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Last active December 29, 2015 00:59
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INFO207 spaghetti.
#!/usr/bin/env python
31388, # Digital Cameras
11724, # Camcorders
171485, # iPads, Tablets and eBook readers
73839, # iPods and MP3 players
11071, # Televisions
112529, # Headphones
139973, # Video Games
156955, # GPS units
888 # Sporting goods
from ebaysdk import finding, shopping, trading
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
from collections import *
from Queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
import logging as log
log.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d - %(message)s', level=log.DEBUG)
from urllib2 import urlopen
# ebaysdk use Soup for XML parsing
# I like soup too, :%s/re/bs4/g
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
except ImportError:
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
finder = finding(appid=EBAY_APP_ID)
shopper = shopping(appid=EBAY_APP_ID, devid=EBAY_DEV_ID, certid=EBAY_CER_ID)
trader = trading(appid=EBAY_APP_ID, devid=EBAY_DEV_ID, certid=EBAY_CER_ID, token=EBAY_USER_TOKEN)
Auction = namedtuple('Auction', ('id', 'title', 'bids', 'price', 'shipping', 'sold', 'endtime'))
Bids = namedtuple('Bids', ('sniped', 'time_left', 'bidders', 'winner_bids', 'winner_new', 'new_ratio'))
def depaginator(api, call, input, output='searchResult', page=1, max_page=100, retries=3):
while page <= max_page and retries:"Retrieving page %i", page)
api.execute(call, api._to_xml({'paginationInput': {'pageNumber': page}}) + api._to_xml(input))
log.exception("Paginator failed in API call")
result = api.response_dict()
if result.get('ack', {}).get('value') != 'Success':
retries -= 1
log.warning("Unsuccessful %s when requesting page %i of %i. Retries left: %i. Error: %s",
call, page, max_page, retries, r.get('errors'))
items = result.get(output, {}).get('item')
if items:
yield items
page += 1
def find_candidate_products_in_category(category, target=40, **pages):
products = Counter()
for page in depaginator(finder, 'findCompletedItems', {
'categoryId': category,
'sortOrder': 'BidCountMost',
'itemFilter': [{'name': 'ListingType', 'value': 'Auction'},
{'name': 'Condition', 'value': 'New'}]
}, **pages):
for item in page:
pid = item.get('productId')
if pid and pid.get('type', {}).get('value') == 'ReferenceID':
products[int(pid.get('value', 0))] += 1
if max(products.values() or (0,)) >= target or \
page[-1].get('sellingStatus', {}).get('bidCount', {}).get('value') < 2:
return products
def find_auctions_from_product_id(category, product_id, id_type='ReferenceID', **pages):
auctions = set()
for page in depaginator(finder, 'findCompletedItems', finder._to_xml({
'categoryId': category,
'sortOrder': 'BidCountMost',
'itemFilter': [{'name': 'ListingType', 'value': 'Auction'},
{'name': 'Condition', 'value': 'New'}]
}) + '<productId type="%s">%s</productId>' % (id_type, product_id), **pages):
for item in page:
ss = item.get('sellingStatus', {})
listing = Auction(
id=int(item.get('itemId', {}).get('value', 0)) or None,
title=item.get('title', {}).get('value'),
bids=int(ss.get('bidCount', {}).get('value', 0)),
price=float(ss.get('convertedCurrentPrice', {}).get('value', 0)) or None,
shipping=float(item.get('shippingInfo', {}).get('shippingServiceCost', {}).get('value', 0)),
sold=ss.get('sellingState', {}).get('value') == 'EndedWithSales',
endtime=dateparse(item.get('listingInfo', {}).get('endTime', {}).get('value')))
if listing.bids < 2:
return auctions
return auctions
def find_samples_from_category_list(categories, min_auctions=10, max_samples=3, **pages):
targets = {}
for category in categories:"Collecting products from category %i", category)
products = find_candidate_products_in_category(category, **pages).most_common(max_samples)
targets[category] = [ x[0] for x in products if x[1] > min_auctions ]
return targets
def get_bid_summary_from_auction(item, endtime, bidlimit=1, timelimit=30.0, newbidcounts=[], oldbidcounts=[]):
trader.execute('GetAllBidders', {'CallMode': 'ViewAll', 'IncludeBiddingSummary': 'true', 'ItemID': item})
bidders = trader.response_dict().get('BidArray', {}).get('Offer', [])
winner = bidders[0]
timebid = dateparse(winner.get('TimeBid', {}).get('value', ''))
bidcount = int(winner.get('BidCount', {}).get('value', 1))
timeleft = (endtime - timebid).total_seconds()
sniped = timeleft < timelimit and bidcount <= bidlimit
isnew = lambda bidder: bidder.get('User', {}).get('NewUser', {}).get('value') == 'true'
newuser = isnew(winner)
newratio = sum(isnew(bidder) for bidder in bidders) / float(len(bidders))
for bidder in bidders:
bidcounter = newbidcounts if newuser else oldbidcounts
for auction in bidder.get('User', {}).get('BiddingSummary', {}).get('ItemBidDetails', []):
except AttributeError:
return Bids(sniped, timeleft, len(bidders), bidcount, newuser, newratio)
def scrape_snipers(item, endtime=None, bidlimit=1, timelimit=30.0):
soup = BeautifulSoup(urlopen("" % item, timeout=20).read())
# Brute force date parser!
for sib in soup.find("span", text="Time Ended:").next_siblings:
if sib.text.strip():
try: endtime = dateparse(sib.text)
except SyntaxError: continue
else: break
bids = []
# How to build a house of cards in 10 easy steps
for row in soup.find(text="Starting Price").find_parent("table").find_all("tr", bgcolor=True):
a = row.find("a")
c = a.parent.next_sibling
if not a: continue # Drop proxy bids
aid = a.find(text=True, recursive=False)
bid = c.text.strip()
time = ' '.join(c.next_sibling.stripped_strings)
bids.append((aid, bid, dateparse(time)))
if not bids:
winner = bids[0][0]
if (endtime - bids[0][2]).total_seconds() < timelimit:
if len(filter(lambda x: x[0] == winner, bids)) <= bidlimit:
return True
return False
def classifier_thread(queue, results):
while True:
work = queue.get()
if not work: return
results[work[1]] = work[0](*work[1:])
log.exception("Bad things happened while classifying %s", work[1])
results[work[1]] = None
def launch_worker_pool(*args, **kwargs):
work_queue = Queue()
threads = [ Thread(target=kwargs.get('task', classifier_thread), args=(work_queue,) + args)
for id in range(kwargs.get('workers', 4)) ]
[ t.start() for t in threads ]
return (work_queue, threads)
def join_worker_pool(queue, threads):
[ queue.put(None) for t in threads ]
[ t.join() for t in threads ]
def store_auctions_dictionary():
auctions = {}
categories = find_samples_from_category_list(EBAY_CATEGORIES, max_page=40)
for category in EBAY_CATEGORIES:
auctions[category] = {}
for product in categories[category]:
auctions[category][product] = find_auctions_from_product_id(category, product)
store_obj('auctions', auctions)
def store_obj(obj, data):
import pickle
with open(obj + '.python', 'w') as fp:
pickle.dump(data, fp)
def load_obj(obj):
import pickle
with open(obj + '.python', 'r') as fp:
return pickle.load(fp)
def update_bids_from_selection(auctions, bids):
for auction in auctions:
if in bids:
summary = get_bid_summary_from_auction(, auction.endtime)
log.exception("Calculating summary failed")
bids[] = summary
def plot_ticks(auctions, bids, title=None, currency='USD'):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
sniped = [ (a.endtime, a.price + a.shipping) for a in auctions if in bids and bids[].sniped ]
unsniped = [ (a.endtime, a.price + a.shipping) for a in auctions if in bids and not bids[].sniped ]
plt.plot_date(*zip(*sniped), color='red')
plt.plot_date(*zip(*unsniped), color='green')
plt.grid(True) + ".png")
def plot_box(auctions, bids, title=None, currency='USD'):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
plt.setp(ax, xticklabels=["Normal", "Sniped"])
sniped = []
unsniped = []
for auction in auctions:
if in bids:
(sniped if bids[].sniped else unsniped).append(auction.price + auction.shipping)
ax.boxplot([unsniped, sniped])
plt.grid(True) + ".png")
def main():
from pprint import pprint
sample_targets = {888: [141695192, 143330669, 99318098],
11724: [129664853, 129678208],
31388: [100127676, 100113265, 170243795],
73839: [154044229, 92295415, 118461770],
112529: [114567862, 114624173, 114561288],
139973: [153180066, 153175722, 77244068],
156955: [109402844, 115377395, 109369394],
171485: [117365730, 166792164, 117332436]}
auctions = load_obj('auctions')
bids = load_obj('bids')
for group in auctions:
for product in auctions[group].itervalues():
auction_selection = list(product)
print "Resolving", len(auction_selection), "auctions"
update_bids_from_selection(auction_selection, bids)
plot_ticks(auction_selection, bids, title=str(product))
plot_box(auction_selection, bids, title=str(product))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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Hi, I'm new to github. Does this code find all bidders and bids for a set of past auctions (defined by keywords) on eBay using the eBay developers API? Thank you very much!

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