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Title: What Stops Me From Using Perl6 Today Author: Chris Prather Date: 2009-11-16 14:12

What Stops Me From Using Perl6 Today

I have to confess mst asked me to step forward and make a comment about the [Perl5][mst] & [Perl6][masak]. I suspect because I'm a prime example of a person who's deeply involved in what masak calls the Perl5 story. This is because I've been bound up tightly with the Moose community for a while, and I've recently founded a [company][tamarou] that is doing Modern Enlightened Perl development. My bread is buttered by Perl5.

Recently because of mst and masak sparking a conversation I have started taking a really close look at Perl6. One of the things that struck me was how polished and complete the core Perl6 language was, and the Rakudo implementation.

use v6;
enum Suit <spades hearts diamonds clubs>;
enum Rank (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
'jack', 'queen', 'king', 'ace');
class Card {
has Suit $.suit;
has Rank $.rank;
jani / Oslo-Perl6-Hackathon-2012-info.yml
Created February 3, 2012 13:04 — forked from sjn/Oslo-Perl6-Hackathon-2012-invitation.mkd #perl6 hackathon theme braindump
- Status: Preliminary plan. Subject to change!
- Dates (confirmed):
- 2012-04-20 (friday evening social)
- 2012-04-21 (saturday)
- 2012-04-22 (sunday)
- Venue (confirmed):
- Redpill Linpro classrooms
- Vitaminveien 1A
- 0485 Oslo