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Last active March 9, 2016 15:22
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Save janisz/8b20eaa1197728e09d6a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
JSON deserialization benchmark
package main
//Results from below tests show why we've decided to use ffjson instead of json deserializer
import "testing"
import (
var blob = []byte(`{
"id": "unique-id",
"user": {
"email": "",
"username": "heavybutterfly920",
"password": "enterprise",
"salt": "egEn6YsO",
"md5": "2dd1894ea9d19bf5479992da95713a3a",
"sha1": "ba230bc400723f470b68e9609ab7d0e6cf123b59",
"registered": "1303647245",
"dob": "415458547",
"phone": "994-131-106",
"cell": "626-695-164",
"DNI": "52434048-I"
var wrongBlob = []byte(`{"NOT JSON"...}`)
func BenchmarkJsonUnmarshal(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var userWithId UserWithId
if err := json.Unmarshal(blob, &userWithId); err != nil {
b.Log("%v %s\n", userWithId, err)
func BenchmarkFastJsonUnmarshal(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var userWithId UserWithId
if err := userWithId.UnmarshalJSON(blob); err != nil {
b.Log("%v %s\n", userWithId, err)
func BenchmarkJsonErrUnmarshal(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var userWithId UserWithId
if err := json.Unmarshal(wrongBlob, &userWithId); err == nil {
b.Log("Expected error but got nil")
func BenchmarkFastJsonErrUnmarshal(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
var userWithId UserWithId
if err := userWithId.UnmarshalJSON(wrongBlob); err == nil {
b.Log("Expected error but got nil")
go test -bench=. -benchmem
testing: warning: no tests to run
BenchmarkJsonUnmarshal-4 100000 15354 ns/op 1875 B/op 37 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastJsonUnmarshal-4 200000 7200 ns/op 1555 B/op 31 allocs/op
BenchmarkJsonErrUnmarshal-4 2000000 1027 ns/op 384 B/op 9 allocs/op
BenchmarkFastJsonErrUnmarshal-4 500000 2598 ns/op 528 B/op 13 allocs/op
ok 7.606s
package main
type user map[string]string
type UserWithId struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
User user `json:"user"`
// Code generated by ffjson <>
// source: ../ALTT/metadata-service/model/user.go
package main
import (
fflib ""
const (
ffj_t_UserWithIdbase = iota
var ffj_key_UserWithId_ID = []byte("id")
var ffj_key_UserWithId_User = []byte("user")
func (uj *UserWithId) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
return uj.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)
func (uj *UserWithId) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
var err error = nil
currentKey := ffj_t_UserWithIdbase
_ = currentKey
tok := fflib.FFTok_init
wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init
for {
tok = fs.Scan()
// println(fmt.Sprintf("debug: tok: %v state: %v", tok, state))
if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
goto tokerror
switch state {
case fflib.FFParse_map_start:
if tok != fflib.FFTok_left_bracket {
wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_left_bracket
goto wrongtokenerror
state = fflib.FFParse_want_key
case fflib.FFParse_after_value:
if tok == fflib.FFTok_comma {
state = fflib.FFParse_want_key
} else if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {
goto done
} else {
wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_comma
goto wrongtokenerror
case fflib.FFParse_want_key:
// json {} ended. goto exit. woo.
if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {
goto done
if tok != fflib.FFTok_string {
wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_string
goto wrongtokenerror
kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
if len(kn) <= 0 {
// "" case. hrm.
currentKey = ffj_t_UserWithIdno_such_key
state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
goto mainparse
} else {
switch kn[0] {
case 'i':
if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_UserWithId_ID, kn) {
currentKey = ffj_t_UserWithId_ID
state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
goto mainparse
case 'u':
if bytes.Equal(ffj_key_UserWithId_User, kn) {
currentKey = ffj_t_UserWithId_User
state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
goto mainparse
if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffj_key_UserWithId_User, kn) {
currentKey = ffj_t_UserWithId_User
state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
goto mainparse
if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffj_key_UserWithId_ID, kn) {
currentKey = ffj_t_UserWithId_ID
state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
goto mainparse
currentKey = ffj_t_UserWithIdno_such_key
state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
goto mainparse
case fflib.FFParse_want_colon:
if tok != fflib.FFTok_colon {
wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_colon
goto wrongtokenerror
state = fflib.FFParse_want_value
case fflib.FFParse_want_value:
if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
switch currentKey {
case ffj_t_UserWithId_ID:
goto handle_ID
case ffj_t_UserWithId_User:
goto handle_User
case ffj_t_UserWithIdno_such_key:
err = fs.SkipField(tok)
if err != nil {
return fs.WrapErr(err)
state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
goto mainparse
} else {
goto wantedvalue
/* handler: uj.ID type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
} else {
outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
uj.ID = string(string(outBuf))
state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
goto mainparse
/* handler: uj.User type=model.user kind=map quoted=false*/
if tok != fflib.FFTok_left_bracket && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for user", tok))
if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
uj.User = nil
} else {
uj.User = make(map[string]string, 0)
wantVal := true
for {
var k string
var tmp_uj__User string
tok = fs.Scan()
if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
goto tokerror
if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {
if tok == fflib.FFTok_comma {
if wantVal == true {
// TODO(pquerna): this isn't an ideal error message, this handles
// things like [,,,] as an array value.
return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("wanted value token, but got token: %v", tok))
} else {
wantVal = true
/* handler: k type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
} else {
outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
k = string(string(outBuf))
// Expect ':' after key
tok = fs.Scan()
if tok != fflib.FFTok_colon {
return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("wanted colon token, but got token: %v", tok))
tok = fs.Scan()
/* handler: tmp_uj__User type=string kind=string quoted=false*/
if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))
if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
} else {
outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()
tmp_uj__User = string(string(outBuf))
uj.User[k] = tmp_uj__User
wantVal = false
state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
goto mainparse
return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("wanted value token, but got token: %v", tok))
return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("ffjson: wanted token: %v, but got token: %v output=%s", wantedTok, tok, fs.Output.String()))
if fs.BigError != nil {
return fs.WrapErr(fs.BigError)
err = fs.Error.ToError()
if err != nil {
return fs.WrapErr(err)
panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")
return nil
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