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Created October 19, 2013 13:42
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Simple table for documentation header
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{ l | X | X | X | X | X }
\textbf{Projekt} & \multicolumn{5}{ l }{\textbf{[project name]}} \\
Tytuł& \multicolumn{5}{ l }{[document title]} \\
Temat & \multicolumn{5}{ l }{[document subject]} \\
Autorzy & \multicolumn{5}{ l }{[authors]} \\
File & \multicolumn{5}{ l }{[file]} \\
Wersja & [version] & Status & [status] & Data utworzenia & [date] \\
Abstrakt & \multicolumn{5}{ p{11cm} }{[Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract Abstract ]} \\
Acceptance?? & \multicolumn{3}{ l |}{[document subject]} & Last mod?? & [date] \\
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