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Created June 21, 2012 09:30
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Save jankeesvw/2964830 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
window.PorfolioItem = class PorfolioItem
constructor: (domElement) ->
@animation = {}
@animation.value = 0
@animation.iteration = 0
@animation.animating = false
@element = ($ domElement)
# find the images in the dom element
regularImage = @element.find ''
hoverImage = @element.find 'img.hover'
# get the urls
@regularImageURL = ($ regularImage).attr('src')
@hoverImageURL = ($ hoverImage).attr('src')
#remove the images from the DOM
#create a new canvas object
canvas = $('<canvas width="174px" height="174px" />').prependTo @element.find('article')
#get the DOM element
@stage = new Stage canvas.get(0)
#create a new shape (later used for the waves mask)
@mask = new Shape()"#F00"), -30, 30)
#create a container
@container = new Container()
@stage.addChild @container
@size = canvas.width()
#load the images in the Canvas object
loadImages: ->
# regular image
regularImage = new Image()
regularImage.src = @regularImageURL
regularImage.onload = =>
@bmpBack = new Bitmap(regularImage)
# regular image
hoverImage = new Image()
hoverImage.src = @hoverImageURL
hoverImage.onload = =>
@bmpFront = new Bitmap(hoverImage)
imageLoaded: ->
#are both images loaded?
if @bmpBack && @bmpFront
#add image to canvas object
#set the mask
@bmpFront.mask = @mask
#update the stage
addListeners: ->
@element.mouseenter (e) =>
@animation.iteration = 0
@animationFrameID = window.requestAnimationFrame => @tick()
@element.mouseleave (e) =>
window.cancelAnimationFrame @animationFrameID @mask, 1,
y: 200
ease: Back.easeIn
onUpdate: =>
tick: ->
@animation.iteration += 0.5
waveHeight = ( Math.sin(@animation.iteration / 10)) * 30
waveSpeed = 0.001 * 10
@animation.waveSpeed = @animation.iteration / 20
@mask.y = @animation.value
mousePosition = @element.position().top - window.mouseYPos
@mask.y = @size - mousePosition + 30
for i in [0..175] #seriously? yes. seriously!
@animation.waveSpeed += waveSpeed
ypos = Math.sin(@animation.waveSpeed) * waveHeight, ypos) - 1, 400), 400)
@animationFrameID = window.requestAnimationFrame => @tick()
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