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Last active April 8, 2017 13:10
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# Generate a RStudio*.AppImage (either stable or one of the dailies) file which can be used by
# marking it as axecuteable and simply running it
# ./rstudio 1.1.90 # version downloads a daily
# chmod +x RStudio*.AppImage
# ./RStudio*.AppImage
# It uses the provided deb for an older ubuntu and adds the required packages from debian oldstable
set -e
LOWERAPP=rstudio # ${APP,,}
mkdir -p ./$APP/$APP.AppDir/usr/lib
cd ./$APP/
wget -q -O ./
. ./
# We get this app and almost all its dependencies via apt-get
# but not using the host system's information about what is
# installed on the system but our own assumptions instead
echo "deb oldstable main contrib non-free
" > sources.list
if [[ "x$1x" == "xx" ]] ; then
wget -c ""
wget -c "$1-amd64.deb"
# Add local repository so that we can install deb files
# that were downloaded outside of a repository
dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz
echo "deb file:$(readlink -e $PWD) ./" >> sources.list
apt-get $OPTIONS update
# running rstudio in the appimage runtime expects libxml2 in some special place, so move it there later on
URLS=$(apt-get $OPTIONS -y install --print-uris $LOWERAPP libxml2 | cut -d "'" -f 2 | grep -e "^http")
wget -c $URLS
cd ./$APP.AppDir/
find ../*.deb -exec dpkg -x {} . \; || true
cp ./usr/share/applications/$LOWERAPP.desktop .
rm -rf ./usr/share/icons/48x48/apps || true
find ./usr/share/icons -path *256* -name $LOWERAPP.png -exec cp {} . \; || true
find ./usr/share/icons -path *512* -name $LOWERAPP.png -exec cp {} . \; || true
# Copy in the indirect dependencies
# copy_deps # not needed here due to the way we use apt to download everything
# mv doesn't really work due to non-empty directories...
cp -r ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* ./usr/lib/ && rm -R ./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/*
mkdir ./lib
# No idea why, but now it works...
mv ./usr/lib/ ./lib
rm -rf ./etc/ ./home/ || true
# rstudio has a nonstandard naming :-/
VER1=$(find ../*.deb -name "${LOWERAPP}-*" | head -n 1 | cut -d "-" -f 2 )
# the get_desktopintegration function usually installs the wrapper + desktop file, but this doesn't work here
# because of the directory layout of rstudio
mkdir -p ./usr/bin
wget -O ./usr/bin/rstudio.wrapper
chmod +x ./usr/bin/rstudio.wrapper
# the wrapper expects a /usr/bin/<NAME> binary, so create one...
(cd ./usr/bin ; rm -rvf rstudio; ln -s ../lib/rstudio/bin/rstudio .)
# rstudio ships with a full path to /usr/lib/rstudio/bin/rstudio, but we want to use a wrapper
sed -i -e "s|^Exec=.*|Exec=$LOWERAPP.wrapper|g" *.desktop
# Go out of AppImage
cd ..
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