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Last active December 29, 2015 21:59
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SSH key based authentication
## Password less ssh
1. Create new keyfile `ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""`
2. Push it to remote server `cat ~/.ssh/<name_of_your_public_key> | ssh <user@host> "mkdir ~/.ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"`
3. Add new key to keyvalut `ssh-add id_rsa` if you get error that `Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.` you need to run `ssh-agent bash` and then `ssh-add id_rsa` but this will stay until you log out. So better option is to create config
`vim ~/.ssh/config`
and fill it with following template
Host <host 1>
HostName <host_name_or_ip>
User <user>
IdentityFile <private key file>
Host <host 2>
HostName <host_name_or_ip>
User <user>
IdentityFile <private key file>
4. Login using `ssh <host 1>`
## Tunel connection
1. Create tunel (it must be done for every server)
`ssh -f -L <local_port>:<remote_host>:22 user@host -N ` remember to add option `ServerAliveInterval 60`
(e.g `ssh -f -L 2023: gamma -N `)
2. You can add above command to startup script (put it in `/etc/rc.local` or create coronjob `@reboot`
2. Update `.ssh/config` to look like
Host <remote host>
HostName localhost
User <remote_user>
Port <local_port>
## Second option
SSH proxies
If you have an SSH server that’s only accessible to you via an SSH session on an intermediate machine, which is a very common situation when dealing with remote networks using private RFC1918 addresses through network address translation, you can automate that in .ssh/config too. Say you can’t reach the host nathost directly, but you can reach some other SSH server on the same private subnet that is publically accessible,
Host nathost
ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p
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