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Created February 13, 2012 18:15
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var sys = require("sys");
var pg = require("pg");
var connStr = "tcp://postgres:admin@localhost:5432/c9_businessrules"; // @todo: to config
var entities = {
product: require("./entities/product"),
contract: require("./entities/contract"),
delivery: require("./entities/delivery"),
contractType: require("./entities/contracttype"),
log_contract: require("./entities/log_contract"),
log_transaction: require("./entities/log_transaction"),
transaction: require("./entities/transaction")
var client = new pg.Client(connStr);
client.on("drain", client.end.bind(client));
module.exports = function (username) {
// username should be specified to tell us what user you are
if (!username || typeof username !== "string") {
throw new Error("Username is required as the first parameter");
var exp = (function () {
* Get all current versions of a certain type
var getAll = function (type, callback) {
getAllWithClauses(type, "", [], callback);
* Get all current versions from a certain type, but specify some fancy info
var getAllWithClauses = function (type, preparedClause, preparedValues, callback) {
var query = "SELECT * FROM " + type.prototype.metadata.view + " " + preparedClause;
client.query(query, preparedValues, function (err, res) {
if (typeof callback === "function") {
if (res && res.rows) {
res.rows.forEach(function (r) {
r.prototype = type.prototype;
r.constructor = type.constructor;
// now i want
// res.rows[0] instanceof type to equal true
callback(err, res && res.rows);
* Get the most recent version of a specific type and id
var getById = function (type, id, callback) {
client.query("SELECT * FROM " + type.prototype.metadata.view + " WHERE id = $1", [ id ], function (err, res) {
if (typeof callback === "function") {
callback(err, res && res.rows && res.rows[0]);
* Get a specific version of a type
var getByAutonumber = function (type, autonumber, callback) {
client.query("SELECT * FROM " + type.prototype.metadata.table + " WHERE autonumber = $1", [ autonumber ], function (err, res) {
if (typeof callback === "function") {
callback(err, res && res.rows && res.rows[0]);
* Store an object
var saveNewVersion = function (type, obj, callback) {
if (!(obj instanceof type)) {
return callback("The object is not of the provided type");
// find required fields
var keys = Object.keys(type.prototype.fields);
var mandatory = keys.filter(function (f) {
return f.required;
// object map for the query
var data = {};
// add id if versioned
if (type.prototype.metadata.versioned) {
mandatory.push("id"); =;
data.insertuser = username;
// do validation
for (var ix = 0; ix < mandatory.length; ix++) {
if (!obj[mandatory[ix]]) {
return callback("Field " + mandatory[ix] + " is mandatory but has no value");
// create an object map with data required to do the query
keys.forEach(function (key) {
if (obj[key]) {
data[key] = obj[key];
// postgres-node wants a list of $1, $2, $3 etc.
var valueList = [];
for (var ix = 0; ix < Object.keys(data).length; ix++) {
valueList.push("$" + (ix+1));
var query = "INSERT INTO " + type.prototype.metadata.table + " (" + Object.keys(data).join(", ") + ") ";
query += "VALUES (" + valueList.join(", ") + ")";
var values = Object.keys(data).map(function (key) { return data[key]; });
// now query it
client.query(query, values, function (err, res) {
callback(err, res && res[0]);
* Retrieve a list of all products
var getProducts = function (callback) {
getAll(entities.product, callback);
* Save a product
var insertProduct = function (product, callback) {
saveNewVersion(entities.product, product, callback);
* Retrieve a list of all contract types per product
var getContractTypesByProductId = function (productId, callback) {
getAllWithClauses(entities.contractType, "WHERE productId = $1", [ productId ], callback);
* Save a contract type
var insertContractType = function (contractType, callback) {
saveNewVersion(entities.contractType, contractType, callback);
return {
getProducts: getProducts,
insertProduct: insertProduct,
getContractTypesByProductId: getContractTypesByProductId,
insertContractType: insertContractType
var _self = this;
Object.keys(exp).forEach(function (key) {
_self[key] = exp[key];
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