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Last active November 19, 2020 09:21
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Benchmark of eZ Platform EE 2.5.15 install on Composer 1.10 and 2.0

Recently I did a round of benchmark on the performance and memory implications for an install of Ibexa Experience. You can find this article with some analysis of results here: Benchmarks of Composer 2.0 vs 1.10 with Ibexa DXP

Björn Köster was interested in if I had did any tests for eZ Platform EE 2.5. I had not, but have now. Similar to with Ibexa DXP, the improvements are significant on 2.0. Scripts used for this (single) benchmark are in other files. See raw results below.


Composer 1.10:

Thu Nov 19 09:38:52 EET 2020
Darwin kampela.local 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Thu Oct 29 22:56:45 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.2.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
PHP 7.4.12 (cli) (built: Oct 29 2020 18:37:21) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.4.12, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
Composer version 1.10.7 2020-06-03 10:03:56
composer install v2.5.15 empty caches, no composer.lock: 289
composer req novactive/ezseobundle, full caches: 55
composer install v2.5.15 empty caches, with composer.lock: 197
composer install v2.5.15 full caches, with composer.lock: 16


Composer 2.0:

Thu Nov 19 09:29:57 EET 2020
Darwin kampela.local 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Thu Oct 29 22:56:45 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.2.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
PHP 7.4.12 (cli) (built: Oct 29 2020 18:37:21) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.4.0, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.4.12, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
Composer version 2.0.7 2020-11-13 17:31:06
composer install v2.5.15 empty caches, no composer.lock: 198
composer req novactive/ezseobundle, full caches: 9
composer install v2.5.15 empty caches, with composer.lock: 184
composer install v2.5.15 full caches, with composer.lock: 10
composer selfupdate --2
sleep 10
cp results.txt 2_0-3.txt
composer selfupdate 1.10.7
sleep 10
cp results.txt 1_10-3.txt
sleep 60
composer selfupdate 1.10.7
composer clearcache
rm -rf results.txt
rm -rf ibexa
composer clearcache
date > results.txt
uname -a >> results.txt
php --version >> results.txt
composer --version >> results.txt
git clone ibexa
cd ibexa
git checkout v2.5.15
rm -rf composer.lock
sed -i -e 's/@symfony-scripts/ps x -o rss,vsz,command | grep composer >> ..\/results.txt/' composer.json
composer install --no-interaction
duration=$(( SECONDS - start ))
echo "composer install v2.5.15 empty caches, no composer.lock: $duration" >> ../results.txt
sleep 30
composer req novactive/ezseobundle
duration=$(( SECONDS - start ))
echo "composer req novactive/ezseobundle, full caches: $duration" >> ../results.txt
sleep 30
cp composer.lock ..
cd ..
rm -rf ibexa
git clone ibexa
cd ibexa
git checkout v2.5.15
cp ../composer.lock .
sed -i -e 's/@symfony-scripts/ps x -o rss,vsz,command | grep composer >> ..\/results.txt/' composer.json
composer clearcache
composer install --no-interaction
duration=$(( SECONDS - start ))
echo "composer install v2.5.15 empty caches, with composer.lock: $duration" >> ../results.txt
cp composer.lock ..
cd ..
rm -rf ibexa
git clone ibexa
cd ibexa
git checkout v2.5.15
cp ../composer.lock .
sed -i -e 's/@symfony-scripts/ps x -o rss,vsz,command | grep composer >> ..\/results.txt/' composer.json
composer install --no-interaction
duration=$(( SECONDS - start ))
echo "composer install v2.5.15 full caches, with composer.lock: $duration" >> ../results.txt
date > results.txt
echo "\nResults: "
cat ../results.txt
Copy link

bjko commented Nov 19, 2020

thank you!

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