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Created November 26, 2023 11:20
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Tailwind Material Symbols Background Image SVG Plugin
import { Config } from "tailwindcss";
import plugin from "tailwindcss/plugin";
import { readFileSync, readdirSync } from "fs";
import { dirname, join } from "path";
export default {
// ...
plugins: [
plugin(({ addBase, theme }) => {
const colors = flattenColorPalette(theme("colors"));
":root": Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(colors).map(([key, value]) => {
return [key == "DEFAULT" ? `--color` : `--color-${key}`, value];
plugin(({ theme, matchUtilities, e }) => {
const dir = dirname(
const iconNames = readdirSync(join(dir, "outlined"))
.map((f) => f.match(/(.*)\.svg$/)?.[1])
.filter((f): f is string => f != null);
Object.fromEntries( => [
`bg-icon-${name.replaceAll("_", "-")}`,
(value) => {
let svg = readFileSync(
join(dir, "outlined", `${name}.svg`),
svg = svg.replace(
`<svg fill="${encodeURIComponent(value)}"`
svg = svg.replace(/(?<=width=")\d+(?=")/, "20");
return {
"background-image": `url('data:image/svg+xml,${svg}')`,
values: flattenColorPalette(theme("colors")),
type: "color",
} satisfies Config;
function flattenColorPalette(
colors: Record<string, string | Record<string, string>>,
prefix = ""
): Record<string, string> {
return Object.entries(colors).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
const prefixedKey = prefix ? `${prefix}-${key}` : key;
if (typeof value == "string") return { ...acc, [prefixedKey]: value };
return { ...acc, ...flattenColorPalette(value, prefixedKey) };
}, {});
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