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Last active January 5, 2020 14:16
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Generated by XState Viz:
const machine = Machine(
id: 'prebillerVerified',
initial: 'disabled',
context: {
warnings: {
coverageForms: {
message: 'At least one Payer must be active.',
on: true,
valid: values => values.some(c => c.policyActive),
patient: {
message: 'Patient Address must be specified.',
on: false,
valid: ({ address1, city, state, zip }) =>
address1 && city && state && zip.length === 5,
locations: {
message: 'Both addresses must either be a Facility or a Residence.',
on: false,
valid: ([a, b]) => {
const isFacility = l =>
l.location && l.location.hasOwnProperty('emsFacilityId');
return (
(isFacility(a) || a.isResidence) &&
(isFacility(b) || b.isResidence)
zollMsg: {
'Cannot unset Prebiller Verified because trip was exported to Zoll.',
on: false,
chiefComplaintForm: {
message: 'Chief Complaint must be selected.',
on: false,
valid: ({ chiefComplaint }) =>,
chiefComplaintNotAllowedMessage: {
message: 'Selected Chief Complaint does not allow verification.',
on: false,
states: {
disabled: {
id: 'disabled',
on: {
CHANGE: 'changed',
changed: {
entry: ['valueChanges'],
on: {
'': [
{ target: 'enabled', cond: 'noWarnings' },
{ target: 'disabled' },
enabled: {
initial: 'unchecked',
on: {
CHANGE: 'changed',
states: {
unchecked: {
on: {
CHECK: 'checked',
checked: {
on: { UNCHECK: 'unchecked' },
actions: {
valueChanges: assign({
warnings: (context, event) => {
if (context.warnings[].valid(event.values)) {
context.warnings[].on = false;
} else {
context.warnings[].on = true;
context.warnings.displayText = Object.values(context.warnings).reduce(
(acc, curr) => {
if (curr.on) {
acc += curr.message + '\n';
return acc;
return { ...context.warnings };
guards: {
noWarnings: context => !Object.values(context.warnings).some(w => w.on),
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