- org.codelibs:jhighlight:1.0.3 (c)
| | +--- com.pff:java-libpst:0.9.3 (c)
| | +--- com.github.junrar:junrar:7.4.1 (c)
| | +--- org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:2.3.5 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.opennlp:opennlp-tools:1.9.4 (c)
| | +--- com.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple:1.1.1 (c)
| | +--- com.github.openjson:openjson:1.0.12 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:1.7.36 (c)
| | +--- edu.ucar:netcdf4:4.5.5 (c)
| | +--- org.jdom:jdom2: (c)
| | +--- edu.ucar:grib:4.5.5 (c)
| | +--- net.jcip:jcip-annotations:1.0 (c)
| | +--- com.beust:jcommander:1.82 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- edu.ucar:cdm:4.5.5 (c)
| | +--- com.mchange:c3p0: (c)
| | +--- edu.ucar:httpservices:4.5.5 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-csv:1.9.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-utility:1.1 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-metadata:1.1 (c)
| | +--- org.opengis:geoapi:3.0.1 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:jbig2-imageio:3.0.3 (c)
| | +--- com.github.jai-imageio:jai-imageio-core:1.4.0 (c)
| | +--- com.zaxxer:SparseBitSet:1.2 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml-schemas:4.1.2 (c)
| | +--- com.github.virtuald:curvesapi:1.06 (c)
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jetty9:4.1.5 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-continuation:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-deploy:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jmx:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-rewrite:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-security:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlets:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-webapp:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-xml:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-common:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-hpack:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.1.0 (c)
| | +--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.5.1-1 (c)
| | +--- org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:7.2 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-memory:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial3d:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- io.sgr:s2-geometry-library-java:1.0.0 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- org.checkerframework:checker-qual:3.20.0 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-handler:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-transport-native-epoll:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:fontbox:2.0.25 (c)
| | +--- org.bouncycastle:bcutil-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| | +--- org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| | +--- org.tallison.xmp:xmpcore-shaded:6.1.11 (c)
| | +--- com.rometools:rome-utils:1.18.0 (c)
| | +--- jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:2.3.3 (c)
| | +--- org.glassfish.jaxb:txw2:2.3.5 (c)
| | +--- com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:3.0.12 (c)
| | +--- com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:1.2.2 (c)
| | +--- org.itadaki:bzip2:0.9.1 (c)
| | +--- edu.ucar:udunits:4.5.5 (c)
| | +--- joda-time:joda-time:2.9.9 (c)
| | +--- net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core:2.6.2 (c)
| | +--- com.mchange:mchange-commons-java:0.2.19 (c)
| | +--- javax.measure:unit-api:1.0 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-referencing:1.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:3.1.0 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util-ajax:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-common:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-resolver:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-buffer:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-transport:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-codec:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-transport-native-unix-common:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api:1.2.2 (c)
| | \--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-feature:1.1 (c)
| +--- project :solr:server
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:4.1.5
| | | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.30 -> 1.7.36
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-graphite:4.1.5
| | | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:4.1.5 (*)
| | | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.30 -> 1.7.36
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jetty9:4.1.5
| | | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:4.1.5 (*)
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:9.4.27.v20200227 -> 9.4.44.v20210927
| | | +--- javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.1.0
| | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jvm:4.1.5
| | | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:4.1.5 (*)
| | | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.30 -> 1.7.36
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jmx:4.1.5
| | | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:4.1.5 (*)
| | | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.30 -> 1.7.36
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-continuation:9.4.44.v20210927
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-deploy:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-webapp:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-xml:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-security:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util-ajax:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-xml:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jmx:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-rewrite:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | | \--- javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.1.0
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-security:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlets:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-continuation:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-webapp:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-xml:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-server:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-server:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-server:9.4.44.v20210927
| | | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-common:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | | \--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-common:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-hpack:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| | +--- javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api -> 3.1.0
| | +--- com.beust:jcommander:1.82 (c)
| | +--- com.carrotsearch:hppc:0.8.2 (c)
| | +--- com.epam:parso:2.0.14 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-smile:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core:6.2.8 (c)
| | +--- com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine:3.0.5 (c)
| | +--- com.github.jai-imageio:jai-imageio-core:1.4.0 (c)
| | +--- com.github.junrar:junrar:7.4.1 (c)
| | +--- com.github.openjson:openjson:1.0.12 (c)
| | +--- com.github.virtuald:curvesapi:1.06 (c)
| | +--- com.github.zafarkhaja:java-semver:0.9.0 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- com.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple:1.1.1 (c)
| | +--- com.googlecode.juniversalchardet:juniversalchardet:1.0.3 (c)
| | +--- com.googlecode.plist:dd-plist:1.23 (c)
| | +--- com.healthmarketscience.jackcess:jackcess:4.0.1 (c)
| | +--- com.healthmarketscience.jackcess:jackcess-encrypt:4.0.1 (c)
| | +--- com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path:2.4.0 (c)
| | +--- com.mchange:c3p0: (c)
| | +--- com.pff:java-libpst:0.9.3 (c)
| | +--- com.rometools:rome:1.18.0 (c)
| | +--- com.tdunning:t-digest:3.1 (c)
| | +--- com.zaxxer:SparseBitSet:1.2 (c)
| | +--- commons-cli:commons-cli:1.4 (c)
| | +--- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.15 (c)
| | +--- commons-io:commons-io:2.11.0 (c)
| | +--- de.l3s.boilerpipe:boilerpipe:1.1.0 (c)
| | +--- edu.ucar:cdm:4.5.5 (c)
| | +--- edu.ucar:grib:4.5.5 (c)
| | +--- edu.ucar:httpservices:4.5.5 (c)
| | +--- edu.ucar:netcdf4:4.5.5 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:4.1.5 (c)
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-graphite:4.1.5 (c)
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jetty9:4.1.5 (c)
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jmx:4.1.5 (c)
| | +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jvm:4.1.5 (c)
| | +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-api:0.33.0 (c)
| | +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-noop:0.33.0 (c)
| | +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-util:0.33.0 (c)
| | +--- jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api:1.3.5 (c)
| | +--- javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.1.0 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- net.jcip:jcip-annotations:1.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-collections4:4.4 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.21 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-csv:1.9.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-exec:1.3 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.12.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.commons:commons-text:1.8 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.4.15 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:4.5.13 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-core:0.8.4 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-dom:0.8.4 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.17.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.17.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl:2.17.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-common:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-kuromoji:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-nori:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-phonetic:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-backward-codecs:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-classification:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-codecs:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-expressions:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-grouping:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-highlighter:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-join:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-misc:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-sandbox:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial-extras:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-suggest:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.opennlp:opennlp-tools:1.9.4 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:jbig2-imageio:3.0.3 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:jempbox:1.8.16 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:2.0.25 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox-tools:2.0.25 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:preflight:2.0.25 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:xmpbox:2.0.25 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.poi:poi:4.1.2 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:4.1.2 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml-schemas:4.1.2 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:4.1.2 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-metadata:1.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-utility:1.1 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.28.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:1.28.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:3.7.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper-jute:3.7.0 (c)
| | +--- org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| | +--- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| | +--- org.brotli:dec:0.1.2 (c)
| | +--- org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup:1.2.1 (c)
| | +--- org.codehaus.woodstox:stax2-api:4.2.1 (c)
| | +--- org.codelibs:jhighlight:1.0.3 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-continuation:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-deploy:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jmx:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-rewrite:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-security:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlets:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-webapp:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-xml:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-common:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-hpack:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-http-client-transport:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.gagravarr:vorbis-java-core:0.8 (c)
| | +--- org.gagravarr:vorbis-java-tika:0.8 (c)
| | +--- org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:2.3.5 (c)
| | +--- org.jdom:jdom2: (c)
| | +--- org.locationtech.spatial4j:spatial4j:0.8 (c)
| | +--- org.opengis:geoapi:3.0.1 (c)
| | +--- org.ow2.asm:asm:9.2 (c)
| | +--- org.tallison:isoparser: (c)
| | +--- org.tallison:jmatio:1.5 (c)
| | +--- org.tallison:metadata-extractor: (c)
| | +--- org.tukaani:xz:1.9 (c)
| | +--- org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java: (c)
| | +--- xerces:xercesImpl:2.12.2 (c)
| | +--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.5.1-1 (c)
| | +--- org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:7.2 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-memory:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial3d:9.0.0 (c)
| | +--- io.sgr:s2-geometry-library-java:1.0.0 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- org.checkerframework:checker-qual:3.20.0 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-handler:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-transport-native-epoll:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:fontbox:2.0.25 (c)
| | +--- org.bouncycastle:bcutil-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| | +--- org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| | +--- org.tallison.xmp:xmpcore-shaded:6.1.11 (c)
| | +--- com.rometools:rome-utils:1.18.0 (c)
| | +--- jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:2.3.3 (c)
| | +--- org.glassfish.jaxb:txw2:2.3.5 (c)
| | +--- com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:3.0.12 (c)
| | +--- com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:1.2.2 (c)
| | +--- org.itadaki:bzip2:0.9.1 (c)
| | +--- edu.ucar:udunits:4.5.5 (c)
| | +--- joda-time:joda-time:2.9.9 (c)
| | +--- net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core:2.6.2 (c)
| | +--- com.mchange:mchange-commons-java:0.2.19 (c)
| | +--- javax.measure:unit-api:1.0 (c)
| | +--- (c)
| | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-referencing:1.1 (c)
| | +--- org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:3.1.0 (c)
| | +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util-ajax:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-common:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-resolver:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-buffer:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-transport:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-codec:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- io.netty:netty-transport-native-unix-common:4.1.68.Final (c)
| | +--- jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api:1.2.2 (c)
| | \--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-feature:1.1 (c)
| +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-api:0.33.0
| +--- commons-io:commons-io:2.11.0 (c)
| +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-api:0.33.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-common:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi:4.1.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:4.1.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.28.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:1.28.1 (c)
| +--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.36 (c)
| +--- xerces:xercesImpl:2.12.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-codecs:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-classification:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:9.0.0 (*)
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-grouping:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:9.0.0 (*)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-expressions:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-codecs:9.0.0 (*)
| | +--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.5.1-1
| | +--- org.ow2.asm:asm:7.2 -> 9.2
| | \--- org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:7.2
| | \--- org.ow2.asm:asm:7.2 -> 9.2
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-grouping:9.0.0 (*)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-highlighter:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:9.0.0 (*)
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-memory:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-join:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-misc:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:9.0.0 (*)
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-sandbox:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:9.0.0 (*)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-sandbox:9.0.0 (*)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial-extras:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial3d:9.0.0
| | | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | +--- org.locationtech.spatial4j:spatial4j:0.8
| | \--- io.sgr:s2-geometry-library-java:1.0.0
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-suggest:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-common:9.0.0 (*)
| +--- -> 31.0.1-jre
| | +---
| | +---
| | +--- org.checkerframework:checker-qual:3.12.0 -> 3.20.0
| | +--- -> 2.10.0
| | \---
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3 -> 3.12.0
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-math3 -> 3.6.1
| +--- commons-io:commons-io -> 2.11.0
| +--- com.carrotsearch:hppc -> 0.8.2
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-collections4 -> 4.4
| +--- com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine -> 3.0.5
| +--- commons-codec:commons-codec -> 1.15
| +--- commons-cli:commons-cli -> 1.4
| +--- org.locationtech.spatial4j:spatial4j -> 0.8
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.13.1
| | \--- com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom:2.13.1
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.13.1 (c)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.13.1 (c)
| | \--- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-smile:2.13.1 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.13.1
| | \--- com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom:2.13.1 (*)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.13.1
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.13.1 (*)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.13.1 (*)
| | \--- com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom:2.13.1 (*)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-smile:2.13.1
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.13.1 (*)
| | +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.13.1 (*)
| | \--- com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom:2.13.1 (*)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient -> 4.5.13 (*)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore -> 4.4.15
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (*)
| +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:3.7.0 (*)
| +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper-jute:3.7.0
| +--- com.github.zafarkhaja:java-semver -> 0.9.0
| +--- com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path -> 2.4.0
| | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.25 -> 1.7.36
| +--- com.tdunning:t-digest -> 3.1
| +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-noop:0.33.0
| | \--- io.opentracing:opentracing-api:0.33.0
| +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-util:0.33.0
| | +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-api:0.33.0
| | \--- io.opentracing:opentracing-noop:0.33.0 (*)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-exec -> 1.3
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-text -> 1.8
| | \--- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.9 -> 3.12.0
| +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.17.1
| +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.17.1
| | \--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.17.1
| +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl:2.17.1
| | +--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.25 -> 1.7.36
| | +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.17.1
| | \--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.17.1 (*)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:4.1.5 (*)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-graphite:4.1.5 (*)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jmx:4.1.5 (*)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jvm:4.1.5 (*)
| +--- org.codehaus.woodstox:stax2-api -> 4.2.1
| +--- com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core -> 6.2.8
| | \--- org.codehaus.woodstox:stax2-api:4.2.1
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-kuromoji:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-common:9.0.0 (*)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-nori:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-common:9.0.0 (*)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-phonetic:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| | +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-common:9.0.0 (*)
| | \--- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.13 -> 1.15
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-backward-codecs:9.0.0
| | \--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
| +--- org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java ->
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-codecs:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-classification:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-expressions:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-grouping:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-highlighter:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-join:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-misc:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-sandbox:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial-extras:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-suggest:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.12.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1 (c)
| +--- com.carrotsearch:hppc:0.8.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-collections4:4.4 (c)
| +--- com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine:3.0.5 (c)
| +--- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.15 (c)
| +--- commons-cli:commons-cli:1.4 (c)
| +--- org.locationtech.spatial4j:spatial4j:0.8 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.13.1 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.13.1 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.13.1 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-smile:2.13.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13 (c)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.4.15 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:3.7.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper-jute:3.7.0 (c)
| +--- com.github.zafarkhaja:java-semver:0.9.0 (c)
| +--- com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path:2.4.0 (c)
| +--- com.tdunning:t-digest:3.1 (c)
| +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-noop:0.33.0 (c)
| +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-util:0.33.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-exec:1.3 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-text:1.8 (c)
| +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.17.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.17.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl:2.17.1 (c)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:4.1.5 (c)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-graphite:4.1.5 (c)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jmx:4.1.5 (c)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jvm:4.1.5 (c)
| +--- org.codehaus.woodstox:stax2-api:4.2.1 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core:6.2.8 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-kuromoji:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-nori:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-phonetic:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-backward-codecs:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java: (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:4.5.13 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-http-client-transport:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:1.7.36 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api:1.3.5 (c)
| +--- org.gagravarr:vorbis-java-tika:0.8 (c)
| +--- org.tallison:jmatio:1.5 (c)
| +--- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-core:0.8.4 (c)
| +--- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-dom:0.8.4 (c)
| +--- com.googlecode.plist:dd-plist:1.23 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.21 (c)
| +--- org.tukaani:xz:1.9 (c)
| +--- com.epam:parso:2.0.14 (c)
| +--- org.brotli:dec:0.1.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:2.0.25 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox-tools:2.0.25 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:preflight:2.0.25 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:jempbox:1.8.16 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:xmpbox:2.0.25 (c)
| +--- org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| +--- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:4.1.2 (c)
| +--- com.healthmarketscience.jackcess:jackcess:4.0.1 (c)
| +--- com.healthmarketscience.jackcess:jackcess-encrypt:4.0.1 (c)
| +--- org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup:1.2.1 (c)
| +--- org.ow2.asm:asm:9.2 (c)
| +--- org.tallison:isoparser: (c)
| +--- org.tallison:metadata-extractor: (c)
| +--- de.l3s.boilerpipe:boilerpipe:1.1.0 (c)
| +--- com.rometools:rome:1.18.0 (c)
| +--- org.gagravarr:vorbis-java-core:0.8 (c)
| +--- com.googlecode.juniversalchardet:juniversalchardet:1.0.3 (c)
| +--- org.codelibs:jhighlight:1.0.3 (c)
| +--- com.pff:java-libpst:0.9.3 (c)
| +--- com.github.junrar:junrar:7.4.1 (c)
| +--- org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:2.3.5 (c)
| +--- org.apache.opennlp:opennlp-tools:1.9.4 (c)
| +--- com.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple:1.1.1 (c)
| +--- com.github.openjson:openjson:1.0.12 (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:1.7.36 (c)
| +--- edu.ucar:netcdf4:4.5.5 (c)
| +--- org.jdom:jdom2: (c)
| +--- edu.ucar:grib:4.5.5 (c)
| +--- net.jcip:jcip-annotations:1.0 (c)
| +--- com.beust:jcommander:1.82 (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- edu.ucar:cdm:4.5.5 (c)
| +--- com.mchange:c3p0: (c)
| +--- edu.ucar:httpservices:4.5.5 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-csv:1.9.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-utility:1.1 (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-metadata:1.1 (c)
| +--- org.opengis:geoapi:3.0.1 (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:jbig2-imageio:3.0.3 (c)
| +--- com.github.jai-imageio:jai-imageio-core:1.4.0 (c)
| +--- com.zaxxer:SparseBitSet:1.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml-schemas:4.1.2 (c)
| +--- com.github.virtuald:curvesapi:1.06 (c)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jetty9:4.1.5 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-continuation:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-deploy:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jmx:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-rewrite:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-security:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlets:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-webapp:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-xml:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-server:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-common:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-hpack:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.1.0 (c)
| +--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:4.5.1-1 (c)
| +--- org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:7.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-memory:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial3d:9.0.0 (c)
| +--- io.sgr:s2-geometry-library-java:1.0.0 (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- org.checkerframework:checker-qual:3.20.0 (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom:2.13.1 (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-handler:4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-transport-native-epoll:4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-client:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:fontbox:2.0.25 (c)
| +--- org.bouncycastle:bcutil-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| +--- org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.70 (c)
| +--- org.tallison.xmp:xmpcore-shaded:6.1.11 (c)
| +--- com.rometools:rome-utils:1.18.0 (c)
| +--- jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:2.3.3 (c)
| +--- org.glassfish.jaxb:txw2:2.3.5 (c)
| +--- com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:3.0.12 (c)
| +--- com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:1.2.2 (c)
| +--- org.itadaki:bzip2:0.9.1 (c)
| +--- edu.ucar:udunits:4.5.5 (c)
| +--- joda-time:joda-time:2.9.9 (c)
| +--- net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core:2.6.2 (c)
| +--- com.mchange:mchange-commons-java:0.2.19 (c)
| +--- javax.measure:unit-api:1.0 (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-referencing:1.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:3.1.0 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util-ajax:9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-common:4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-resolver:4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-buffer:4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-transport:4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-codec:4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-transport-native-unix-common:4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api:1.2.2 (c)
| \--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-feature:1.1 (c)
+--- project :solr:solrj (*)
+--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:9.0.0
+--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.36
+--- commons-io:commons-io -> 2.11.0
+--- org.apache.poi:poi -> 4.1.2
| +--- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.13 -> 1.15
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-collections4:4.4
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1
| \--- com.zaxxer:SparseBitSet:1.2
+--- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml -> 4.1.2
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi:4.1.2 (*)
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml-schemas:4.1.2
| | \--- org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:3.1.0
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.19 -> 1.21
| \--- com.github.virtuald:curvesapi:1.06
+--- org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.28.1
| +--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.36
| \--- commons-io:commons-io:2.11.0
+--- org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:1.28.1
| +--- org.apache.tika:tika-core:1.28.1 (*)
| +--- xerces:xercesImpl:2.12.2
| +--- com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core:6.2.8 (*)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.12.0
| +--- jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api:1.3.5
| +--- org.gagravarr:vorbis-java-tika:0.8
| +--- org.tallison:jmatio:1.5
| | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.25 -> 1.7.36
| +--- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-core:0.8.4
| +--- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-dom:0.8.4
| | \--- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-core:0.8.4
| +--- com.googlecode.plist:dd-plist:1.23
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.21
| +--- org.tukaani:xz:1.9
| +--- com.epam:parso:2.0.14
| | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.5 -> 1.7.36
| +--- org.brotli:dec:0.1.2
| +--- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.15
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:2.0.25
| | \--- org.apache.pdfbox:fontbox:2.0.25
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox-tools:2.0.25
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:preflight:2.0.25
| | +--- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:2.0.25 (*)
| | \--- org.apache.pdfbox:xmpbox:2.0.25
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:jempbox:1.8.16
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:xmpbox:2.0.25
| +--- org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15on:1.70
| | +--- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.70
| | +--- org.bouncycastle:bcutil-jdk15on:1.70
| | | \--- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.70
| | \--- org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.70
| | +--- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.70
| | \--- org.bouncycastle:bcutil-jdk15on:1.70 (*)
| +--- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:1.70
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi:4.1.2 (*)
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:4.1.2
| | \--- org.apache.poi:poi:4.1.2 (*)
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:4.1.2 (*)
| +--- com.healthmarketscience.jackcess:jackcess:4.0.1
| +--- com.healthmarketscience.jackcess:jackcess-encrypt:4.0.1
| +--- org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup:1.2.1
| +--- org.ow2.asm:asm:9.2
| +--- org.tallison:isoparser:
| | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.30 -> 1.7.36
| +--- org.tallison:metadata-extractor:
| | \--- org.tallison.xmp:xmpcore-shaded:6.1.11
| +--- de.l3s.boilerpipe:boilerpipe:1.1.0
| +--- com.rometools:rome:1.18.0
| | +--- com.rometools:rome-utils:1.18.0
| | | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.32 -> 1.7.36
| | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.32 -> 1.7.36
| +--- org.gagravarr:vorbis-java-core:0.8
| +--- com.googlecode.juniversalchardet:juniversalchardet:1.0.3
| +--- org.codelibs:jhighlight:1.0.3
| +--- com.pff:java-libpst:0.9.3
| +--- com.github.junrar:junrar:7.4.1
| | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.30 -> 1.7.36
| +--- org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:2.3.5
| | +--- jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:2.3.3
| | | \--- jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api:1.2.2
| | +--- org.glassfish.jaxb:txw2:2.3.5
| | +--- com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:3.0.12
| | \--- com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:1.2.2
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-exec:1.3
| +--- org.apache.opennlp:opennlp-tools:1.9.4
| +--- commons-io:commons-io:2.11.0
| +--- com.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple:1.1.1
| +--- com.github.openjson:openjson:1.0.12
| +---
| +--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.36
| +--- org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:1.7.36
| | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.36
| +--- org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:1.7.36 (*)
| +--- edu.ucar:netcdf4:4.5.5
| | +--- edu.ucar:cdm:4.5.5
| | | +--- edu.ucar:udunits:4.5.5
| | | | +--- joda-time:joda-time:2.2 -> 2.9.9
| | | | \--- net.jcip:jcip-annotations:1.0
| | | +--- edu.ucar:httpservices:4.5.5
| | | | +--- net.jcip:jcip-annotations:1.0
| | | | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.2.6 -> 4.5.13 (*)
| | | | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.2.5 -> 4.4.15
| | | | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:4.2.6 -> 4.5.13 (*)
| | | | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.7 -> 1.7.36
| | | +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.2.5 -> 4.4.15
| | | +--- org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:1.7.7 -> 1.7.36 (*)
| | | +--- joda-time:joda-time:2.2 -> 2.9.9
| | | +--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.7 -> 1.7.36
| | | +--- net.jcip:jcip-annotations:1.0
| | | +--- -> 3.19.4
| | | +--- net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core:2.6.2
| | | | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.6.1 -> 1.7.36
| | | +--- -> 31.0.1-jre (*)
| | | +--- org.itadaki:bzip2:0.9.1
| | | \--- com.beust:jcommander:1.35 -> 1.82
| | +--- net.jcip:jcip-annotations:1.0
| | \--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.7 -> 1.7.36
| +--- org.jdom:jdom2:
| +--- (*)
| +--- edu.ucar:grib:4.5.5
| | +--- edu.ucar:cdm:4.5.5 (*)
| | +--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.7 -> 1.7.36
| | +--- net.jcip:jcip-annotations:1.0
| | \--- org.itadaki:bzip2:0.9.1
| +--- net.jcip:jcip-annotations:1.0
| +--- com.beust:jcommander:1.82
| +---
| +---
| +--- edu.ucar:cdm:4.5.5 (*)
| +--- com.mchange:c3p0:
| | \--- com.mchange:mchange-commons-java:0.2.19
| +--- edu.ucar:httpservices:4.5.5 (*)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13 (*)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:4.5.13 (*)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-csv:1.9.0
| +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-utility:1.1
| | +--- javax.measure:unit-api:1.0
| | \--- org.opengis:geoapi:3.0.1
| | \--- javax.measure:unit-api:1.0
| +---
| | +---
| | | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-feature:1.1
| | | | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-utility:1.1 (*)
| | | | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-metadata:1.1
| | | | | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-utility:1.1 (*)
| | | | | +--- jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:2.3.3 (*)
| | | | | +--- javax.measure:unit-api:1.0
| | | | | \--- org.opengis:geoapi:3.0.1 (*)
| | | | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-referencing:1.1
| | | | | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-utility:1.1 (*)
| | | | | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-metadata:1.1 (*)
| | | | | +--- jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:2.3.3 (*)
| | | | | +--- javax.measure:unit-api:1.0
| | | | | \--- org.opengis:geoapi:3.0.1 (*)
| | | | +--- javax.measure:unit-api:1.0
| | | | \--- org.opengis:geoapi:3.0.1 (*)
| | | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-metadata:1.1 (*)
| | | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-referencing:1.1 (*)
| | | \--- org.opengis:geoapi:3.0.1 (*)
| | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-metadata:1.1 (*)
| | +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-referencing:1.1 (*)
| | \--- org.opengis:geoapi:3.0.1 (*)
| +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-metadata:1.1 (*)
| +--- org.opengis:geoapi:3.0.1 (*)
| +---
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.13.1 (*)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:2.13.1 (*)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:2.13.1 (*)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:jbig2-imageio:3.0.3
| \--- com.github.jai-imageio:jai-imageio-core:1.4.0
+--- xerces:xercesImpl -> 2.12.2
+--- project :
| +--- com.beust:jcommander:{strictly 1.82} -> 1.82 (c)
| +--- com.carrotsearch:hppc:{strictly 0.8.2} -> 0.8.2 (c)
| +--- com.epam:parso:{strictly 2.0.14} -> 2.0.14 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:{strictly 2.13.1} -> 2.13.1 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:{strictly 2.13.1} -> 2.13.1 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:{strictly 2.13.1} -> 2.13.1 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-smile:{strictly 2.13.1} -> 2.13.1 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core:{strictly 6.2.8} -> 6.2.8 (c)
| +--- com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine:{strictly 3.0.5} -> 3.0.5 (c)
| +--- com.github.jai-imageio:jai-imageio-core:{strictly 1.4.0} -> 1.4.0 (c)
| +--- com.github.junrar:junrar:{strictly 7.4.1} -> 7.4.1 (c)
| +--- com.github.openjson:openjson:{strictly 1.0.12} -> 1.0.12 (c)
| +--- com.github.zafarkhaja:java-semver:{strictly 0.9.0} -> 0.9.0 (c)
| +---{strictly 2.8.9} -> 2.8.9 (c)
| +---{strictly 31.0.1-jre} -> 31.0.1-jre (c)
| +---{strictly 3.19.4} -> 3.19.4 (c)
| +--- com.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple:{strictly 1.1.1} -> 1.1.1 (c)
| +--- com.googlecode.juniversalchardet:juniversalchardet:{strictly 1.0.3} -> 1.0.3 (c)
| +--- com.googlecode.plist:dd-plist:{strictly 1.23} -> 1.23 (c)
| +--- com.healthmarketscience.jackcess:jackcess:{strictly 4.0.1} -> 4.0.1 (c)
| +--- com.healthmarketscience.jackcess:jackcess-encrypt:{strictly 4.0.1} -> 4.0.1 (c)
| +--- com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path:{strictly 2.4.0} -> 2.4.0 (c)
| +--- com.mchange:c3p0:{strictly} -> (c)
| +--- com.pff:java-libpst:{strictly 0.9.3} -> 0.9.3 (c)
| +--- com.rometools:rome:{strictly 1.18.0} -> 1.18.0 (c)
| +--- com.tdunning:t-digest:{strictly 3.1} -> 3.1 (c)
| +--- commons-cli:commons-cli:{strictly 1.4} -> 1.4 (c)
| +--- commons-codec:commons-codec:{strictly 1.15} -> 1.15 (c)
| +--- commons-io:commons-io:{strictly 2.11.0} -> 2.11.0 (c)
| +--- de.l3s.boilerpipe:boilerpipe:{strictly 1.1.0} -> 1.1.0 (c)
| +--- edu.ucar:cdm:{strictly 4.5.5} -> 4.5.5 (c)
| +--- edu.ucar:grib:{strictly 4.5.5} -> 4.5.5 (c)
| +--- edu.ucar:httpservices:{strictly 4.5.5} -> 4.5.5 (c)
| +--- edu.ucar:netcdf4:{strictly 4.5.5} -> 4.5.5 (c)
| +---{strictly 0.1} -> 0.1 (c)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-core:{strictly 4.1.5} -> 4.1.5 (c)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-graphite:{strictly 4.1.5} -> 4.1.5 (c)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jmx:{strictly 4.1.5} -> 4.1.5 (c)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jvm:{strictly 4.1.5} -> 4.1.5 (c)
| +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-api:{strictly 0.33.0} -> 0.33.0 (c)
| +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-noop:{strictly 0.33.0} -> 0.33.0 (c)
| +--- io.opentracing:opentracing-util:{strictly 0.33.0} -> 0.33.0 (c)
| +--- jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api:{strictly 1.3.5} -> 1.3.5 (c)
| +---{strictly 5.10.0} -> 5.10.0 (c)
| +--- net.jcip:jcip-annotations:{strictly 1.0} -> 1.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-collections4:{strictly 4.4} -> 4.4 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:{strictly 1.21} -> 1.21 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-csv:{strictly 1.9.0} -> 1.9.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-exec:{strictly 1.3} -> 1.3 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:{strictly 3.12.0} -> 3.12.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-math3:{strictly 3.6.1} -> 3.6.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-text:{strictly 1.8} -> 1.8 (c)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:{strictly 4.5.13} -> 4.5.13 (c)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:{strictly 4.4.15} -> 4.4.15 (c)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:{strictly 4.5.13} -> 4.5.13 (c)
| +--- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-core:{strictly 0.8.4} -> 0.8.4 (c)
| +--- org.apache.james:apache-mime4j-dom:{strictly 0.8.4} -> 0.8.4 (c)
| +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:{strictly 2.17.1} -> 2.17.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:{strictly 2.17.1} -> 2.17.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-slf4j-impl:{strictly 2.17.1} -> 2.17.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-common:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-kuromoji:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-nori:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-analysis-phonetic:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-backward-codecs:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-classification:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-codecs:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-core:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-expressions:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-grouping:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-highlighter:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-join:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-misc:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queries:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-sandbox:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial-extras:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-suggest:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.opennlp:opennlp-tools:{strictly 1.9.4} -> 1.9.4 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:jbig2-imageio:{strictly 3.0.3} -> 3.0.3 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:jempbox:{strictly 1.8.16} -> 1.8.16 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox:{strictly 2.0.25} -> 2.0.25 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:pdfbox-tools:{strictly 2.0.25} -> 2.0.25 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:preflight:{strictly 2.0.25} -> 2.0.25 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:xmpbox:{strictly 2.0.25} -> 2.0.25 (c)
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi:{strictly 4.1.2} -> 4.1.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml:{strictly 4.1.2} -> 4.1.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi-scratchpad:{strictly 4.1.2} -> 4.1.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-metadata:{strictly 1.1} -> 1.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-utility:{strictly 1.1} -> 1.1 (c)
| +---{strictly 1.1} -> 1.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.tika:tika-core:{strictly 1.28.1} -> 1.28.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.tika:tika-parsers:{strictly 1.28.1} -> 1.28.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:{strictly 3.7.0} -> 3.7.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper-jute:{strictly 3.7.0} -> 3.7.0 (c)
| +--- org.bouncycastle:bcmail-jdk15on:{strictly 1.70} -> 1.70 (c)
| +--- org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on:{strictly 1.70} -> 1.70 (c)
| +--- org.brotli:dec:{strictly 0.1.2} -> 0.1.2 (c)
| +--- org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup:tagsoup:{strictly 1.2.1} -> 1.2.1 (c)
| +--- org.codehaus.woodstox:stax2-api:{strictly 4.2.1} -> 4.2.1 (c)
| +--- org.codelibs:jhighlight:{strictly 1.0.3} -> 1.0.3 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-client:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-client:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-http:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-client:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-http-client-transport:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.gagravarr:vorbis-java-core:{strictly 0.8} -> 0.8 (c)
| +--- org.gagravarr:vorbis-java-tika:{strictly 0.8} -> 0.8 (c)
| +--- org.glassfish.jaxb:jaxb-runtime:{strictly 2.3.5} -> 2.3.5 (c)
| +--- org.jdom:jdom2:{strictly} -> (c)
| +--- org.locationtech.spatial4j:spatial4j:{strictly 0.8} -> 0.8 (c)
| +--- org.opengis:geoapi:{strictly 3.0.1} -> 3.0.1 (c)
| +--- org.ow2.asm:asm:{strictly 9.2} -> 9.2 (c)
| +--- org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:{strictly 1.7.36} -> 1.7.36 (c)
| +--- org.slf4j:jul-to-slf4j:{strictly 1.7.36} -> 1.7.36 (c)
| +--- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:{strictly 1.7.36} -> 1.7.36 (c)
| +--- org.tallison:isoparser:{strictly} -> (c)
| +--- org.tallison:jmatio:{strictly 1.5} -> 1.5 (c)
| +--- org.tallison:metadata-extractor:{strictly} -> (c)
| +--- org.tukaani:xz:{strictly 1.9} -> 1.9 (c)
| +--- org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java:{strictly} -> (c)
| +--- xerces:xercesImpl:{strictly 2.12.2} -> 2.12.2 (c)
| +--- com.zaxxer:SparseBitSet:{strictly 1.2} -> 1.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.poi:poi-ooxml-schemas:{strictly 4.1.2} -> 4.1.2 (c)
| +--- com.github.virtuald:curvesapi:{strictly 1.06} -> 1.06 (c)
| +--- io.dropwizard.metrics:metrics-jetty9:{strictly 4.1.5} -> 4.1.5 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-continuation:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-deploy:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jmx:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-rewrite:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-security:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlets:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-webapp:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-xml:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-server:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-server:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-server:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-common:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty.http2:http2-hpack:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:{strictly 3.1.0} -> 3.1.0 (c)
| +--- org.antlr:antlr4-runtime:{strictly 4.5.1-1} -> 4.5.1-1 (c)
| +--- org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:{strictly 7.2} -> 7.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-memory:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.lucene:lucene-spatial3d:{strictly 9.0.0} -> 9.0.0 (c)
| +--- io.sgr:s2-geometry-library-java:{strictly 1.0.0} -> 1.0.0 (c)
| +---{strictly 1.0.1} -> 1.0.1 (c)
| +---{strictly 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava} -> 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava (c)
| +--- org.checkerframework:checker-qual:{strictly 3.20.0} -> 3.20.0 (c)
| +---{strictly 2.10.0} -> 2.10.0 (c)
| +---{strictly 1.3} -> 1.3 (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.jackson:jackson-bom:{strictly 2.13.1} -> 2.13.1 (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-handler:{strictly 4.1.68.Final} -> 4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-transport-native-epoll:{strictly 4.1.68.Final} -> 4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-client:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- org.apache.pdfbox:fontbox:{strictly 2.0.25} -> 2.0.25 (c)
| +--- org.bouncycastle:bcutil-jdk15on:{strictly 1.70} -> 1.70 (c)
| +--- org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:{strictly 1.70} -> 1.70 (c)
| +--- org.tallison.xmp:xmpcore-shaded:{strictly 6.1.11} -> 6.1.11 (c)
| +--- com.rometools:rome-utils:{strictly 1.18.0} -> 1.18.0 (c)
| +--- jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api:{strictly 2.3.3} -> 2.3.3 (c)
| +--- org.glassfish.jaxb:txw2:{strictly 2.3.5} -> 2.3.5 (c)
| +--- com.sun.istack:istack-commons-runtime:{strictly 3.0.12} -> 3.0.12 (c)
| +--- com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:{strictly 1.2.2} -> 1.2.2 (c)
| +--- org.itadaki:bzip2:{strictly 0.9.1} -> 0.9.1 (c)
| +--- edu.ucar:udunits:{strictly 4.5.5} -> 4.5.5 (c)
| +--- joda-time:joda-time:{strictly 2.9.9} -> 2.9.9 (c)
| +--- net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-core:{strictly 2.6.2} -> 2.6.2 (c)
| +--- com.mchange:mchange-commons-java:{strictly 0.2.19} -> 0.2.19 (c)
| +--- javax.measure:unit-api:{strictly 1.0} -> 1.0 (c)
| +---{strictly 1.1} -> 1.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-referencing:{strictly 1.1} -> 1.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans:{strictly 3.1.0} -> 3.1.0 (c)
| +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util-ajax:{strictly 9.4.44.v20210927} -> 9.4.44.v20210927 (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-common:{strictly 4.1.68.Final} -> 4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-resolver:{strictly 4.1.68.Final} -> 4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-buffer:{strictly 4.1.68.Final} -> 4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-transport:{strictly 4.1.68.Final} -> 4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-codec:{strictly 4.1.68.Final} -> 4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- io.netty:netty-transport-native-unix-common:{strictly 4.1.68.Final} -> 4.1.68.Final (c)
| +--- jakarta.activation:jakarta.activation-api:{strictly 1.2.2} -> 1.2.2 (c)
| +--- org.apache.sis.core:sis-feature:{strictly 1.1} -> 1.1 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-math3:3.6.1 (c)
| +--- org.codehaus.woodstox:stax2-api:4.2.1 (c)
| +--- commons-codec:commons-codec:1.15 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-collections4:4.4 (c)
| +--- com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path:2.4.0 (c)
| +--- (c)
| +--- com.tdunning:t-digest:3.1 (c)
| +--- commons-cli:commons-cli:1.4 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-exec:1.3 (c)
| +--- com.github.zafarkhaja:java-semver:0.9.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.21 (c)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:4.5.13 (c)
| +--- org.apache.opennlp:opennlp-tools:1.9.4 (c)
| +--- commons-io:commons-io:2.11.0 (c)
| +--- com.github.ben-manes.caffeine:caffeine:3.0.5 (c)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.4.15 (c)
| +--- com.carrotsearch:hppc:0.8.2 (c)
| +--- org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java: (c)
| +--- com.fasterxml.woodstox:woodstox-core:6.2.8 (c)
| +--- org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.13 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.12.0 (c)
| +--- org.apache.commons:commons-text:1.8 (c)
| +--- javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.1.0 (c)
| \--- joda-time:joda-time:2.9.9 (c)
\--- project : (*)
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